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'White flight'


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Guest 1footinthegrave

That the 55% that moved out are racists. :D :D :D


Birmingham, my old stomping ground not far behind now, where a dinner lady has just been sacked for accidentally serving non halhal meat. ;-)


And of course good old auntie BBC can only describe "London White flight" as a success, when I personally know the reason why so many of us former Brummies felt like strangers in our own city and birthplace and left, and settled here in rural Wales, but it's not politically correct to say why, non the less the truth is far less rosy than the BBC would have you believe


Oh no don't get me started >:-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2013-02-21 10:46 AM


enjoy a more relaxed and stress free lifestyle?


And who can blame them!!


It's a lot more relaxing to live somewhere where your neighbour speaks English as a first language, shares common values, has not turned the local chippy in to a Halhal butchers, and the high street does not resemble Mumbai, so as you say who can blame them. >:-) shame for the poor sods left behind though,eh.glad I don't live in these multi-cultural hell holes like most on here don't have to either, though some should try it before having a view. ;-)

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It certainly is more complex than some would have us believe!


This is not revelatory news by any means - there has been a significant fall in the number of indigenous people working in London because of the age demography. We Brits had a baby boom after the last war and now many people are retiring and leaving London to retire in the leafy glades and coastal areas.


Also - a significant effect is the Congestion Charge is that no one wants to live and work in London. Now Companies do not want to set up business' within the Congestion zone.


So there are many reasons why London is not attractive and the rest of the country is.


Despite the almost desperate need for this to be the case by some who post on here, poor down trodden whites being hounded out of their homes by hoards of rampant foreigners is not one of them.


However much they wish it to be.


The facts just do not support it.




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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-21 11:01 AM



It's a lot more relaxing to live somewhere where your neighbour speaks English as a first language, shares common values, has not turned the local chippy in to a Halhal butchers, and the high street does not resemble Mumbai, so as you say who can blame them. >:-) shame for the poor sods left behind though,eh.glad I don't live in these multi-cultural hell holes like most on here don't have to either, though some should try it before having a view. ;-)


Poorer people have always occupied the city centres and as they have got richer they have always moved to the suburbs - or the countryside if they can afford it, so what the figures tell me is that the white population is, relative to the black and Asian population, richer and able to be more mobile.


By the way, my eldest son and his partner live in Streatham, which is a vibrant mix of cutures. He loves it - and we love visiting him there - within two miles of his home you can sample over 30 different national foods. He will not be one of those moving out!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
CliveH - 2013-02-21 11:17 AM


It certainly is more complex than some would have us believe!


Despite the almost desperate need for this to be the case by some who post on here, poor down trodden whites being hounded out of their homes by hoards of rampant foreigners is not one of them.


However much they wish it to be.


The facts just do not support it.




What facts exactly, explain why this is also the case in my own home city, no congestion charge or any other reasons you quote from London, why can't you simply accept the fact that many White people simply hate what has been forced on them by waves of immigration in the last 10/15 years, brand them all racists if you like, but I'll tell you this they are no more racist than the average afro Caribbeans who largely detest Asians, and vice versa. My sister-in-law was the last single White lady living in her road of birth, how do you think she felt about that eh. >:-) certainly not at home any more.


Like so many who pontificate about this, they do not live it on a day to day basis, but think they have a valid view despite no direct experience living in these places, never mind the Bulgarians and Romanians are coming, let's hope your little neck of the woods does not change overnight as well. ;-)

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In Sheffield a friend of mine is in the police force and he told me the last remaining white folk in one of Sheffields Muslim areas are intimidated , threatened , have phone calls warning there houses will be petrol bombed unless they leave , my police friend tells me that the Muslims want there own patch for there own folk .

Same in Bradford , when the riots happened ten or more years ago the reports of locals trashing there own city were somewhat missing the truth . Muslims did not target there own the vast majority of pubs , car showrooms , clubs etc were white owned . A touch of ethnic cleansing in both cases me thinks .

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CliveH - 2013-02-21 11:17 AM


It certainly is more complex than some would have us believe!


