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'White flight'


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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-21 8:02 PM


How ridiculous to compare walls of silence around the IRA with Muslims who have family members intent on trying to murder hundreds of people but kept their collective gobs shut. Or are you saying they were gripped in sheer terror by what their sons may have done to them if they had informed the authorities, if so you better start to worry because in comparison to their own family members we count for nothing. You are simply in denial that this very real and present threat exists because many of them utterly despise, loath, and hate us. Don't worry Jiohn 47 as I said a few weeks ago to you, another planned or carried out atrocity will be along in a minute, just hope you or your loved ones are not caught up in it eh, we'd all miss your defences of these hateful people. ;-)



In answer to the first bit, yes I am saying that. The kind of people who were at the core of the IRA or an Islamic terrorist cell are precisely the kind of people who have no sensitivity for others - including their own families. But the main point I am making - and I am quite prepared to keep making it over and over again - is that, even despite the core figures and their genuine supporters who may line the streets at their funerals, the VAST majority of the community are blameless. As long as you tar them with the same brush I will continue to point it out.


Oh and one of my family escaped the July bombings by a whisker and the son of one of my friends was blown up by a bomber. Once again, you make assumptions without knowing the facts. If I'd got my hands on those people I'd have probably torn them apart. The differnce between you and me is that I don't blame the innocent ones.

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Guest JudgeMental

Amen! Donna! I know who I would rather live next door to! rather then some of the despicable bigots on here!lol


Was brought up and went to school in the Brixton area of south London. Was always a vibrant essentially working class but a poor area but we loved it. Have moved south a bit but go through it via the tube now and again. It's the west indians who are being displaced by rich white folk over spilling from clapham and the like. My 21 year old daughter party's there all the time , and it is now called Brixton village! Full of restaurants and bars its really up and coming


I bet the older West Indian inhabitants can't believe their luck! as the terraced Victorian houses they bought in the 50's for probably a couple of grand are now changing hands for circa a. million.....yep around one million pounds. So it's black people moving out to Buckinghamshire and the like driven out by white folk

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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-22 9:43 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-21 8:02 PM


How ridiculous to compare walls of silence around the IRA with Muslims who have family members intent on trying to murder hundreds of people but kept their collective gobs shut. Or are you saying they were gripped in sheer terror by what their sons may have done to them if they had informed the authorities, if so you better start to worry because in comparison to their own family members we count for nothing. You are simply in denial that this very real and present threat exists because many of them utterly despise, loath, and hate us. Don't worry Jiohn 47 as I said a few weeks ago to you, another planned or carried out atrocity will be along in a minute, just hope you or your loved ones are not caught up in it eh, we'd all miss your defences of these hateful people. ;-)



In answer to the first bit, yes I am saying that. The kind of people who were at the core of the IRA or an Islamic terrorist cell are precisely the kind of people who have no sensitivity for others - including their own families. But the main point I am making - and I am quite prepared to keep making it over and over again - is that, even despite the core figures and their genuine supporters who may line the streets at their funerals, the VAST majority of the community are blameless. As long as you tar them with the same brush I will continue to point it out.


Oh and one of my family escaped the July bombings by a whisker and the son of one of my friends was blown up by a bomber. Once again, you make assumptions without knowing the facts. If I'd got my hands on those people I'd have probably torn them apart. The differnce between you and me is that I don't blame the innocent ones.


I simply do not care mate, if non of them had been allowed to settle here and now out breed us 4 to 1 NON of them could threaten us from within, end of. And all that bulls**t about one of your family escaping the July bombings is simply that. As for innocent ones you time and time again ignore the ones on the receiving end, like the 2000 this latest lot they hoped to kill. Thank God you're not in charge of our intelligence services with your Rose tinted specs. Watch how you go. >:-)

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Yes I would agree with that comment Judge!


As for the comment earlier that the three extremists were not reported by their community - All I would say is that the authorities are hardly likely to advertise the fact that some are reporting on such evil people.


The TV reports clearly showed that the local Muslims interviewed avoided one of them because of his extremist views.


You can hardly equate them to the same, but locally we have a Christian Sect who are very vocal, nicknamed the Happy Clappies and I avoid them like the plague.


Just because it is plastered all over the likes of the Daily Wail does not make it true.


Just because it is not reported that local people reported their concern does not mean it did not happen


Far too many people on here are looking for conspiracy theories.


Personally I think the Police probably have a pretty good undercover network in extremist groups of all types.


I also think that the authorities have decided NOT to personally inform 1foot of this due to operational requirements.


I am sure this decision was not taken lightly.


