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'White flight'


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CliveH - 2013-02-21 3:37 PM

Similar happened in Cornwall with the Cornish Fishermen. They seemed to think they had a God given right to fish the seas and expected subsidies to do so because it was traditional that they did this.


Not quite Clive.


When we lived in Cornwall most of the Mackerel were caught on hand lines - albeit 30 plus hook handlines - and the Bass by rod and line whilst Whitefish were mainly caught on long lines.


It was bloomin hard graft but it was sustainable no matter how many boats went out each day and limited only by harbour sizes and willing participants.


Then in came the factory ships and the huge trawlers with nets the size of St Pauls to feed them scooping up and killing everything good bad and indifferent - nothing went back into the sea alive but plenty of dead fish did and still does.


So the fish stock dwindled and the fishermen turned to shellfish and to using bottom scallop dredges that kill everything they run over but don't catch - so again very little escapes to breed, the seabed is flattened taking years of non fishing to recover - if that ever happens.


Had they been left alone to sustainably fish within a sensible coastal limit the Cornish fishing fleet would still be be a thriving self supporting industry employing many more boats and crews than it does now.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-21 1:29 PM




In the last crime statistics published for our area in December we had TWO recorded crimes , and that was from someone visiting the area over the holidays ! :D


I'm not quite sure what that tells you, but nice just the same.


http://www.crime-statistics.co.uk/postcode/LL350EA ;-)



It tells you that there's bugger all worth nicking in your area. :D

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antony1969 - 2013-02-21 4:28 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-21 4:14 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-21 4:02 PM


As for Stephen Lawrence as horrendous as his death was I think nearly half the race murders committed in the last ten years have been against whites .


Which means, if your figures are correct, that MORE than half the race murders have been against non-whites - and since there are fewer of them in the country that means the rate of race crime against non-whites is significantly higher than against whites.


On the other hand, any race crime is abhorant, whoever commits it so I'm not sure what your point is.



John you are correct any race crime is not acceptable . If as you say the figures were correct does that mean due to the fact there are a lot less non whites living in the UK yet half of race murders are commited by them against whites then percentage wise there are more race hate murderers that are black / asian than white ?


As Clive says in his very well-considered posts, the spread is uneven so that where different cultures are in contact with each other I suspect there is little difference in the rates. I made the point not in order to argue figures with you; I made it because it struck me as odd that you should answer a point about Stephen Lawrence by reference to black on white crime, as if one sort of race hate was more significant than another.

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Dave225 - 2013-02-21 4:23 PM


as in certain groups wives are ‘told’ how to vote by their husbands


I found a lot of interest in your post but have to comment on the above extract. In my idealistic youth I was a political worker and did a lot of canvassing in an area that was almost exclusively white. You would not believe the number of women who answered the door and then turned round to their husbands to ask which way they were both going to vote, so there's not a lot new under the sun!

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knight of the road - 2013-02-21 4:25 PM


Are there any white ghetto's that blacks can't go in at night? are there any black ghettos that whites daren't go in at night for fear of being mugged beaten up or worse? oh yes there are.


I could take you round several parts of Derby and Nottingham where both of the above are true. I could, but I won't because in many of those white-dominated areas I, as a white person, would not feel safe. Unfortunately there are extremists and criminals in all communities, so I am not sure what point you are making here.

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John 47 - 2013-02-21 5:08 PM


Dave225 - 2013-02-21 4:23 PM


as in certain groups wives are ‘told’ how to vote by their husbands


I found a lot of interest in your post but have to comment on the above extract. In my idealistic youth I was a political worker and did a lot of canvassing in an area that was almost exclusively white. You would not believe the number of women who answered the door and then turned round to their husbands to ask which way they were both going to vote, so there's not a lot new under the sun!


