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Tracker - 2013-02-16 9:29 AM


He's still in shock in case Peter moves too close to him - perish the thought - although on second thoughts better closer to Kelly than back in the real world nearer to Norfolk!


Oi! I told Peter off before, so don't you start picking on him either otherwise I'll come there and slap you silly with a wet fish! :D

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Mel B - 2013-02-16 4:05 PM

Oi! I told Peter off before, so don't you start picking on him either otherwise I'll come there and slap you silly with a wet fish! :D


Now that's an offer I don't get every day from my minder!!


And what makes you think that you can make me any sillier than I already am?


I will have you know that I have been accepted locally as within the parameters of 'Normal for Norfolk'!!

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donna miller - 2013-02-16 5:00 PM

You mean you've got 6 fingers on each hand and have married your sister.



Coming from someone who lives deep in sheep country I suppose you would find anything resembling normal to be strange to you!!


To be honest I can't tell how many fingers (or toes) there are as they are all webbed together - and my sister has got far too much good sense to marry me - but I did ask her!!

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