I suspect the minutes of that meeting will be available to us all after the usual 30 years 8-)



(lol) (lol) (lol)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
The only extremist groups intent on murdering you and yours in the UK today are these scum and odd that they are ALL Muslim eh, I simply cannot understand why some of you don't get that connection
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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-22 10:13 AM


I simply do not care mate, if non of them had been allowed to settle here and now out breed us 4 to 1 NON of them could threaten us from within, end of. And all that bulls**t about one of your family escaping the July bombings is simply that. As for innocent ones you time and time again ignore the ones on the receiving end, like the 2000 this latest lot they hoped to kill. Thank God you're not in charge of our intelligence services with your Rose tinted specs. Watch how you go. >:-)


Oh I know you don't care - you have made that glaringly obvious.........and all that bullsh*t about you being driven out of your home town by hoards of screaming Muslims is simply that.


Had to laugh at the last bit - you are right! Time and time again I have ignored all those potential victims of the innocent ones (lol) (lol) (lol).

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-22 10:24 AM


The only extremist groups intent on murdering you and yours in the UK today are these scum and odd that they are ALL Muslim eh, I simply cannot understand why some of you don't get that connection


Oh I get the connection all right - you can follow t right back to the likes of Phoney Care (Tony Blair) manufacturing evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction so he could have his War.


He played right into the extremist Muslim's hands when he did this - as did the idiot G W Bush by going round talking about this War being "the Christian thing to do"


If Bush and Blair had done the sensible thing and focussed on the extremists rather than manufacturing evidence so that Bush Junior "could finish the job" his idiotic Father had wimped out on, we would not be looking at the long term antagonism we now see and of which 1 foot is a classic example.


Once again - I say - fair play to the French - they have done a fantastic job so far in Mali


And the EU in general did a pretty good job in Lybia.


The Arab Spring is bringing about change - we are demonstrating that the likes of Blair and Bush were an aberration. We are getting support from the moderates.


But if your prejudice dictates that all you see are the bad points - then how different does that make you to an extremist that only sees the West as instigators of a War based upon lies and deceit?





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John 47 - 2013-02-22 9:43 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-21 8:02 PMy


How ridiculous to compare walls of silence around the IRA with Muslims who have family members intent on trying to murder hundreds of people but kept their collective gobs shut. Or are you saying they were gripped in sheer terror by what their sons may have done to them if they had informed the authorities, if so you better start to worry because in comparison to their own family members we count for nothing. You are simply in denial that this very real and present threat exists because many of them utterly despise, loath, and hate us. Don't worry Jiohn 47 as I said a few weeks ago to you, another planned or carried out atrocity will be along in a minute, just hope you or your loved ones are not caught up in it eh, we'd all miss your defences of these hateful people. ;-)



In answer to the first bit, yes I am saying that. The kind of people who were at the core of the IRA or an Islamic terrorist cell are precisely the kind of people who have no sensitivity for others - including their own families. But the main point I am making - and I am quite prepared to keep making it over and over again - is that, even despite the core figures and their genuine supporters who may line the streets at their funerals, the VAST majority of the community are blameless. As long as you tar them with the same brush I will continue to point it out.


Oh and one of my family escaped the July bombings by a whisker and the son of one of my friends was blown up by a bomber. Once again, you make assumptions without knowing the facts. If I'd got my hands on those people I'd have probably torn them apart. The differnce between you and me is that I don't blame the innocent ones.



If the vast majority of folk in Ireland are\were blameless and did not support the IRA how come Sinn Fein the political mouthpiece for the terrorists were so popular ? or was it that the Irish are that thick they didn't realise they were the same thing ?

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But the Irish did reject Sinn Fein during the “Troubles” Anthony - in Eire Sinn Fein polled less than 2% of the vote and had no Seats in the Irish Parliament during the “Troubles”.


Now that Sinn Fein has rejected violence, in the 2011 election it gained 9.9% of the vote and this gave them 14 seats out of a total of 166.


Quite a success for tolerance I would suggest and the fact that when violence was part of Sinn Fein’s agenda over 98% of Irish voters REJECTED them. This is at odds with your view that a significant proportion of the Irish electorate supported them.


Their support came ONLY after violence was rejected by Sinn Fein.


The Irish are not thick - never have been - stereotypes again *-)


The Irish voted for what they wanted - that is all.



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CliveH - 2013-02-22 12:25 PM


But the Irish did reject Sinn Fein during the “Troubles” Anthony - in Eire Sinn Fein polled less than 2% of the vote and had no Seats in the Irish Parliament during the “Troubles”.