As you state that was in your idealistic youth. I suspect nowadays most white females would hit anyone that tried to tell them what to do, unlike certain other groups I may add. That was my point, it still happens and is tolerated. In some cases it appears the wives do not even get to see the voting papers, that is all completed by others and was one of the biggest mistakes in allowing postal votes.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-21 1:55 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-21 1:29 PM


Don't tell anyone but, the overwhelming majority (98.8%) of the people resident in Gwynedd are

of a White ethnic background.

Of the minority groups, those of a Mixed background were the most

predominant group. Black or Black British or Asian were the least predominant



So no White Flight here as yet

:D :D

Another reason we together with many English incomers as we are affectionately called by the Welsh moved here. ;-)


In the last crime statistics published for our area in December we had TWO recorded crimes , and that was from someone visiting the area over the holidays ! :D


I'm not quite sure what that tells you, but nice just the same.


http://www.crime-statistics.co.uk/postcode/LL350EA ;-)


So, despite having no day-to-day experience of the current situation in our cities you still believe you have a valid view, do you?


You know nothing of my extended family or the ties and contacts we still have in and around Birmingham, so with respect keep your big gob shut for once and out of my face. >:-(


It is exactly people like you and your attitudes that have made the situation the way it is today for thousands of people effectively forced away from their roots. >:-( Go try living in Sparkhill and come back and tell us how wonderful it is.


I can only wish you get a bunch of Roma gypsies encamped on your front lawn soon, then let's see how liberal viewed you are then pal.

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CliveH - 2013-02-21 4:36 PM


Oh I agree - I am a Global warming sceptic - I see it as one of the biggest scams perpetrated on the population ever!


And I do post "tit-bits" on here - and usually there is a a good response.


What does not happen is if someone disagree with my post I do not label them as being a certain type of person from a certain type of area and so I can dismiss their viewpoint.


But this is what is happening in this debate on immigration.


A Phishing post appears - a few people disagree with it and one gives a good link to an article that demonstrates that the original post and its conclusions are simplistic and sensationalist (my description) and then I add my two penneth because people assume that because i do not agree with them that I must have a good job and a good salary etc etc.


I have my views on people from other cultures because i have been lucky enough to live as an immigrant in their country for a while. And that is a real education - one I am forever grateful for.


It is so easy to dismiss what someone says by saying - well he is this or that and so he would not know. You have done much the same by inferring that I have strong views on Global warming. I do - not denying it - what I do not do is constantly Phish for similar opinions and dismiss people who have differing views by assuming they must be Guardianistas for example.


I remember being on holiday years ago in Spain and a chap from shall we say North of the Watford Gap services was having aright go at the Holiday Rep because the UK football match he wanted to watch was not on. (This was pre Satellite TV) he simply kept asking why it was not on and stating that it was on in the UK so why not here? He was too thick to understand that he was in Spain and you could not at that point in time get UK TV out there.


Another year there was a similar chap who refused to use Pesetas (pre Euro!) and sat at the bar with £ notes and insisted on paying for drinks with UK money.


Both examples of the odd behaviour of Brits abroad. Bothe were from the North of England - do I think they were representative of that part of the UK? No do not nor did I think that at the time.


I find it equally odd that some cannot understand that with modern technology the world really is becoming a Global Village. And I have no issue with that. Some are obviously not able to get up to speed with this.


My point re Steven Lawrence is that it was cited that there was intimidation against white - and sadly this is likely to be true. The news today re the three extremists planning suicide bombings is testament to how extremism can lead to such total utter folly. Steven Lawrence was killed just because he was black.


That makes those white perpetrators exactly the same as the suicide bombers in my book. So extremism can exist on both sides.


I hate the idea of us tax payers having to keep these bar stewards and in some ways would like to see them deported - but of course - it is better that we keep them out of circulation and if that costs a few £'s then so be it.


But from my experience, the vast majority of people of all nationalities simply want the same as the rest of us.





