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Spanish gas fill adaptors - 2 designs ??


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I have two Spanish Gas adapters one from Gaslow and one from Gas4cars. The Gaslow one has what appears to be a non-return valve, the other is straight through.


If Gaslow have gone to the added expense of fitting this valve they must have thought it necessary yet Gas4cars appears not to see this as necessary.


I would be interested to hear the views of anyone with experience in this area I was planning to sell the Gaslow one and keep the other which is part of a 3 piece combination set but now I am concerned that the gas4cars item may not be safe to use.


Any thoughts guys?

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There is a non return valve on the filler point or else the gas would leak out pretty quick!


Another one on the adaptor will be a bit of belt and braces, and anyway when it's removed the non return valve is removed as well.


I have found no fewer than FOUR different adaptors in Spain, Cup, Acme thread, bayonette (like the UK) and the new Euronozzle. They sometimes have adaptors behind the counter but not always.



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hallii - 2012-12-14 2:54 PM



I have found no fewer than FOUR different adaptors in Spain, Cup, Acme thread, bayonette (like the UK) and the new Euronozzle. They sometimes have adaptors behind the counter but not always.




I have this set do you think I will have most situations covered or am I in trouble?




We are traveling down in the NY and will be depending on one small Gaslow bottle for heating until we reach site where we have a Spanish bottle we can use? That leaves us a Calor in reserve for the journey back if we can't refill before setting off.


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I have this set do you think I will have most situations covered or am I in trouble?




We are traveling down in the NY and will be depending on one small Gaslow bottle for heating until we reach site where we have a Spanish bottle we can use? That leaves us a Calor in reserve for the journey back if we can't refill before setting off.


That set plus the bayonette fitting on your filler will do the job nicely.

There are lots of LPG (GPL) filling places in Spain, most Repsol and motrway stations will have it. Out in the sticks you might have to find a small dusty yard with one pump, don't worry, someone will appear and all will be well!




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