Now that Sinn Fein has rejected violence, in the 2011 election it gained 9.9% of the vote and this gave them 14 seats out of a total of 166.


Quite a success for tolerance I would suggest and the fact that when violence was part of Sinn Fein’s agenda over 98% of Irish voters REJECTED them. This is at odds with your view that a significant proportion of the Irish electorate supported them.


Their support came ONLY after violence was rejected by Sinn Fein.


The Irish are not thick - never have been - stereotypes again *-)


The Irish voted for what they wanted - that is all.





Clive don't start on the branding the Irish thick lark , my background is Irish so im hardly likely to slag my own family off am I ? The comment was in jest .

Your figures differ to mine on Sinn Fein support . One major point would be hunger striker and terrorist Bobby Sands been elected as MP for Fermanagh at the height of the troubles in 1981 . Who voted him in ? Or wasn't it explained to the Irish who and what he was ?

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Guest 1footinthegrave
CliveH - 2013-02-22 10:54 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-22 10:24 AM


The only extremist groups intent on murdering you and yours in the UK today are these scum and odd that they are ALL Muslim eh, I simply cannot understand why some of you don't get that connection


Oh I get the connection all right - you can follow t right back to the likes of Phoney Care (Tony Blair) manufacturing evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction so he could have his War.


He played right into the extremist Muslim's hands when he did this - as did the idiot G W Bush by going round talking about this War being "the Christian thing to do"


If Bush and Blair had done the sensible thing and focussed on the extremists rather than manufacturing evidence so that Bush Junior "could finish the job" his idiotic Father had wimped out on, we would not be looking at the long term antagonism we now see and of which 1 foot is a classic example.


Once again - I say - fair play to the French - they have done a fantastic job so far in Mali


And the EU in general did a pretty good job in Lybia.


The Arab Spring is bringing about change - we are demonstrating that the likes of Blair and Bush were an aberration. We are getting support from the moderates.


But if your prejudice dictates that all you see are the bad points - then how different does that make you to an extremist that only sees the West as instigators of a War based upon lies and deceit?





From your statement you seem to find every justification for this latest lot of the enemy within then plotting to kill thousands ? nice sentiment.


My prejudice as you put it would not have me plotting away to kill Mulsims for no other reason that they are Muslim, or indeed anyone, quite a difference I would have thought to anyone with half a brain to this last lot just caught, mind you they've been shown to be idiots otherwise 2000 people would be dead right now, the next lot to come along may not be, let's discuss it then eh..


In the meantime perhaps we should all remember our individual views are irrelevant which ever side of the argument you sit on. >:-)

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CliveH - 2013-02-21 11:17 AM Similar happened in Cornwall with the Cornish Fishermen. They seemed to think they had a God given right to fish the seas and expected subsidies to do so because it was traditional that they did this.


I wasn't going to get into this one but the above is a load of insulting irritating rubbish.  Yet another example of 'hearsay' crap!!  If you are going to insult please try to get your facts straight.

Cornish fishermen, of whom my Grandfather and brother were but two were doing OK thank you.....look at the history of Looe and Newlyn fish markets,  until the EU stuck it's oar in...no pun intended.....with it's quotas.  Add to that the over fishing of 'our' traditional boundaries by French and Spanish fleets with 'factory' ships that the UK traditionally never used and you get to the mess that the UK fishing fleet found itself in.  My brother got out of fishing some years back because he was fed up with throwing back tons of perfectly good fish simply because EU rules said he couldn't land them.......they were almost all dead because their swim bladders had burst.  It got so bad that whereas in years past he could land a catch from which he could make a living he was throwing back those which in years gone by could/would have been landed and sold.  Perfectly good edible fish dumped 'dead' because the EU said 'Non'.  Therefore because of the EU involvement forcing the dumping of thousands of tons of perfectly good fish, the overfishing of 'our' fishing grounds by French and Spanish ships our fishermen have been almost forced out of business.  There are a few hardy ones remaining but the UK fishing fleet in general is a mere shadow of what it used to be.


As far as subsidies are concerned all the fishermen wanted was to make a living...to fish....not to throw back tons of dead fish....to get on with earning their living.


European fishing quotas, stock issues and international competition have caused a continued decline in Cornish fishing, affecting towns like Newlyn enormously through reduced landing quotas, increased red tape and the ultimately depressing consequence: boat decommissioning and breaking. The cost of obtaining a 'Quota' licence is seriously inhibiting fishing in Cornwall and other traditional UK ports.