This is not revelatory news by any means - there has been a significant fall in the number of indigenous people working in London because of the age demography. We Brits had a baby boom after the last war and now many people are retiring and leaving London to retire in the leafy glades and coastal areas.


Also - a significant effect is the Congestion Charge is that no one wants to live and work in London. Now Companies do not want to set up business' within the Congestion zone.


So there are many reasons why London is not attractive and the rest of the country is.


Despite the almost desperate need for this to be the case by some who post on here, poor down trodden whites being hounded out of their homes by hoards of rampant foreigners is not one of them.


However much they wish it to be.


The facts just do not support it.




You are a professional man probably on a good salary, living in a nice house and area, what would you do if your area gets swamped with immigrants black or whatever colour, would you be happy to stay there?

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Don't tell anyone but, the overwhelming majority (98.8%) of the people resident in Gwynedd are

of a White ethnic background.

Of the minority groups, those of a Mixed background were the most

predominant group. Black or Black British or Asian were the least predominant



So no White Flight here as yet

:D :D

Another reason we together with many English incomers as we are affectionately called by the Welsh moved here. ;-)


In the last crime statistics published for our area in December we had TWO recorded crimes , and that was from someone visiting the area over the holidays ! :D


I'm not quite sure what that tells you, but nice just the same.


http://www.crime-statistics.co.uk/postcode/LL350EA ;-)

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-21 1:29 PM


Don't tell anyone but, the overwhelming majority (98.8%) of the people resident in Gwynedd are

of a White ethnic background.

Of the minority groups, those of a Mixed background were the most

predominant group. Black or Black British or Asian were the least predominant



So no White Flight here as yet

:D :D

Another reason we together with many English incomers as we are affectionately called by the Welsh moved here. ;-)


In the last crime statistics published for our area in December we had TWO recorded crimes , and that was from someone visiting the area over the holidays ! :D


I'm not quite sure what that tells you, but nice just the same.


http://www.crime-statistics.co.uk/postcode/LL350EA ;-)


So, despite having no day-to-day experience of the current situation in our cities you still believe you have a valid view, do you?

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Guest pelmetman

We fled the Isle of Dogs when I was a toddler ;-)..............not because of the influx of London Transport workers from the Caribbean..........but because the docks were closing down........The place has always been a staging post for incomers..............but usually from there they moved on and mingled with the Brits B-)......


Now days they seem to prefer to set up their own ghetto's *-)

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knight of the road - 2013-02-21 12:22 PM


CliveH - 2013-02-21 11:17 AM


It certainly is more complex than some would have us believe!


This is not revelatory news by any means - there has been a significant fall in the number of indigenous people working in London because of the age demography. We Brits had a baby boom after the last war and now many people are retiring and leaving London to retire in the leafy glades and coastal areas.


Also - a significant effect is the Congestion Charge is that no one wants to live and work in London. Now Companies do not want to set up business' within the Congestion zone.


So there are many reasons why London is not attractive and the rest of the country is.


Despite the almost desperate need for this to be the case by some who post on here, poor down trodden whites being hounded out of their homes by hoards of rampant foreigners is not one of them.


However much they wish it to be.


The facts just do not support it.




You are a professional man probably on a good salary, living in a nice house and area, what would you do if your area gets swamped with immigrants black or whatever colour, would you be happy to stay there?


Where I was born in Maidenhead is now very much Multicultural - My Nan on my Mothers side lived there all her life - and had non of the problems you cite. My Auntie still lives in the area - again no issues.


I love going to se them as we have Indian/Chinese/Thai food to die for! - Far far better than where we live. The pubs are great with a really good atmosphere.


I think those of us who are more tolerant of others tend to be those of us that have more experience of the world. Sorry if this sounds arrogant - it is not meant to be. It is simply the conclusion I have come to after reading those posts on here that constantly "Phish" for support for racist views and whose authors get really rather s**tty and abusive to people that disagree with what they infer.


It seems fairly clear to me that all those bemoaning what they see as "White Flight" are those that seem to want things to stay the same and begrudge anyone daring to alter what they are used to.


This happens in all walks of Life. Miners insisting that they should still be allowed to mine coal even when the pit is not economically viable because they and their Fathers and their Fathers Fathers were all Miners.


