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First trip out


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As we are retired I suggested to the Duchess that we should plan our first trip out to give us something to look forward to but she's a bit worried about the effects of frost and the effects on freezing our water etc.

When would be a fairly safe time to go for instance in the sherwood forest area, I reckon about mid March but would bow down to the experienced among us.

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Anytime from now on, its not always freezing cold in the Winter. Being retired providing you have no ties, you can get away anytime for a few days. We have been away when the ground has been frozen solid. Three years ago we spent Christmas away and the gravel road ways on the camp site were somewhere under a sheet of ice. Just back from Newyear away the weather was wet but not all the time we managed a 8 mile walk one day.


Just check the weather forecast for a few days ahead and go, thats what we do. Before mid March we will have done at least 4 trips weather providing.


Just go for it, and enjoy.

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