OoH Clive, methinks some of the 'phishing' is being perpetrated by you, or some of your comments demonstrate a degree of naivety, which I question. Many of us have lived abroad for many years and do not recognise it all as a bowl of cherries. In some countries i was 'persecuted' in many ways for just being white, and in others I was considered an 'infidel' who had no rights. My wife had things even harder in many cases, but employment meant we had to suffer in silence. Of course there were some countries where things were totally different but to suggest that being abroad makes everything all right is a step too far.


As for the football analogy all i can say is that my kids were in Spain when both England and Scotland were playing matches but all the screens in the pub were showing the English match. On asking if they could see the Scottish match they were told the English wanted their one, but.................they could have a small portable set in a back room, so i suppose that was something. By the way you state they were Brits, but were actually English and yes, there is a difference. However, I do not see how that has any bearing on allowing 10% of your population to arrive within 10 years and expecting everyone to be happy about it.


I would also suggest that the idea of people getting unhappy about mass immigration is not confined to the UK. Germany, Holland, USA and even France are also getting rather upset and seeing a lot of everything they, and their predecessors have worked for being handed over to incomers who in many cases do not contribute themselves, not all but many I stress. It is not as if we have not poured huge suns of money into many of these countries over the years and seen what from it? As soon as they can they all want to come where there are better benefits. As for the so called work ethic, yes some do work hard but a good number do not, even our friendly Polish are not always the ideal workers they usually get made out to be. If they are so great why do they all want to leave Poland and why is it not a land of milk and honey?? After all it is getting more EU money than any other nation. Why do Romanians coming here feel that being a Big Issue seller is the career move of a lifetime, or is it because a few months of that and they can claim all benefits?? At least the Bulgarians have been honest and stated they are coming for the benefits. I do not blame them I blame the country that is stupid enough to allow it.


Mixing of cultures and nationalities is indeed a good thing ...........as long as it leads to improvements for all. If all it does is lead to a dumbing to the bottom, then that is not a good idea. I for one do not wish to live in a mud hut because that is what my society descends to.


One has to ask if we did not pay these benefits would they all come in the numbers they do?

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Dave225 - 2013-02-21 6:01 PM


CliveH - 2013-02-21 4:36 PM


Oh I agree - I am a Global warming sceptic - I see it as one of the biggest scams perpetrated on the population ever!


And I do post "tit-bits" on here - and usually there is a a good response.


What does not happen is if someone disagree with my post I do not label them as being a certain type of person from a certain type of area and so I can dismiss their viewpoint.


But this is what is happening in this debate on immigration.


A Phishing post appears - a few people disagree with it and one gives a good link to an article that demonstrates that the original post and its conclusions are simplistic and sensationalist (my description) and then I add my two penneth because people assume that because i do not agree with them that I must have a good job and a good salary etc etc.


I have my views on people from other cultures because i have been lucky enough to live as an immigrant in their country for a while. And that is a real education - one I am forever grateful for.


It is so easy to dismiss what someone says by saying - well he is this or that and so he would not know. You have done much the same by inferring that I have strong views on Global warming. I do - not denying it - what I do not do is constantly Phish for similar opinions and dismiss people who have differing views by assuming they must be Guardianistas for example.


I remember being on holiday years ago in Spain and a chap from shall we say North of the Watford Gap services was having aright go at the Holiday Rep because the UK football match he wanted to watch was not on. (This was pre Satellite TV) he simply kept asking why it was not on and stating that it was on in the UK so why not here? He was too thick to understand that he was in Spain and you could not at that point in time get UK TV out there.


Another year there was a similar chap who refused to use Pesetas (pre Euro!) and sat at the bar with £ notes and insisted on paying for drinks with UK money.


Both examples of the odd behaviour of Brits abroad. Bothe were from the North of England - do I think they were representative of that part of the UK? No do not nor did I think that at the time.


I find it equally odd that some cannot understand that with modern technology the world really is becoming a Global Village. And I have no issue with that. Some are obviously not able to get up to speed with this.


