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All sorted now and very happy with the outcome also are tyron ok


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well thats it then, have now been to the dealer twice now, and youve guessed it, they found damp in the floor rear and along the sides of vehicle as part of their damp check which they specified as part of the deal, however i already knew this as i came prepared with an independant damp check, already confirmed, all this in a one owner four year old vehicle, never in my wildest dreams did i expect this to happen, i think this is disgusting in a not that old vehicle, However i am full of praise now for the dealer who talked the problem through with me and together the problem will be resolved, at of course at great cost to me, because of this i will never buy another british made motorhome and am glad my next one will be german built, Apparently more and more dealers are insisting on damp checks on part exchange vehicles, i wonder why, do they know something that we dont, or didnt.

what i will say is that after initial concerns and after going along twice to the them now, i have found the dealer to be one of the best that i have been to, the set up is out of this world with well laid out showrooms and nice and busy workshops etc and my salesperson was very helpful and informative, and indeed very customer orientated, which to me goes a long way so hopefully all will now be well,


The only qualm i have is that once again iwill have a m/home built on the fiat chassis the only problem is once again NO SPARE WHEEL so i am wondering if anyone else is using the TYRON puncture repair service, and for £65 for three years is this a good deal, your comments would be appreciated. regards to all.




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Sorry Mike - but I'm not familiar with your tale of woe?


What van is it and how long have you had it please as it sounds like a far from satisfactory conclusion to me?


Are you changing the van or has yours never had a spare wheel?


We have had two vans with Tyron bands fitted and there was no fee to pay, although as both were used and we never had a puncture on either van in seven years I wouldn't know about charges?


Sorry if I sound dumb - that's because I are!!

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ah right, ordered new van at nec, and to part ex existing one but was told that they would need to damp test existing one, also was not at the time happy with some of the terms specified after order was signed,my existing van is a ---------- have to be careful here, and should not have developed serious damp at this age, needed to change anyway for 4 belted seats ( grandchildren ) and 2/4 berth viewed the burstner and loved it so placed order, having already had 4 odd years worrying about punctures i ended up with another fiat euro 5, no spare wheel hence my asking for advice on the tyron puncture repair service regards.
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Hi Rudders, I too have a Fiat X250 with no spare wheel. I treated the tyres to puncture seal which was very effective but did not win any friends when the front tyres were replaced. I had also fitted Tyrons and the puncture seal made quite a mess.


I have signed up with the Tyron assist programme but have had no need to call them........so far!


However I am seriously considering a spare wheel when I travel to northern Scotland

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Hi Rudders..Glad that you're "very happy" with the outcome..

...but not wishing to be put too much of a dampener on things,I wouldn't be judging how good the dealer is by how flashy their showrooms are..and I'd be saving any praise for them,until such times as they've done something for you... ;-) (..so far it sounds as if it's all been at your expense..?)


..and if concerned about the lack of a spare,just check if you have the spare payload/axle loading and just get a spare wheel...



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Phill Fougere - 2012-11-27 6:43 AM


Hi Rudders, I too have a Fiat X250 with no spare wheel. I treated the tyres to puncture seal which was very effective but did not win any friends when the front tyres were replaced. I had also fitted Tyrons and the puncture seal made quite a mess.


I have signed up with the Tyron assist programme but have had no need to call them........so far!


However I am seriously considering a spare wheel when I travel to northern Scotland

How did puncture seal make a mess, you just wash it out with water.

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I hear what you are saying, and i am not jumping the gun with the dealer, however i feel a lot more at ease now that ive seen the place,and yes plenty of payload on new van but not enough internal space for spare, and dont want to get underneath frame for spare as the total cost would be collosal regards.


And Phill thanks for info on tyron assist, seems handy to have this backup, regards.

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It's all very well saying 'just get a spare wheel' but they are very bulky, weigh about 30 kgs and you have to have a suitable storage facility for one so it really is not that simple.


One option is to carry a spare tyre only that can be fitted should it be needed - OK not quite ideal but better than nowt and a compromise in weight so maybe easier to locate?


We too for the first time ever this year have had issues with dealers 'finding' damp that did, or did not, exist when we changed vans. Being generous the two that found damp did so on a very wet day during a wet spell in what we euphemistically called 'summer' this year and I have to wonder whether condensation played it's part in alleged under locker 'damp' as we were using the van at the time. One dealer said it was minimal and not to worry as it was no big deal in a 6 year old van, and the other made a big issue of it and wanted over £3000 knocked off the p/x to pay for repairs which they said was what it would cost me as a customer to have the work done - not what it would cost them had they 'discovered' after the event. As that followed on from an 'almost too good to be true' deal at a very wet show the cynic in me did wonder? That episode did little to endear me to them and I doubt we will ever return to them. We found two other dealers who checked it out and both declared it dry - the same as my own damp test meter had all along - on dry days by coincidence!


So my advice before having a van damp checked is to open all lockers and cupboards and use a dehumidifier to dry the air for a few days - you will be amazed at the volume of water it pulls out of the air! If you can keep the van under cover even better and then take it in to do the deal in dry weather to give yourself a better than even chance of not being 'done' for condensation instead of structural damp.

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Guest JudgeMental
rudders - 2012-11-27 10:11 AM


I hear what you are saying, and i am not jumping the gun with the dealer, however i feel a lot more at ease now that ive seen the place,and yes plenty of payload on new van but not enough internal space for spare, and dont want to get underneath frame for spare as the total cost would be collosal regards.