There was no thought of 'God given rights' just the desire to make a living, to land and sell perfectly good fish, not to dump tons of dead fish because it didn't meet 'the rules' and to put good fresh fish into the market place as had been done for generations without the need for 'quotas' which have been proved to have been a disaster for fish stocks.  In essence the bureaucrats who know feck all about fishing have messed up our fisheries to the detriment of not only the fishermen but to all of us.


The government's own figures, of the 186 million fish caught in UK waters last year, 117 million of them were thrown away dead as waste.


Had these been landed and sold the market would level itself out and fishermen could make a living.  Instead the EU interfered and paid subsidies instead.  Despite making up more than three quarters of the British fishing fleet, small-scale fishermen have access to only four per cent of the UK quota, with the rest being controlled by a handful of producers organisations.....the 'big boys'.

 So before you start insulting get your facts straight!!


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antony1969 - 2013-02-22 1:56 PM


CliveH - 2013-02-22 12:25 PM


But the Irish did reject Sinn Fein during the “Troubles” Anthony - in Eire Sinn Fein polled less than 2% of the vote and had no Seats in the Irish Parliament during the “Troubles”.


Now that Sinn Fein has rejected violence, in the 2011 election it gained 9.9% of the vote and this gave them 14 seats out of a total of 166.


Quite a success for tolerance I would suggest and the fact that when violence was part of Sinn Fein’s agenda over 98% of Irish voters REJECTED them. This is at odds with your view that a significant proportion of the Irish electorate supported them.


Their support came ONLY after violence was rejected by Sinn Fein.


The Irish are not thick - never have been - stereotypes again *-)


The Irish voted for what they wanted - that is all.





Clive don't start on the branding the Irish thick lark , my background is Irish so im hardly likely to slag my own family off am I ? The comment was in jest .

Your figures differ to mine on Sinn Fein support . One major point would be hunger striker and terrorist Bobby Sands been elected as MP for Fermanagh at the height of the troubles in 1981 . Who voted him in ? Or wasn't it explained to the Irish who and what he was ?




Are you not getting a bit confused with Ireland and Northern Ireland Anthony?


Bobby Sands was elected as a Westminster MP with a seat in NI which is part of the UK.


The figures I quoted are for the situation in Ireland (Eire) where despite what Bobby Sands' supporters in Northern Ireland wanted - i.e. a "United Ireland" - the majority in Eire rejected the violence of the IRA and its then political wing, Sinn Fein and apart from less than 2% of the population, rejected them out of hand.


Now that Sinn Fein has rejected violence - they are doing far better in the elections - tho' they are still a minority party in that country.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-22 2:05 PM


CliveH - 2013-02-22 10:54 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-22 10:24 AM


The only extremist groups intent on murdering you and yours in the UK today are these scum and odd that they are ALL Muslim eh, I simply cannot understand why some of you don't get that connection


Oh I get the connection all right - you can follow t right back to the likes of Phoney Care (Tony Blair) manufacturing evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction so he could have his War.


He played right into the extremist Muslim's hands when he did this - as did the idiot G W Bush by going round talking about this War being "the Christian thing to do"


If Bush and Blair had done the sensible thing and focussed on the extremists rather than manufacturing evidence so that Bush Junior "could finish the job" his idiotic Father had wimped out on, we would not be looking at the long term antagonism we now see and of which 1 foot is a classic example.


Once again - I say - fair play to the French - they have done a fantastic job so far in Mali


And the EU in general did a pretty good job in Lybia.


The Arab Spring is bringing about change - we are demonstrating that the likes of Blair and Bush were an aberration. We are getting support from the moderates.


But if your prejudice dictates that all you see are the bad points - then how different does that make you to an extremist that only sees the West as instigators of a War based upon lies and deceit?





From your statement you seem to find every justification for this latest lot of the enemy within then plotting to kill thousands ? nice sentiment.


My prejudice as you put it would not have me plotting away to kill Mulsims for no other reason that they are Muslim, or indeed anyone, quite a difference I would have thought to anyone with half a brain to this last lot just caught, mind you they've been shown to be idiots otherwise 2000 people would be dead right now, the next lot to come along may not be, let's discuss it then eh..


In the meantime perhaps we should all remember our individual views are irrelevant which ever side of the argument you sit on. >:-)


1 foot - only you could come to that conclusion from what I have written. In my view there is no justification for violence. What I said was that the stupidity of Blair and Bush gave the extremists the excuse they wanted. Our politicians handed them the ammunition they needed.


If you botherred to read what i went onto say about the success of the French in Mali and the EU campaign in Libya you would see that - in my view - the more considered actions here are having a far more positive influence on the moderate Muslim world.


