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Snow Way


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What's wrong with this place , for roughly 45/50 weeks of the year here in Huddersfield we have a constant 2/3 foot of snow and ice . Wales and the West Country get a couple of centimetres and it's big news . Up here we don't shut the mills and mines and workhouses just because of a little dusting so why all the chaos elsewhere ?
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I do agree. The news had so called 'red alerts' for Wales and then the news showed the Valleys. About 2 inches and total panic everywhere. When it gets up to your waist then you can start complaining.


However, one thing I did note was that most of the chaos on the roads was caused by HGV' s skidding all over the place and as one newscaster said, why do we not stop the HGV's when we have so called severe weather alerts? If people stop panicking the shops can survive a day or so. Mind you as the 'system' nowadays has stated no stock to be held on the premises, then delivery is essential. Maybe we need to rethink the programme again. Stop maximising profits and consider service.


It is curious that winter comes around each year, funny that, and we are never prepared, or at least down south they never are.

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I'm always amused by the number of people who are reported to be " trapped in their cars " - but no one ever explains why they can't open the doors.


I think they are probably just stranded.




Might be an idea to restrict the use on articulated lorries in some places as it's jacknifed lorries that seem to cause a lot of problems.




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Guest pelmetman
Dave225 - 2013-01-18 7:50 PM


It is curious that winter comes around each year, funny that, and we are never prepared, or at least down south they never are.


We're prepared down South ;-)...............took the Fiamma awning in as they're forecasting strong winds tomorrow 8-)

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pelmetman - 2013-01-18 8:07 PM


Dave225 - 2013-01-18 7:50 PM


It is curious that winter comes around each year, funny that, and we are never prepared, or at least down south they never are.


We're prepared down South ;-)...............took the Fiamma awning in as they're forecasting strong winds tomorrow 8-)


Down South , you in Birmingham Dave ?

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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2013-01-18 8:12 PM


pelmetman - 2013-01-18 8:07 PM


Dave225 - 2013-01-18 7:50 PM


It is curious that winter comes around each year, funny that, and we are never prepared, or at least down south they never are.


We're prepared down South ;-)...............took the Fiamma awning in as they're forecasting strong winds tomorrow 8-)


Down South , you in Birmingham Dave ?


Birmingham On Sea Antony :D................or as they spell it around here Pilar de la Horadada ;-) ..............or as we call it Yabbadabadoda (lol) (lol)

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pelmetman - 2013-01-18 8:16 PM


antony1969 - 2013-01-18 8:12 PM


pelmetman - 2013-01-18 8:07 PM


Dave225 - 2013-01-18 7:50 PM


It is curious that winter comes around each year, funny that, and we are never prepared, or at least down south they never are.


We're prepared down South ;-)...............took the Fiamma awning in as they're forecasting strong winds tomorrow 8-)


Down South , you in Birmingham Dave ?


Birmingham On Sea Antony :D................or as they spell it around here Pilar de la Horadada ;-) ..............or as we call it Yabbadabadoda (lol) (lol)



Or as we call it , you lucky ba......d

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antony1969 - 2013-01-18 8:20 PM


pelmetman - 2013-01-18 8:16 PM


antony1969 - 2013-01-18 8:12 PM


pelmetman - 2013-01-18 8:07 PM


Dave225 - 2013-01-18 7:50 PM


It is curious that winter comes around each year, funny that, and we are never prepared, or at least down south they never are.


We're prepared down South ;-)...............took the Fiamma awning in as they're forecasting strong winds tomorrow 8-)


Down South , you in Birmingham Dave ?


Birmingham On Sea Antony :D................or as they spell it around here Pilar de la Horadada ;-) ..............or as we call it Yabbadabadoda (lol) (lol)



Or as we call it , you lucky ba......d


Don't rub it in. But our time is fast approaching. I am sitting here working out how to install airconditioning and the outside temperature is 1 degree. Yes, totally mad but last year we started to seriously melt when it hit 38 degrees day after day. mind you sea at 30 degrees was like soup. Luvverly.

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Guest pelmetman
jonsea - 2013-01-18 8:33 PM


ye but Dave you have been speaking to a Brumie today ant ya JOHN


I thought you sounded funny :D

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I do hate to go on but this year most Local Authorities are better prepared than ever. Certainly where we are the gritters have been out and those local farmers tasked to do local roads have done well.


Previous years have been marred by the sort of Mystic Meg prediction nonsense from the Met Office that because of an agenda by a few alarmists predicted warm wet winters, BBQ summers and winters where our children would forget what snow was ever like.


So certainly Dorset and Hampshire never stockpiled sufficient grit and salt - and I am told other counties did the same. Yes there was a few issues - but by lunchtime roads were clear - HGV's moving well despite there still being almost a foot of snow in the surrounding fields. The roads were cleared promptly by good planning and use of grit etc.


So now a more realistic approach is being taken and counties ARE better prepared.


Just when the Met Office released data showing a) just how bad their previous predictions were - they released it on Christmas Eve! - what a good day to bury bad news!! (lol) and b) that their over the top Global Warming predictions were so far off reality that they have been forced to dramatically reduce the predictions as reality has shown no warming for nearly two decades.


The sense of anger at those in the Met Office etc. who have been "on a mission" to manipulate via spin is now out in the open.


So thankfully - local authorities plan more effectively now.