My point re Steven Lawrence is that it was cited that there was intimidation against white - and sadly this is likely to be true. The news today re the three extremists planning suicide bombings is testament to how extremism can lead to such total utter folly. Steven Lawrence was killed just because he was black.


That makes those white perpetrators exactly the same as the suicide bombers in my book. So extremism can exist on both sides.


I hate the idea of us tax payers having to keep these bar stewards and in some ways would like to see them deported - but of course - it is better that we keep them out of circulation and if that costs a few £'s then so be it.


But from my experience, the vast majority of people of all nationalities simply want the same as the rest of us.





OoH Clive, methinks some of the 'phishing' is being perpetrated by you, or some of your comments demonstrate a degree of naivety, which I question. Many of us have lived abroad for many years and do not recognise it all as a bowl of cherries. In some countries i was 'persecuted' in many ways for just being white, and in others I was considered an 'infidel' who had no rights. My wife had things even harder in many cases, but employment meant we had to suffer in silence. Of course there were some countries where things were totally different but to suggest that being abroad makes everything all right is a step too far.


As for the football analogy all i can say is that my kids were in Spain when both England and Scotland were playing matches but all the screens in the pub were showing the English match. On asking if they could see the Scottish match they were told the English wanted their one, but.................they could have a small portable set in a back room, so i suppose that was something. By the way you state they were Brits, but were actually English and yes, there is a difference. However, I do not see how that has any bearing on allowing 10% of your population to arrive within 10 years and expecting everyone to be happy about it.


I would also suggest that the idea of people getting unhappy about mass immigration is not confined to the UK. Germany, Holland, USA and even France are also getting rather upset and seeing a lot of everything they, and their predecessors have worked for being handed over to incomers who in many cases do not contribute themselves, not all but many I stress. It is not as if we have not poured huge suns of money into many of these countries over the years and seen what from it? As soon as they can they all want to come where there are better benefits. As for the so called work ethic, yes some do work hard but a good number do not, even our friendly Polish are not always the ideal workers they usually get made out to be. If they are so great why do they all want to leave Poland and why is it not a land of milk and honey?? After all it is getting more EU money than any other nation. Why do Romanians coming here feel that being a Big Issue seller is the career move of a lifetime, or is it because a few months of that and they can claim all benefits?? At least the Bulgarians have been honest and stated they are coming for the benefits. I do not blame them I blame the country that is stupid enough to allow it.


Mixing of cultures and nationalities is indeed a good thing ...........as long as it leads to improvements for all. If all it does is lead to a dumbing to the bottom, then that is not a good idea. I for one do not wish to live in a mud hut because that is what my society descends to.


One has to ask if we did not pay these benefits would they all come in the numbers they do?


Your wasting your breath mate, some on here will only get it when the whole system breaks down under the strain and they see their savings and investments disappear overnight, and that point WILL come in the not too distant future.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-21 5:43 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-21 1:55 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-21 1:29 PM


Don't tell anyone but, the overwhelming majority (98.8%) of the people resident in Gwynedd are

of a White ethnic background.

Of the minority groups, those of a Mixed background were the most

predominant group. Black or Black British or Asian were the least predominant



So no White Flight here as yet

:D :D

Another reason we together with many English incomers as we are affectionately called by the Welsh moved here. ;-)


In the last crime statistics published for our area in December we had TWO recorded crimes , and that was from someone visiting the area over the holidays ! :D


I'm not quite sure what that tells you, but nice just the same.


http://www.crime-statistics.co.uk/postcode/LL350EA ;-)


So, despite having no day-to-day experience of the current situation in our cities you still believe you have a valid view, do you?


You know nothing of my extended family or the ties and contacts we still have in and around Birmingham, so with respect keep your big gob shut for once and out of my face. >:-(


It is exactly people like you and your attitudes that have made the situation the way it is today for thousands of people effectively forced away from their roots. >:-( Go try living in Sparkhill and come back and tell us how wonderful it is.