Trouble is 1 foot just as there are people like you in the UK - there are people like you in the Muslim world as well, full of hatred and bile and with easier access to guns.


As I say - i think you have a lot in common with the bigots in the Muslim world - you just don't see it because there are non so blind as those that will not see.



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RogerC - 2013-02-22 3:14 PM 
CliveH - 2013-02-21 11:17 AM Similar happened in Cornwall with the Cornish Fishermen. They seemed to think they had a God given right to fish the seas and expected subsidies to do so because it was traditional that they did this.


I wasn't going to get into this one but the above is a load of insulting irritating rubbish.  Yet another example of 'hearsay' crap!!  If you are going to insult please try to get your facts straight.

Cornish fishermen, of whom my Grandfather and brother were but two were doing OK thank you.....look at the history of Looe and Newlyn fish markets,  until the EU stuck it's oar in...no pun intended.....with it's quotas.  Add to that the over fishing of 'our' traditional boundaries by French and Spanish fleets with 'factory' ships that the UK traditionally never used and you get to the mess that the UK fishing fleet found itself in.  My brother got out of fishing some years back because he was fed up with throwing back tons of perfectly good fish simply because EU rules said he couldn't land them.......they were almost all dead because their swim bladders had burst.  It got so bad that whereas in years past he could land a catch from which he could make a living he was throwing back those which in years gone by could/would have been landed and sold.  Perfectly good edible fish dumped 'dead' because the EU said 'Non'.  Therefore because of the EU involvement forcing the dumping of thousands of tons of perfectly good fish, the overfishing of 'our' fishing grounds by French and Spanish ships our fishermen have been almost forced out of business.  There are a few hardy ones remaining but the UK fishing fleet in general is a mere shadow of what it used to be.


As far as subsidies are concerned all the fishermen wanted was to make a living...to fish....not to throw back tons of dead fish....to get on with earning their living.


European fishing quotas, stock issues and international competition have caused a continued decline in Cornish fishing, affecting towns like Newlyn enormously through reduced landing quotas, increased red tape and the ultimately depressing consequence: boat decommissioning and breaking. The cost of obtaining a 'Quota' licence is seriously inhibiting fishing in Cornwall and other traditional UK ports.


There was no thought of 'God given rights' just the desire to make a living, to land and sell perfectly good fish, not to dump tons of dead fish because it didn't meet 'the rules' and to put good fresh fish into the market place as had been done for generations without the need for 'quotas' which have been proved to have been a disaster for fish stocks.  In essence the bureaucrats who know feck all about fishing have messed up our fisheries to the detriment of not only the fishermen but to all of us.


The government's own figures, of the 186 million fish caught in UK waters last year, 117 million of them were thrown away dead as waste.


Had these been landed and sold the market would level itself out and fishermen could make a living.  Instead the EU interfered and paid subsidies instead.  Despite making up more than three quarters of the British fishing fleet, small-scale fishermen have access to only four per cent of the UK quota, with the rest being controlled by a handful of producers organisations.....the 'big boys'.

 So before you start insulting get your facts straight!!

There was no insult intended - and I vividly remember that Cornish Fishermen were interviewed and they main point they made was that there work was a family tradition and they felt they had a "right"to continue as their fathers and fathers fathers had done so. Even if the sea was being overfished.The example was given of how Cornish Fishermen had overfished Pilchards such that there were non left to catch by circa 1920.I would agree that the EU fishing quotas are idiotic. But that has recently changed re the rules on discarding caught fishBut don't come at me Roger with nothing but inaccurate righteous indignation and an accusation of insult when non at all existed.We need some sort of quota system re fishing Roger - unless of course you are happy to see fish stocks decline away to nothing as did Pilchards.
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Guest 1footinthegrave
CliveH - 2013-02-22 3:40 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-22 2:05 PM


CliveH - 2013-02-22 10:54 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-22 10:24 AM


The only extremist groups intent on murdering you and yours in the UK today are these scum and odd that they are ALL Muslim eh, I simply cannot understand why some of you don't get that connection


Oh I get the connection all right - you can follow t right back to the likes of Phoney Care (Tony Blair) manufacturing evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction so he could have his War.


He played right into the extremist Muslim's hands when he did this - as did the idiot G W Bush by going round talking about this War being "the Christian thing to do"


If Bush and Blair had done the sensible thing and focussed on the extremists rather than manufacturing evidence so that Bush Junior "could finish the job" his idiotic Father had wimped out on, we would not be looking at the long term antagonism we now see and of which 1 foot is a classic example.


Once again - I say - fair play to the French - they have done a fantastic job so far in Mali


And the EU in general did a pretty good job in Lybia.