Similar happened in Cornwall with the Cornish Fishermen. They seemed to think they had a God given right to fish the seas and expected subsidies to do so because it was traditional that they did this.


The only certainty in Life is Change. Building up the barriers in Suburbia and becoming "Little Englanders" protecting a way of life that due to the internet, air travel and education simply does not exist anymore is going to be a false hope.


It may well be that white people only lived in suburb "A" 50 years ago. But when those white occupants decide to move on then who buys it is down to who has the money to buy. And a lot of those that came to this country to workd have indeed done so and done so rather well.


As for threats made against some white people - sadly I am sure this happens - my views on extremists of any type should be well known to all on here. My problem is that some who post on here have more in common with the extremists it seems to me, than the kind thoughtful neighbours of my Aunt and my now dead Nan. And those neighbours had skins that were not white.


As for threats and intimidation - well Steven Lawrence was simply waiting at a bus stop.


Knifed to death by a gang of white thugs/extremists for simply being alive.


The Police were muppets of the first order and tried to let the murderers of the hook.


If you want things to improve then you need to get out more because hankering after the past is a fools errand. You need to see the world, you need to live as others live - wear anothers mans shoes for a day as the old saying goes.


The bitter and twisted mindset of some is not going change anything or anybody to that bigoted and hateful way of thinking. Why? - because I believe you are a minority and frankly - posting such posts on a Forum such as this is hardly likely to have much of an impact on the world now is it?


So frankly I am at a loss as to why anyone would do it unless this is the only place you can rant and get away with it. 8-)


But as my old Nan would say when someone was becoming tedious "Can't you change the record?"



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CliveH - 2013-02-21 3:37 PM


knight of the road - 2013-02-21 12:22 PM


CliveH - 2013-02-21 11:17 AM


It certainly is more complex than some would have us believe!


This is not revelatory news by any means - there has been a significant fall in the number of indigenous people working in London because of the age demography. We Brits had a baby boom after the last war and now many people are retiring and leaving London to retire in the leafy glades and coastal areas.


Also - a significant effect is the Congestion Charge is that no one wants to live and work in London. Now Companies do not want to set up business' within the Congestion zone.


So there are many reasons why London is not attractive and the rest of the country is.


Despite the almost desperate need for this to be the case by some who post on here, poor down trodden whites being hounded out of their homes by hoards of rampant foreigners is not one of them.


However much they wish it to be.


The facts just do not support it.




You are a professional man probably on a good salary, living in a nice house and area, what would you do if your area gets swamped with immigrants black or whatever colour, would you be happy to stay there?


Where I was born in Maidenhead is now very much Multicultural - My Nan on my Mothers side lived there all her life - and had non of the problems you cite. My Auntie still lives in the area - again no issues.


I love going to se them as we have Indian/Chinese/Thai food to die for! - Far far better than where we live. The pubs are great with a really good atmosphere.


I think those of us who are more tolerant of others tend to be those of us that have more experience of the world. Sorry if this sounds arrogant - it is not meant to be. It is simply the conclusion I have come to after reading those posts on here that constantly "Phish" for support for racist views and whose authors get really rather s**tty and abusive to people that disagree with what they infer.


It seems fairly clear to me that all those bemoaning what they see as "White Flight" are those that seem to want things to stay the same and begrudge anyone daring to alter what they are used to.


This happens in all walks of Life. Miners insisting that they should still be allowed to mine coal even when the pit is not economically viable because they and their Fathers and their Fathers Fathers were all Miners.


Similar happened in Cornwall with the Cornish Fishermen. They seemed to think they had a God given right to fish the seas and expected subsidies to do so because it was traditional that they did this.


The only certainty in Life is Change. Building up the barriers in Suburbia and becoming "Little Englanders" protecting a way of life that due to the internet, air travel and education simply does not exist anymore is going to be a false hope.


It may well be that white people only lived in suburb "A" 50 years ago. But when those white occupants decide to move on then who buys it is down to who has the money to buy. And a lot of those that came to this country to workd have indeed done so and done so rather well.