I can only wish you get a bunch of Roma gypsies encamped on your front lawn soon, then let's see how liberal viewed you are then pal.


Yes - objectional comment wasn't it? You, knowing nothing of my extended family or life either, made that comment earlier. I was simply showing you that you should not jump to conclusions about others - you have already fallen flat on your face with me over that particular insult, so if you had any sense you'd abandon it.


Btw, I have passed many a pleasant hour with Roma people. The ones I have met have ben extremely generous with their hospitality. Oh, and I don't have a lawn.

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John 47 - 2013-02-21 5:01 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-21 4:28 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-21 4:14 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-21 4:02 PM


As for Stephen Lawrence as horrendous as his death was I think nearly half the race murders committed in the last ten years have been against whites .


Which means, if your figures are correct, that MORE than half the race murders have been against non-whites - and since there are fewer of them in the country that means the rate of race crime against non-whites is significantly higher than against whites.


On the other hand, any race crime is abhorant, whoever commits it so I'm not sure what your point is.



John you are correct any race crime is not acceptable . If as you say the figures were correct does that mean due to the fact there are a lot less non whites living in the UK yet half of race murders are commited by them against whites then percentage wise there are more race hate murderers that are black / asian than white ?


As Clive says in his very well-considered posts, the spread is uneven so that where different cultures are in contact with each other I suspect there is little difference in the rates. I made the point not in order to argue figures with you; I made it because it struck me as odd that you should answer a point about Stephen Lawrence by reference to black on white crime, as if one sort of race hate was more significant than another.




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John 47 - 2013-02-21 5:01 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-21 4:28 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-21 4:14 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-21 4:02 PM


As for Stephen Lawrence as horrendous as his death was I think nearly half the race murders committed in the last ten years have been against whites .


Which means, if your figures are correct, that MORE than half the race murders have been against non-whites - and since there are fewer of them in the country that means the rate of race crime against non-whites is significantly higher than against whites.


On the other hand, any race crime is abhorant, whoever commits it so I'm not sure what your point is.



John you are correct any race crime is not acceptable . If as you say the figures were correct does that mean due to the fact there are a lot less non whites living in the UK yet half of race murders are commited by them against whites then percentage wise there are more race hate murderers that are black / asian than white ?


As Clive says in his very well-considered posts, the spread is uneven so that where different cultures are in contact with each other I suspect there is little difference in the rates. I made the point not in order to argue figures with you; I made it because it struck me as odd that you should answer a point about Stephen Lawrence by reference to black on white crime, as if one sort of race hate was more significant than another.



Nice sort of answer John . As for your thoughts on my Stephen Lawrence comments once again you are wide of the mark .




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antony1969 - 2013-02-21 6:19 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-21 5:01 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-21 4:28 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-21 4:14 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-21 4:02 PM


As for Stephen Lawrence as horrendous as his death was I think nearly half the race murders committed in the last ten years have been against whites .


Which means, if your figures are correct, that MORE than half the race murders have been against non-whites - and since there are fewer of them in the country that means the rate of race crime against non-whites is significantly higher than against whites.


On the other hand, any race crime is abhorant, whoever commits it so I'm not sure what your point is.



John you are correct any race crime is not acceptable . If as you say the figures were correct does that mean due to the fact there are a lot less non whites living in the UK yet half of race murders are commited by them against whites then percentage wise there are more race hate murderers that are black / asian than white ?


As Clive says in his very well-considered posts, the spread is uneven so that where different cultures are in contact with each other I suspect there is little difference in the rates. I made the point not in order to argue figures with you; I made it because it struck me as odd that you should answer a point about Stephen Lawrence by reference to black on white crime, as if one sort of race hate was more significant than another.



Nice sort of answer John . As for your thoughts on my Stephen Lawrence comments once again you are wide of the mark .