And Phill thanks for info on tyron assist, seems handy to have this backup, regards.



When's the last time you had a high speed puncture let alone any sort of puncture. £70 puncture seal more then enough to spend.



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JudgeMental - 2012-11-27 10:49 AM


When's the last time you had a high speed puncture let alone any sort of puncture. £70 puncture seal more then enough to spend.



That is a fair comment and tempting fate, we have not had even a slow puncture for many years so maybe puncture seal is a good idea instead of a spare wheel?


That said one does hear tales of blown tyres, or tyres that get shredded on motorways when it is difficult to stop safely from time to time and I guess many of us live with that fear?


I do know from the experience of others that getting the right size and load index replacement tyre can be quite difficult at times as some motorhome sizes are very specific especially abroad where the language barrier does not help and this fuels the desire for a working spare.


I met one guy last year who was sold an incorrect tyre just to get mobile again in France and then had to replace that with a new correct tyre on his return to the UK. He would never buy another van without a spare.


Equally I've met plenty of people who have never had a puncture and would never bother with carrying a spare - so you takes yer pick I guess?


That said, I too do see puncture seal as a good halfway measure given the rarity of tyre bursts these days - especially if appropriate tyre pressures are applied and maintained and tyres regularly inspected for cuts and damage because one of the reasons for tyre failure is overheating caused by under inflation which in turn causes the tyre to fail at it's weakest point.

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JudgeMental - 2012-11-27 12:05 PM


Was I talking to you? Leave me alone?


I'm sorry if you feel offended and that I am not entitled to post a balanced view on a public forum.

I was not 'talking' to you as you put it - you made a very valid point and I posted a balanced point of view for the benefit of everyone who reads this forum.

I was acting like a grown up, agreeing with you, politely, no rudeness, no bad feeling, no grudges, and this is how you respond?

And even when I do disagree with you I do so politely?

Why do you persist with such bad feeling - I really do not understand??


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I understand that Tryon bands DO NOT stop puntures but help in the case of a "blow out."


I have been using a punture sealant by a company called Punturesafe UK for the last five years (two vans) I have not had a punture yet (may be tempting fate!) approx 45k miles. I cost me approx £60 for the four tyres and I lose very little pressure. The chaps who change tyres I understand don't mind this sealant as it will wash off with warm water. The Halfords type of sealant sticks to the rim.


Looking at the leaflet I have from Punturesafe, It states "The only punture prevention treatment supplied to the Royal Mail plc, for their 32000 vechile fleet".


Puntursafe comes from my part of the woods in Exeter and have agents through out the UK.




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Guest JudgeMental
sensible choice Anne. had puncture seal on last camper as did not carry spare due to weight constraints...panel van we now have has a spare as well but no payload issues, but will get around to getting puncture seal again...
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Hi can I put a PS to my reply.


The old chestnut, have your van weighed then armed with the info contact tyre makers of your van and ask them for the correct pressures. I would also suggest you phone them and ask them the pressures you should be using and say a week later e-mail and ask them the same thing!!!!


I did this once and I received two different answers!! but sorted it in the end.





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yes - a variety of points raised here....


Damp check by dealers?

Yes we had one severalyears ago, who claimed to find damp in the overcab. Not a lot we could do about it, but the reduction, to be fair, was minimal. They also found a small chip on the windscreen, which was sorted under our own insurance policy.


Spare Wheel?

No spare on our van as supplied by Burstner, and we did not opt for this. It was a case of weight cost of around 30kg plus mounting space, rather than monetary cost I have to say. However we did have the punture safe (or similar- can't rememberr the actual name of the product installed) and when we came to need new tyres simply menitoned this to Kwik-fit, I think it was, and there was no problem with this. I then had the product inserted into these two tyres similarly, and would continue to do so in the event of further replacement.



This product will cover the likes of slow punctures, but not blow-outs, and i understand Tyron would be potentially more effective in the latter case. I do feel concerned sometimes, but one of the questions on the insurance policy generally asks if any modifications have taken place. To this my answer is 'no',so I have no reason to assume that I have acted in good faith, told the truth, and my insurers are aware ther is no spare.In terms of convenience, yes, this could casue a delay, I guess, as a new tyre would need to be sourced instantly - in principal this is little different from the 'spacesaver'variety in most cars now, but of course cars tyres are more easily and genrally available in the sizes required!

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Going with the spare wheel issue (Or not in most cases) has anyone fallen foul with a recovery service abroad in that they will not assist if you dont carry a spare wheel? I remember it being a requirement for some of the Breakdown companies when I was researching last year. Now whether they can insist if the vehicle was never fitted with a spare I dont know.
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This is something we had considered, but as our Breakdown policy is included with the motorhome policy, surely on the basis that we have insured and advised the insurers that the van has not been modified, they must accept the vehicle does NOT have a spare......this must equally apply to all parts of the policy,I would have thought ..and hope!
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tonyishuk - 2012-11-28 7:55 PM


If not carrying a spare wheel, is it worth carrying a spare tyre ? Slightly lighter and cheaper ?



The salesmen taking on my concerns with a spare wheel and nowhere to put it also suggested carrying a spare tyre, however would probably get towed into garage tyre service with green flag as i dont think they would do the work on site, and if i subscibed to tyron, then how would they react to me supplying my own tyre. !!!!
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