The Arab Spring is bringing about change - we are demonstrating that the likes of Blair and Bush were an aberration. We are getting support from the moderates.


But if your prejudice dictates that all you see are the bad points - then how different does that make you to an extremist that only sees the West as instigators of a War based upon lies and deceit?





From your statement you seem to find every justification for this latest lot of the enemy within then plotting to kill thousands ? nice sentiment.


My prejudice as you put it would not have me plotting away to kill Mulsims for no other reason that they are Muslim, or indeed anyone, quite a difference I would have thought to anyone with half a brain to this last lot just caught, mind you they've been shown to be idiots otherwise 2000 people would be dead right now, the next lot to come along may not be, let's discuss it then eh..


In the meantime perhaps we should all remember our individual views are irrelevant which ever side of the argument you sit on. >:-)


1 foot - only you could come to that conclusion from what I have written. In my view there is no justification for violence. What I said was that the stupidity of Blair and Bush gave the extremists the excuse they wanted. Our politicians handed them the ammunition they needed.


If you botherred to read what i went onto say about the success of the French in Mali and the EU campaign in Libya you would see that - in my view - the more considered actions here are having a far more positive influence on the moderate Muslim world.


Trouble is 1 foot just as there are people like you in the UK - there are people like you in the Muslim world as well, full of hatred and bile and with easier access to guns.


As I say - i think you have a lot in common with the bigots in the Muslim world - you just don't see it because there are non so blind as those that will not see.



Ok I'm a bigot in your view, but who would you fear most, me an old age pensioner with COPD with at best a water pistol, or some Muslim bigots like these latest three who were planning to be armed to the teeth eh ? you want to hear hatred and bile listen to the transcripts of the intelligence collected, and you have the effrontery to put me in their league you pillock


As for hatred and bile you accuse me of, the moment those two planes went in to the twin towers and I saw those poor sods leaping to their deaths did it for me, and you know what, the condemnation from the Muslim world was non existent, so on balance I think the bigots on that side of the fence way out number me don't you think ?

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pepe63 - 2013-02-22 3:22 PM


RogerC - 2013-02-22 3:14 PM


So before you start insulting get your facts straight!!


By jove Rog'!..I do belive,you've come up with an "easy to remember guide" for the frequent users of Chatterbox! 8-) (lol)


I would suggest that those too easily insulted should check to see if an insult existed in the first place.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
CliveH - 2013-02-22 3:59 PM


pepe63 - 2013-02-22 3:22 PM


RogerC - 2013-02-22 3:14 PM


So before you start insulting get your facts straight!!


By jove Rog'!..I do belive,you've come up with an "easy to remember guide" for the frequent users of Chatterbox! 8-) (lol)


I would suggest that those too easily insulted should check to see if an insult existed in the first place.



Does being full of Bile and being a Bigot count as an insult from you then or not ?

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-22 3:58 PM


CliveH - 2013-02-22 3:40 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-22 2:05 PM


CliveH - 2013-02-22 10:54 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-22 10:24 AM


The only extremist groups intent on murdering you and yours in the UK today are these scum and odd that they are ALL Muslim eh, I simply cannot understand why some of you don't get that connection


Oh I get the connection all right - you can follow t right back to the likes of Phoney Care (Tony Blair) manufacturing evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction so he could have his War.


He played right into the extremist Muslim's hands when he did this - as did the idiot G W Bush by going round talking about this War being "the Christian thing to do"


If Bush and Blair had done the sensible thing and focussed on the extremists rather than manufacturing evidence so that Bush Junior "could finish the job" his idiotic Father had wimped out on, we would not be looking at the long term antagonism we now see and of which 1 foot is a classic example.


Once again - I say - fair play to the French - they have done a fantastic job so far in Mali


And the EU in general did a pretty good job in Lybia.


The Arab Spring is bringing about change - we are demonstrating that the likes of Blair and Bush were an aberration. We are getting support from the moderates.


But if your prejudice dictates that all you see are the bad points - then how different does that make you to an extremist that only sees the West as instigators of a War based upon lies and deceit?





From your statement you seem to find every justification for this latest lot of the enemy within then plotting to kill thousands ? nice sentiment.


My prejudice as you put it would not have me plotting away to kill Mulsims for no other reason that they are Muslim, or indeed anyone, quite a difference I would have thought to anyone with half a brain to this last lot just caught, mind you they've been shown to be idiots otherwise 2000 people would be dead right now, the next lot to come along may not be, let's discuss it then eh..