Fine - then would you mind expalining why you used that particualr answer to a point about Stepehen Lawrence?


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John 47 - 2013-02-21 6:27 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-21 6:19 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-21 5:01 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-21 4:28 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-21 4:14 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-21 4:02 PM


As for Stephen Lawrence as horrendous as his death was I think nearly half the race murders committed in the last ten years have been against whites .


Which means, if your figures are correct, that MORE than half the race murders have been against non-whites - and since there are fewer of them in the country that means the rate of race crime against non-whites is significantly higher than against whites.


On the other hand, any race crime is abhorant, whoever commits it so I'm not sure what your point is.



John you are correct any race crime is not acceptable . If as you say the figures were correct does that mean due to the fact there are a lot less non whites living in the UK yet half of race murders are commited by them against whites then percentage wise there are more race hate murderers that are black / asian than white ?


As Clive says in his very well-considered posts, the spread is uneven so that where different cultures are in contact with each other I suspect there is little difference in the rates. I made the point not in order to argue figures with you; I made it because it struck me as odd that you should answer a point about Stephen Lawrence by reference to black on white crime, as if one sort of race hate was more significant than another.



Nice sort of answer John . As for your thoughts on my Stephen Lawrence comments once again you are wide of the mark .


Fine - then would you mind expalining why you used that particualr answer to a point about Stepehen Lawrence?




Why John ? what's ripping you so in my comment ? . I hope you are not trying to suggest I am belittling his death in some way in my comment on figures for black race murder

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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-21 6:14 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-21 5:43 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-21 1:55 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-21 1:29 PM


Don't tell anyone but, the overwhelming majority (98.8%) of the people resident in Gwynedd are

of a White ethnic background.

Of the minority groups, those of a Mixed background were the most

predominant group. Black or Black British or Asian were the least predominant



So no White Flight here as yet

:D :D

Another reason we together with many English incomers as we are affectionately called by the Welsh moved here. ;-)


In the last crime statistics published for our area in December we had TWO recorded crimes , and that was from someone visiting the area over the holidays ! :D


I'm not quite sure what that tells you, but nice just the same.


http://www.crime-statistics.co.uk/postcode/LL350EA ;-)


So, despite having no day-to-day experience of the current situation in our cities you still believe you have a valid view, do you?


You know nothing of my extended family or the ties and contacts we still have in and around Birmingham, so with respect keep your big gob shut for once and out of my face. >:-(


It is exactly people like you and your attitudes that have made the situation the way it is today for thousands of people effectively forced away from their roots. >:-( Go try living in Sparkhill and come back and tell us how wonderful it is.


I can only wish you get a bunch of Roma gypsies encamped on your front lawn soon, then let's see how liberal viewed you are then pal.


Yes - objectional comment wasn't it? You, knowing nothing of my extended family or life either, made that comment earlier. I was simply showing you that you should not jump to conclusions about others - you have already fallen flat on your face with me over that particular insult, so if you had any sense you'd abandon it.


Btw, I have passed many a pleasant hour with Roma people. The ones I have met have ben extremely generous with their hospitality. Oh, and I don't have a lawn.


I think I've finally twigged you, Muslim pals, Roma gypsies, but probably no one else. If that's not the case you'd last five seconds trying to explain to the thousands of "white flight" folk why they are in the wrong to feel p*ssed off with the huge change in demographics in what was once their home areas. ;-)


The irony is folk like you would be the first I suspect to defend the rights of Aborigines, or native Americans to have their homelands preserved, mine has been destroyed on the alter of diversity, and the failed multiculturalism bulls**t thanks to folk like you who see nothing wrong in it.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-21 6:36 PM



I think I've finally twigged you, Muslim pals, Roma gypsies, but probably no one else. If that's not the case you'd last five seconds trying to explain to the thousands of "white flight" folk why they are in the wrong to feel p*ssed off with the huge change in demographics in what was once their home areas. ;-)


The irony is folk like you would be the first I suspect to defend the rights of Aborigines, or native Americans to have their homelands preserved, mine has been destroyed on the alter of diversity, and the failed multiculturalism bulls**t thanks to folk like you who see nothing wrong in it.