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CliveH - 2013-01-18 9:56 PM


Just when the Met Office released data showing a) just how bad their previous predictions were - they released it on Christmas Eve! - what a good day to bury bad news!! (lol) and b) that their over the top Global Warming predictions were so far off reality that they have been forced to dramatically reduce the predictions as reality has shown no warming for nearly two decades.


The sense of anger at those in the Met Office etc. who have been "on a mission" to manipulate via spin is now out in the open.


Who we can now part-thank for our energy bills being about £117 a year more because of (none) greener energy hype. *-)



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Dave225 - 2013-01-18 7:50 PM


The news had so called 'red alerts' for Wales and then the news showed the Valleys. About 2 inches and total panic everywhere.


Actually we had about 6-7 inches not 2 as you claim, and I haven't seen panic anywhere. The red alerts were issued by the met office not the news.

But the main reason snow causes disruption south of the border is that we have got things called jobs to go to, probably an alien concept to you up there.

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donna miller - 2013-01-18 10:56 PM


Dave225 - 2013-01-18 7:50 PM


The news had so called 'red alerts' for Wales and then the news showed the Valleys. About 2 inches and total panic everywhere.


Actually we had about 6-7 inches not 2 as you claim, and I haven't seen panic anywhere. The red alerts were issued by the met office not the news.

But the main reason snow causes disruption south of the border is that we have got things called jobs to go to, probably an alien concept to you up there.



Its the same old story Donna , people claiming its bigger or smaller than it actually is . If you had 6/7 inch yesterday then you don't need it coming again today do you ?

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donna miller - 2013-01-18 10:56 PM


Dave225 - 2013-01-18 7:50 PM


The news had so called 'red alerts' for Wales and then the news showed the Valleys. About 2 inches and total panic everywhere.


Actually we had about 6-7 inches not 2 as you claim, and I haven't seen panic anywhere. The red alerts were issued by the met office not the news.

But the main reason snow causes disruption south of the border is that we have got things called jobs to go to, probably an alien concept to you up there.


Absolutely right. Big Eck or leader has stated that come independence we will all be able to sit back at home with lots of dosh and watch the poor English suffer. Yeah! and the pigs are flying past yet again.


However, because of our more northerly latitude we do tend to get more of the white stuff and it gets less of a mention on the news apart from the Beeb and their 'very low temperatures in some Highland Glens' Always curious to where this Highland Gl;en actually is as nobody seems to know,. I was brought up in the Home Counties and if there was an inch of snow we kids thought it was heaven, moved back to Scotland and realised that 2-3 feet of the stuff was not uncommon. For example here in Edinburgh 2 years ago we had snow in deep quantities for almost 3 months. Some streets were never cleared by tthe Council, so owners hired a JCB to do it themselves. Did we get a mention on the Beeb Not a chance, probably the same in Yorkshire etc.

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Dave225 - 2013-01-19 8:55 PM
donna miller - 2013-01-18 10:56 PM
Dave225 - 2013-01-18 7:50 PMThe news had so called 'red alerts' for Wales and then the news showed the Valleys. About 2 inches and total panic everywhere.
Actually we had about 6-7 inches not 2 as you claim, and I haven't seen panic anywhere. The red alerts were issued by the met office not the news.But the main reason snow causes disruption south of the border is that we have got things called jobs to go to, probably an alien concept to you up there.
Absolutely right. Big Eck or leader has stated that come independence we will all be able to sit back at home with lots of dosh and watch the poor English suffer. Yeah! and the pigs are flying past yet again.However, because of our more northerly latitude we do tend to get more of the white stuff and it gets less of a mention on the news apart from the Beeb and their 'very low temperatures in some Highland Glens' Always curious to where this Highland Gl;en actually is as nobody seems to know,. I was brought up in the Home Counties and if there was an inch of snow we kids thought it was heaven, moved back to Scotland and realised that 2-3 feet of the stuff was not uncommon. For example here in Edinburgh 2 years ago we had snow in deep quantities for almost 3 months. Some streets were never cleared by tthe Council, so owners hired a JCB to do it themselves. Did we get a mention on the Beeb Not a chance, probably the same in Yorkshire etc.



Dave you know full well that as far as the establishment...'our rulers and the media' are concerned nothing of note ever happens outside of that there London so you've got no chance of a mention.  I mean what's newsworthy about 6ft of snow cutting off thousands oooop north when there's a light dusting of the white stuff 'dahn sarf' and just to be 'safe'....hundreds of schools are shut, the trains are cancelled, the rubbish bin collection is cancelled and 'the little darlings' can't be driven 200 yards to skools that are open in mummys' all singing all dancing Chelsea tractor because the dimwit doesn't know how to engage 4wd........:-)


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I know. That is why I think they call it the United Kingdom. We have so many of them, the 'kingdom of London and the South East, the kingdoms of Devon, Cornwall and all the other, dare i say it, retiree counties, the kingdom of the north of England, the various city kingdoms that often seem to be foreign lands anyway, and of course the wildlands beyond the Wall.


I have this wacky idea that when Charles ever does become monarch he relocates his base back to Wessex and renames it Camelot. It will probably be about the only bit of England left for him to reign over by then. I know he would really fancy coming up here but he is not allowed to be king of Scotland, so Wessex will have to do, and the climate is better especially as one gets older.

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