In the meantime perhaps we should all remember our individual views are irrelevant which ever side of the argument you sit on. >:-)


1 foot - only you could come to that conclusion from what I have written. In my view there is no justification for violence. What I said was that the stupidity of Blair and Bush gave the extremists the excuse they wanted. Our politicians handed them the ammunition they needed.


If you botherred to read what i went onto say about the success of the French in Mali and the EU campaign in Libya you would see that - in my view - the more considered actions here are having a far more positive influence on the moderate Muslim world.


Trouble is 1 foot just as there are people like you in the UK - there are people like you in the Muslim world as well, full of hatred and bile and with easier access to guns.


As I say - i think you have a lot in common with the bigots in the Muslim world - you just don't see it because there are non so blind as those that will not see.



Ok I'm a bigot in your view, but who would you fear most, me an old age pensioner with COPD with at best a water pistol, or some Muslim bigots like these latest three who were planning to be armed to the teeth eh ? you want to hear hatred and bile listen to the transcripts of the intelligence collected, and you have the effrontery to put me in their league you pillock


As for hatred and bile you accuse me of, the moment those two planes went in to the twin towers and I saw those poor sods leaping to their deaths did it for me, and you know what, the condemnation from the Muslim world was non existent, so on balance I think the bigots on that side of the fence way out number me don't you think ?


OK so do you deny what you have written about Muslims? All I have ever said was that it is wrong to tar them all with the same brush.


I have obviously touched a nerve with the juxtaposition of your views re Muslims and those of Muslims towards us.


Pillock is not a very nice word 1 foot and it does you no credit to use it.


I too sat in horror at 911 and I have made it clear that I believe all extremists that perpetrate such deeds should be hunted down and terminated. I celebrated with a nice glass or three of Rioja the comeuppance of Bin Ladan.


But you still seem to want to insist that ALL Muslims think as the extremists do. And that is wrong based upon my experience.


Just as it would be wrong for all Muslims to think that all of us in the West think as you do.


But utterances such as yours on the subject simply provide those who have an anti Western agenda with examples of how anti-Muslim we are. And again - that is wrong in my experience.



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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-22 4:02 PM


CliveH - 2013-02-22 3:59 PM


pepe63 - 2013-02-22 3:22 PM


RogerC - 2013-02-22 3:14 PM


So before you start insulting get your facts straight!!


By jove Rog'!..I do belive,you've come up with an "easy to remember guide" for the frequent users of Chatterbox! 8-) (lol)


I would suggest that those too easily insulted should check to see if an insult existed in the first place.



Does being full of Bile and being a Bigot count as an insult from you then or not ?


Take it for what you want 1foot - it is how you come across to me - and in fact you, yourself, by your own words actually seem to be admitting that you are full of Bile and your are being bigoted!



Freudian slip perhaps? (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
CliveH - 2013-02-22 4:16 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-22 4:02 PM


CliveH - 2013-02-22 3:59 PM


pepe63 - 2013-02-22 3:22 PM


RogerC - 2013-02-22 3:14 PM


So before you start insulting get your facts straight!!


By jove Rog'!..I do belive,you've come up with an "easy to remember guide" for the frequent users of Chatterbox! 8-) (lol)


I would suggest that those too easily insulted should check to see if an insult existed in the first place.



Does being full of Bile and being a Bigot count as an insult from you then or not ?


Take it for what you want 1foot - it is how you come across to me


And how you and your pal John47 come across to me is that a few hundred or a few thousand killed as a result of the one single religion accommodated in our midst is a price worth paying, it would be very interesting to know how many of the survivors of the London bombings would agree with that viewpoint.

This is a whole new ball game, and I've no doubt there are many that don't subscribe to the same view, it's the ones that do that worry me, and if NON of them had been allowed to settle in what was to them an alien culture like ours we would not find ourselves with the ever present threat from them, seem quite simple to me, only time will tell if I'm or you and your pal are right won't it. But with these latest three I think I have the argument, or lets agree to give it another year before we here of yet another one eh pal.

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CliveH - 2013-02-22 3:57 PM
RogerC - 2013-02-22 3:14 PM 
CliveH - 2013-02-21 11:17 AM Similar happened in Cornwall with the Cornish Fishermen. They seemed to think they had a God given right to fish the seas and expected subsidies to do so because it was traditional that they did this.


I wasn't going to get into this one but the above is a load of insulting irritating rubbish.  Yet another example of 'hearsay' crap!!  If you are going to insult please try to get your facts straight.