I have no problem with people feeling that there area is not what it used to be - I think most people could say something along those lines. My argument with you is the sweeping generalisations you make with no evidence to back them up and your consequent blaming of millions of innocent people for things that have nothing to do with them.


And now, on top of that, you deny the right to have an opinion to those who you feel are not worthy because they haven't had the knocks that you have had. Well, pal, I once again suggest that you find out whether or not that is the case in future before opening your gob. As you have just found out, having your own insult turned back on you isn't very pleasant is it?


Oh, and by the way, I get on well with people from all kinds of backgrounds. It's easy. All you've got to do is treat them as you would want to be treated until such time as they, individually, give you reason not to. Try it sometime - you'll find that you get on a lot better with a lot more folk. Anyone can find trouble if they go out to look for it.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I'm curious, so you were effectively forced away from your home area then, if so you would be singing from the same hymn sheet, yes sure you was, but how timely this on Channel Five news item


Another load of scum bags from the very area I used to live ( Sparkhill Birmingham ) have just been convicted of a terror plot with no other reason but to kill as many people as possible, but here's the thing to quote the Police.


Nobody in the bomb plotters' own community tipped the police off with their concerns, despite finding out they were sending young men to terror training camps in Pakistan.

At no point during the 18-month investigation by the West Midlands counter-terrorism unit did anyone in Birmingham's Muslim community inform on the behaviour of Irfan Naseer, Irfan Khalid (together right) and Ashik Ali, raising questions over the health of relations between officers and community leaders.

This was despite the fact the families of four other young men recruited from Sparkhill all intervened to bring them back home the moment they found out the real reasons for them travelling to Pakistan.

Detective Inspector Adam Gough, senior investigating officer, said the extended families of the four men had 'become aware' of why they went to Pakistan but, in any case, 'did not tell us





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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-21 7:09 PM


I'm curious, so you were effectively forced away from your home area then, if so you would be singing from the same hymn sheet, yes sure you was, but how timely this on Channel Five news item


Another load of scum bags from the very area I used to live ( Sparkhill Birmingham ) have just been convicted of a terror plot with no other reason but to kill as many people as possible, but here's the thing to quote the Police.


Nobody in the bomb plotters' own community tipped the police off with their concerns, despite finding out they were sending young men to terror training camps in Pakistan.

At no point during the 18-month investigation by the West Midlands counter-terrorism unit did anyone in Birmingham's Muslim community inform on the behaviour of Irfan Naseer, Irfan Khalid (together right) and Ashik Ali, raising questions over the health of relations between officers and community leaders.

This was despite the fact the families of four other young men recruited from Sparkhill all intervened to bring them back home the moment they found out the real reasons for them travelling to Pakistan.

Detective Inspector Adam Gough, senior investigating officer, said the extended families of the four men had 'become aware' of why they went to Pakistan but, in any case, 'did not tell us





Interesting, isn't it that I have lived extensively among and worked with Muslims in both the UK and in the Middle East and yet I have found them to be no different from anybody else - some good, some bad, some downright evil, most just the same as anybody else. You, for some reason, only see the bad ones! As I said, it could have something to do with your attitude in the first place.


And before you come back with tales of how they chased you down the road threatening to cut off your head, just think about what you have said above. Three evil sods have been convicted - good. I hope they throw the book at them. Hundreds of thousands of other Muslims in the area have been convicted of nothing. And as for the "wall of silence", I don't know (any more than you do) but I suspect it might be something likje the similar walls of silence that the police found in Belfast when the IRA were at their height. Sheer terror of the consequenses keeps people quiet. Tell me that you would have acted differently if you had been in a similar situation.