As for threats made against some white people - sadly I am sure this happens - my views on extremists of any type should be well known to all on here. My problem is that some who post on here have more in common with the extremists it seems to me, than the kind thoughtful neighbours of my Aunt and my now dead Nan. And those neighbours had skins that were not white.


As for threats and intimidation - well Steven Lawrence was simply waiting at a bus stop.


Knifed to death by a gang of white thugs/extremists for simply being alive.


The Police were muppets of the first order and tried to let the murderers of the hook.


If you want things to improve then you need to get out more because hankering after the past is a fools errand. You need to see the world, you need to live as others live - wear anothers mans shoes for a day as the old saying goes.


The bitter and twisted mindset of some is not going change anything or anybody to that bigoted and hateful way of thinking. Why? - because I believe you are a minority and frankly - posting such posts on a Forum such as this is hardly likely to have much of an impact on the world now is it?


So frankly I am at a loss as to why anyone would do it unless this is the only place you can rant and get away with it. 8-)


But as my old Nan would say when someone was becoming tedious "Can't you change the record?"





Clive , maybe it's an issue some on here care a lot about just as you seem to post a lot on the issues surrounding so called global warming .

As for Stephen Lawrence as horrendous as his death was I think nearly half the race murders committed in the last ten years have been against whites .

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antony1969 - 2013-02-21 4:02 PM


As for Stephen Lawrence as horrendous as his death was I think nearly half the race murders committed in the last ten years have been against whites .


Which means, if your figures are correct, that MORE than half the race murders have been against non-whites - and since there are fewer of them in the country that means the rate of race crime against non-whites is significantly higher than against whites.


On the other hand, any race crime is abhorant, whoever commits it so I'm not sure what your point is.

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John 47 - 2013-02-21 4:14 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-21 4:02 PM


As for Stephen Lawrence as horrendous as his death was I think nearly half the race murders committed in the last ten years have been against whites .


Which means, if your figures are correct, that MORE than half the race murders have been against non-whites - and since there are fewer of them in the country that means the rate of race crime against non-whites is significantly higher than against whites.


On the other hand, any race crime is abhorant, whoever commits it so I'm not sure what your point is.


Agreed all race, or in fact any crime is abhorrent but I suspect the poster was giving thought to the fact that if even a fraction of the time and effort that resulted from the Lawrence murder had been applied to other crimes of a similar nature, then a large number of people would not feel aggrieved.

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Clive, the point you are missing is the slow but sure degeneration of area's that are taken over by immigrants/blacks whatever you want to describe them, that is why you have the white flight, is the area where you live now like that? and if it did start degenerating would you stay there, dont think so? you must surely agree that there is a white flight, if they were happy where they were they wouldn't go to all the expense and upset of relocating would they? Like it or not there is a white flight.
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Unfortunately I suspect that some are missing the point. This has nothing really to do with anyone stating that he/she will not live in a certain area because there are too many blacks/Asians/ Jews/Scots whatever. It is more a fact that the demographic nature of the UK is changing, as yes it has always done, but at nothing like the current rate. More than 10% of the total population of the UK have arrived within the last 10 years and yes, they are not everywhere evenly spread out, so where they have settled it has become very very noticeable. Immigrants will also tend to settle where there are already similar nationalities as this is convenient and comforting when you are in a strange country. That is not an issue, it does become an issue when these people use that factor to refuse to integrate into the host country. Britain was accused of this type of behaviour for many years as it was called ‘colonisation’ but it seems that if it is happening here, then nothing must be said against it.


There are indeed a multitude of factors why people are leaving London. Personally I would never nowadays go near the place but did live there happily in the 1950’s. As people grow older, and the property prices in London shoot up it is a case that a house can be sold and a property of better quality bought elsewhere and retirement becomes an option. Devon is a County where this has happened a lot. Even Scotland has seen a large influx of English ‘getting away ‘ from it all. Looking at the areas where many of the ‘whites’ have ‘fled’ to it seems that price is a definite factor. One could also include the Costa retirees as a group as well for that matter. Sell up and live the life of Riley, or at least as long as it lasts. It would have been more helpful if the survey had indicated the ages of the ‘whites’ as I suspect most would be in the 2nd half of life. These people have always wanted to retire to a better location but the recent and rapid influx of other people has no doubt encouraged them to move quicker.