Cornish fishermen, of whom my Grandfather and brother were but two were doing OK thank you.....look at the history of Looe and Newlyn fish markets,  until the EU stuck it's oar in...no pun intended.....with it's quotas.  Add to that the over fishing of 'our' traditional boundaries by French and Spanish fleets with 'factory' ships that the UK traditionally never used and you get to the mess that the UK fishing fleet found itself in.  My brother got out of fishing some years back because he was fed up with throwing back tons of perfectly good fish simply because EU rules said he couldn't land them.......they were almost all dead because their swim bladders had burst.  It got so bad that whereas in years past he could land a catch from which he could make a living he was throwing back those which in years gone by could/would have been landed and sold.  Perfectly good edible fish dumped 'dead' because the EU said 'Non'.  Therefore because of the EU involvement forcing the dumping of thousands of tons of perfectly good fish, the overfishing of 'our' fishing grounds by French and Spanish ships our fishermen have been almost forced out of business.  There are a few hardy ones remaining but the UK fishing fleet in general is a mere shadow of what it used to be.


As far as subsidies are concerned all the fishermen wanted was to make a living...to fish....not to throw back tons of dead fish....to get on with earning their living.


European fishing quotas, stock issues and international competition have caused a continued decline in Cornish fishing, affecting towns like Newlyn enormously through reduced landing quotas, increased red tape and the ultimately depressing consequence: boat decommissioning and breaking. The cost of obtaining a 'Quota' licence is seriously inhibiting fishing in Cornwall and other traditional UK ports.


There was no thought of 'God given rights' just the desire to make a living, to land and sell perfectly good fish, not to dump tons of dead fish because it didn't meet 'the rules' and to put good fresh fish into the market place as had been done for generations without the need for 'quotas' which have been proved to have been a disaster for fish stocks.  In essence the bureaucrats who know feck all about fishing have messed up our fisheries to the detriment of not only the fishermen but to all of us.


The government's own figures, of the 186 million fish caught in UK waters last year, 117 million of them were thrown away dead as waste.


Had these been landed and sold the market would level itself out and fishermen could make a living.  Instead the EU interfered and paid subsidies instead.  Despite making up more than three quarters of the British fishing fleet, small-scale fishermen have access to only four per cent of the UK quota, with the rest being controlled by a handful of producers organisations.....the 'big boys'.

 So before you start insulting get your facts straight!!

There was no insult intended - and I vividly remember that Cornish Fishermen were interviewed and they main point they made was that there work was a family tradition and they felt they had a "right"to continue as their fathers and fathers fathers had done so. Even if the sea was being overfished.The example was given of how Cornish Fishermen had overfished Pilchards such that there were non left to catch by circa 1920.I would agree that the EU fishing quotas are idiotic. But that has recently changed re the rules on discarding caught fishBut don't come at me Roger with nothing but inaccurate righteous indignation and an accusation of insult when non at all existed.We need some sort of quota system re fishing Roger - unless of course you are happy to see fish stocks decline away to nothing as did Pilchards.


The only thing I see as inaccurate here is what you have written.  The Cornish fishermen simply wanted to be able to fish as they and their forefathers had done which was in a 'sustainable' manner.  Before the stupid EU decided on quotas and size limits along with the advent of factory ships fishing was done in what is now understood to be eco friendly.....ie...not overfished.


Point in blue above....strange that.  If this was the case how come I worked with my Grandmother in a 'pilchard canning factory' in Looe processing the catch brought in by Looe and other local fishermen up until it closed in the 60's?. Newlyn was still processing 'Cornish caught pilchards' up until 2005.   The reason for the decline in pilchard fishing was due to cheap imports from South Africa with which the local industry could not compete.  Yet another thing you got wrong.


You obviously know sod all about fishing.  Quotas per se will do nothing for fish stocks.  What the 'real artisan fishermen' want is sustainable fishing as was practiced before the advent of 'industrial fishing' that exists now.  Before factory ships and quotas all 'edible' fish (some are not) were landed and sold to the market for consumption.  Quotas don't work because it targets species and sizes.  However once caught and trawled up most fish are dead.  You can not expect to catch only the species the EU says you can therefore with quotas thousands of tons of perfectly good fish are thrown back.


Point in red:......'God given right' you wrote.  This term in my experience is normally used to in a derogatory manner or as an insult to someone and the way you used it it certainly seemed that is what you intended. 

As for 'righteous indignation'......well I'll agree to righteous......in all fairness I got it 'right' you didn't.  Indignant?.....Definition:  expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting.  Yes I suppose I am.  After all you got it totally wrong and IMO unjustly insulted my forefathers and brother.....ergo I took offence...so too damn right I was.


Like I said before you really do need to get your facts straight before you put finger to key!! 

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