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Enjoy a great retirment

John Mitchinson

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Hello Motorhome blogs


We are having a great retirement in our motorhome. traveling all over Europe, to stunning destinations.


the problem is we appear to be the only people from the UK doing so.


We meet so many people from all over Europe.In fact in Tuscanyand Slovenia in 2011 we were the only people from UK ever to stay on many of these stunning locations.

This prompted us to write our story in retirement a new e book www.through-our-windscreen.com, many experiences many dos and don'ts over 200,000 miles over 20 years in the writing. a must e book for people coming up to retirement and how to handle 24/7 365 days a year holidays staying in stunning locations free of charge.Come on people get adventure in your lives.

have fun John and Kath Mitchinson .


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I don't wish to pour scorn on your e-book, but I do feel you need a good proof-reader before you publish.


There are punctuation errors and a problem with apostrophe's:

The information in this e-book is for evey one great for families if they are looking for the great escape that does not cost a fortune. A Worcestershire couples amazing adventure story in retirement.


Also spelling mistakes:

retirment, descibed, duation, accomadation, mortor home



Personally, I look at www.hankthetank.co.uk and http://www.magbaztravels.com/


Don't mean to sound negative


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John Mitchinson - 2012-12-28 3:54 AM




We meet so many people from all over Europe.In fact in Tuscanyand Slovenia in 2011 we were the only people from UK ever to stay on many of these stunning locations.


What world do you live in?

Our first visit to Slovenia the first site we stayed on at least 50% of the pitches were occupied by Brits! :D

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Guest Peter James
Hawcara - 2012-12-28 9:27 AM


I don't wish to pour scorn on your e-book, but I do feel you need a good proof-reader before you publish.


There are punctuation errors and a problem with apostrophe's:



Also spelling mistakes:

retirment, descibed, duation, accomadation, mortor home



Personally, I look at www.hankthetank.co.uk and http://www.magbaztravels.com/


Don't mean to sound negative



Well he has got the price and paypal charging all arranged, never mind the content. He's got his priorities right ;-)

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Welcome - but I'm afraid I have to echo a number of prior comments.



If you are selling something commercially, you should be taking out an advert here, not trying to do so in the discussion forums, as the AUP rules here state.



But even more seriously, the spelling and grammar in your website are, frankly, very poor.

I do not know if that poor standard is reflected in the actual book, as having read your introduction I've no desire to pay money to find out.

I'm certain that such a poor standard of writing will put off most other potential readers too.


Just a few examples: in just the the first few short paragraphs of your website introduction:-

There is no apostrophe in “ideas”; it should be “there” not “their”; there should be a full stop after “destinations”; "evey" should be "every"; "duation" should be" duration"; " accomadation" should be " accommodation"; you've put an initial capital letter after a comma; you repeatedly leave no space after comma; the list of really basic errors just goes on and on throughout the entire piece.


Whilst I accept that an increasing number of people regard such errors as unimportant in “everyday” web-posting, texting etc; this is a WRITTEN BOOK that you are trying to sell.

You really do have to make the effort to get the grammar and spelling up to a standard that book readers expect; especially if you are seeking to take money from them in exchange.


There are many forms of free electronic grammar, punctuation and spell-checking software available. You can even just copy-and-paste your draft web-page into your “Word” or other pc-based word processing package to check and correct errors before re-entering that data on-line.



You have all the time in the world to get this utterly fundamental aspect of your e-book and website right.

I'm disappointed that you haven't done so, and/or haven't even grasped the need to do so, when trying to sell a product which after all depends purely upon its words for reader-satisfaction.




Sorry John; my critique is intended to help.

I do think that you need to go back through the whole thing and get all these fundamental literary flaws put right, BEFORE you start to even think about trying to sell it.


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Hawcara - 2012-12-28 9:27 AM


I don't wish to pour scorn on your e-book, but I do feel you need a good proof-reader before you publish.


There are punctuation errors and a problem with apostrophe's:

The information in this e-book is for evey one great for families if they are looking for the great escape that does not cost a fortune. A Worcestershire couples amazing adventure story in retirement.


Also spelling mistakes:

retirment, descibed, duation, accomadation, mortor home



Personally, I look at www.hankthetank.co.uk and http://www.magbaztravels.com/




Don't mean to sound negative



This post (with its punctuation errors and the comment about "a problem with apostrophe's:) made me laugh out loud.

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Hi John,

First welcome to the forum. You've probably picked up by now that several other of us retired and not so retired motor-home persons have actually been to some of the foreign lands you speak of and sampled the campsites. The traveling most of us do is shared freely amongst our selfs for the benefit and enjoyment of all, through places like this well supported forum and the numerous blogs we offer up for generally viewing.

Anyway good luck with the book, hope it reaches 50 Shades of Grey fame.


PS. Look at our blog www.stopsblog.co.uk to see that Europe is visited by other OAT'/s


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Hi Jon, well done for having a go.


If you were allowing free access to the 'book' then the mistakes are unimportant, however as you are trying to sell it, it really does need to be checked for accuracy/spelling/grammar etc. This doesn't have to take a massive amount of time (or expense), but it does need doing - even running a simple spell-checker through it would have spotted a lot of the errors in it immediately.


As it stands, even if I was a 'newbie' and wanted something like this, I wouldn't buy it as I simply could not stand reading all the errors.

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Seems lots of first time posters are doing the free advertising thing on the forum. They contribute nothing to the forum and expect people to be gullible enough to pay for their product. This thread should be pulled at the earliest opportunity.

As there are no contact details on the website you should be aware that it may also be a scam,

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Guest pelmetman
FREE POUFFES & FREE PELMETS.............. :D.................providing you follow the small print and send/gift lots of beer and wine vouchers to pelmetman dot com >:-)
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