But regardless of the reasons for the move it does show a degree of ‘apartheid’ developing in the UK and that is not healthy. You can see a similar trend in voting habits. Labour dominates in inner cities while the Torys have control of the Shires. Yes, this was always the case but it was due to social class not race or religion. Once religion and ethnicity start to become major factors in the voting rights of city dwellers, as they undoubtedly will, as in certain groups wives are ‘told’ how to vote by their husbands, then there will be a rise of extremism demanding rights which those who have no desire to see, will have to accommodate. Labour thinks they can control this and it will keep them in power for perpetuity, however there will be splinter groups developing within Labour and to quote an old saying ‘the tail will start wagging the dog’.


People are not demanding no change and that everything must always remain the same. Not at all, but change should be a gradual process and beneficial to all, not rapid and uncontrolled. To that end is the way of chaos.


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John 47 - 2013-02-21 4:14 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-21 4:02 PM


As for Stephen Lawrence as horrendous as his death was I think nearly half the race murders committed in the last ten years have been against whites .


Which means, if your figures are correct, that MORE than half the race murders have been against non-whites - and since there are fewer of them in the country that means the rate of race crime against non-whites is significantly higher than against whites.


On the other hand, any race crime is abhorant, whoever commits it so I'm not sure what your point is.



John you are correct any race crime is not acceptable . If as you say the figures were correct does that mean due to the fact there are a lot less non whites living in the UK yet half of race murders are commited by them against whites then percentage wise there are more race hate murderers that are black / asian than white ?

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Oh I agree - I am a Global warming sceptic - I see it as one of the biggest scams perpetrated on the population ever!


And I do post "tit-bits" on here - and usually there is a a good response.


What does not happen is if someone disagree with my post I do not label them as being a certain type of person from a certain type of area and so I can dismiss their viewpoint.


But this is what is happening in this debate on immigration.


A Phishing post appears - a few people disagree with it and one gives a good link to an article that demonstrates that the original post and its conclusions are simplistic and sensationalist (my description) and then I add my two penneth because people assume that because i do not agree with them that I must have a good job and a good salary etc etc.


I have my views on people from other cultures because i have been lucky enough to live as an immigrant in their country for a while. And that is a real education - one I am forever grateful for.


It is so easy to dismiss what someone says by saying - well he is this or that and so he would not know. You have done much the same by inferring that I have strong views on Global warming. I do - not denying it - what I do not do is constantly Phish for similar opinions and dismiss people who have differing views by assuming they must be Guardianistas for example.


I remember being on holiday years ago in Spain and a chap from shall we say North of the Watford Gap services was having aright go at the Holiday Rep because the UK football match he wanted to watch was not on. (This was pre Satellite TV) he simply kept asking why it was not on and stating that it was on in the UK so why not here? He was too thick to understand that he was in Spain and you could not at that point in time get UK TV out there.


Another year there was a similar chap who refused to use Pesetas (pre Euro!) and sat at the bar with £ notes and insisted on paying for drinks with UK money.


Both examples of the odd behaviour of Brits abroad. Bothe were from the North of England - do I think they were representative of that part of the UK? No do not nor did I think that at the time.


I find it equally odd that some cannot understand that with modern technology the world really is becoming a Global Village. And I have no issue with that. Some are obviously not able to get up to speed with this.


My point re Steven Lawrence is that it was cited that there was intimidation against white - and sadly this is likely to be true. The news today re the three extremists planning suicide bombings is testament to how extremism can lead to such total utter folly. Steven Lawrence was killed just because he was black.


That makes those white perpetrators exactly the same as the suicide bombers in my book. So extremism can exist on both sides.


I hate the idea of us tax payers having to keep these bar stewards and in some ways would like to see them deported - but of course - it is better that we keep them out of circulation and if that costs a few £'s then so be it.


But from my experience, the vast majority of people of all nationalities simply want the same as the rest of us.





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