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antony1969 - 2013-02-21 6:36 PM


Why John ? what's ripping you so in my comment ? . I hope you are not trying to suggest I am belittling his death in some way in my comment on figures for black race murder


Well, you made the comment and I'd have thought you'd be prepared to justify it. Apparantly not.

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Interesting you mention the IRA John . I seem to remember thousands turning out to there fallen brother's funerals when they had been taken out by one of our brave lads and thousands turning out on marches for the hunger strikes . Hardly the behaviour of a community that did not support what the IRA were doing .

I wonder if the 7/ 7 bombers one of which was from Huddersfield was buried here in his home town then I wonder how many Muslims would turn out in support . I suppose both of us can only guess at the figure .

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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-21 7:40 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-21 7:09 PM


I'm curious, so you were effectively forced away from your home area then, if so you would be singing from the same hymn sheet, yes sure you was, but how timely this on Channel Five news item


Another load of scum bags from the very area I used to live ( Sparkhill Birmingham ) have just been convicted of a terror plot with no other reason but to kill as many people as possible, but here's the thing to quote the Police.


Nobody in the bomb plotters' own community tipped the police off with their concerns, despite finding out they were sending young men to terror training camps in Pakistan.

At no point during the 18-month investigation by the West Midlands counter-terrorism unit did anyone in Birmingham's Muslim community inform on the behaviour of Irfan Naseer, Irfan Khalid (together right) and Ashik Ali, raising questions over the health of relations between officers and community leaders.

This was despite the fact the families of four other young men recruited from Sparkhill all intervened to bring them back home the moment they found out the real reasons for them travelling to Pakistan.

Detective Inspector Adam Gough, senior investigating officer, said the extended families of the four men had 'become aware' of why they went to Pakistan but, in any case, 'did not tell us





walls of silence that the police found in Belfast when the IRA were at their height. Sheer terror of the consequences keeps people quiet. Tell me that you would have acted differently if you had been in a similar situation.


How ridiculous to compare walls of silence around the IRA with Muslims who have family members intent on trying to murder hundreds of people but kept their collective gobs shut. Or are you saying they were gripped in sheer terror by what their sons may have done to them if they had informed the authorities, if so you better start to worry because in comparison to their own family members we count for nothing. You are simply in denial that this very real and present threat exists because many of them utterly despise, loath, and hate us. Don't worry Jiohn 47 as I said a few weeks ago to you, another planned or carried out atrocity will be along in a minute, just hope you or your loved ones are not caught up in it eh, we'd all miss your defences of these hateful people. ;-)


Let's give up on the conversation, you'll never bring me round to any other point of view, I simply have no time for them or their bloody backward religion, over and out. ;-)

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John 47 - 2013-02-21 7:48 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-21 6:36 PM


Why John ? what's ripping you so in my comment ? . I hope you are not trying to suggest I am belittling his death in some way in my comment on figures for black race murder


Well, you made the comment and I'd have thought you'd be prepared to justify it. Apparantly not.


I don't have to justify anything John , nobody else has struggled with it . It's you that's struggling with it for some reason .

Maybe because I mentioned black race crimes against whites in the same post as Stephen Lawrence I am making light of his murder , is that what your trying to get at ?

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Guest 1footinthegrave
antony1969 - 2013-02-21 8:10 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-21 7:48 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-21 6:36 PM


Why John ? what's ripping you so in my comment ? . I hope you are not trying to suggest I am belittling his death in some way in my comment on figures for black race murder


Well, you made the comment and I'd have thought you'd be prepared to justify it. Apparantly not.


I don't have to justify anything John , nobody else has struggled with it . It's you that's struggling with it for some reason .

Maybe because I mentioned black race crimes against whites in the same post as Stephen Lawrence I am making light of his murder , is that what your trying to get at ?


Don't worry, he's a bit like a Rubik cube, you can't figure it out. ;-)

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