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'White flight'


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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2013-02-23 1:02 PM


CliveH - 2013-02-23 12:57 PM

Which I think shows how even the most ingrained prejudice can be dismantled given the right circumstances and good will on both sides.


Or was it the thought of getting real power - even if it did mean sharing?


Could be that you hit the nail on the head, what would McGuinness and Adams doing right now one has to ask, probably working as a Barista, ;-) or in Adams case went back to being a barman. :D


So as Brucy would say " didn't they do well "

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-23 2:46 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-23 11:58 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-23 11:35 AM



By the way you were on here early this morning, what a full life you must lead, or just back from morning prayers eh >:-)


Time difference! Here in sunny Almeria we are an hour ahead of the UK. It also has the advantage of being far away from your biting wit - I'd buy a new joke book if I were you. (lol)


Well what a sad git you really must be, to make one of the first things you do is come on here, and then spend most of the day on here, you REALLY should get out more mate. >:-) oh sorry you are, in sunny Almeria with bugger all to do.


I'm walled up in freezing temperatures here in Wales if I was in Mojacar or near that neck of the woods I'd be out enjoying it pal, or getting "decked" by you eh >:-)


or was it your pal CliveH I can't keep up that thinks I need to get "decked"



No it was not me 1 foot.


You don't wind me up that much that I get angry enough to suggest violence.


But you do like to insult people and some do not have access to the like of Donna's "chill pill"


Tho' with temps in the UK damn hear freezing i really do not need any more "chill".



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Guest 1footinthegrave
CliveH - 2013-02-23 3:25 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-23 2:46 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-23 11:58 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-23 11:35 AM



By the way you were on here early this morning, what a full life you must lead, or just back from morning prayers eh >:-)


Time difference! Here in sunny Almeria we are an hour ahead of the UK. It also has the advantage of being far away from your biting wit - I'd buy a new joke book if I were you. (lol)


Well what a sad git you really must be, to make one of the first things you do is come on here, and then spend most of the day on here, you REALLY should get out more mate. >:-) oh sorry you are, in sunny Almeria with bugger all to do.


I'm walled up in freezing temperatures here in Wales if I was in Mojacar or near that neck of the woods I'd be out enjoying it pal, or getting "decked" by you eh >:-)


or was it your pal CliveH I can't keep up that thinks I need to get "decked"



No it was not me 1 foot.


You don't wind me up that much that I get angry enough to suggest violence.


But you do like to insult people and some do not have access to the like of Donna's "chill pill"


Tho' with temps in the UK damn hear freezing i really do not need any more "chill".



If you care to take a look I only give back what I receive ;-) I think :-S ;-) but to be honest it is all getting very tiresome. :-(

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No doubt we will agree to differ - but to my mind you do "Phish" for it (and Cornwall has nothing to do with it :-D )


I find it strange that it is so easy for some to be tarred with that same brush when I would absolutely HATE to be equated with the sort of thuggery and bigotry that the so called Loyalists of Northern Ireland portray. The do not represent me at all and I am appalled that they do what they do under the Union Flag.


Not in MY name!


And yet on paper we are all White Anglo Saxon Protestants - but i would no more wish to be associated with them as I would Islamic extremists, or the IRA.


So just as i would ask those of the Muslim, Hindu, Catholic or whatever religion - please do not think we are all like those morons, I would grant them the same curtesy and not tar all of them with having the same views as a sub sect of their religion.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
I guess the only way the original Ops question could be answered is to ask everyone of the 600.000 that left.rather than us pontificating about it. :-S
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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-23 2:46 PM



Well what a sad git you really must be, to make one of the first things you do is come on here, and then spend most of the day on here, you REALLY should get out more mate. >:-) oh sorry you are, in sunny Almeria with bugger all to do.


I'm walled up in freezing temperatures here in Wales if I was in Mojacar or near that neck of the woods I'd be out enjoying it pal, or getting "decked" by you eh >:-)


The good news for you is that I will be back in England in April. There I do not need the computer to access the radio, so I will not be browsing as often and you will not be asked to think before you post so often!


But since you are so interested in my daily routine, after putting the kettle (and Radio 4) on this morning I wondered who I could annoy. Then, after playing boules with an international group of non-Muslims I wondered again. Then, after a pleasant afternoon at the bar (on the terrace in the sun - but with no Muslims because they don't drink wine) I wondered again. Now we are going out to dinner with friends (none of them Muslim) but I'll try to annoy you when we get back.


Btw, I don't go in for violence; I was just expressing amazement that nobody else had decked you before if you really are for real.


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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-23 5:43 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-23 2:46 PM



Well what a sad git you really must be, to make one of the first things you do is come on here, and then spend most of the day on here, you REALLY should get out more mate. >:-) oh sorry you are, in sunny Almeria with bugger all to do.


I'm walled up in freezing temperatures here in Wales if I was in Mojacar or near that neck of the woods I'd be out enjoying it pal, or getting "decked" by you eh >:-)


The good news for you is that I will be back in England in April. There I do not need the computer to access the radio, so I will not be browsing as often and you will not be asked to think before you post so often!


But since you are so interested in my daily routine, after putting the kettle (and Radio 4) on this morning I wondered who I could annoy. Then, after playing boules with an international group of non-Muslims I wondered again. Then, after a pleasant afternoon at the bar (on the terrace in the sun - but with no Muslims because they don't drink wine) I wondered again. Now we are going out to dinner with friends (none of them Muslim) but I'll try to annoy you when we get back.


Btw, I don't go in for violence; I was just expressing amazement that nobody else had decked you before if you really are for real.


I'm really sorry, and can only apologise for any of my retorts to your posts. It's now quite obvious you are barking mad, if all you can think to do on a lovely sunny morning in Almeria is come on here to try to annoy me, or any one else for that matter. But I'm glad you've seen sense in avoiding Muslims whilst there, keep it up.

But do go and see your GP when you get back, get some treatment pal, I think you've got obsessive compulsion disorder, tell him it's trying to annoy people on the Internet, then you can get your life back on track. Good luck with it. >:-)

I will not respond to you any further ever knowing your fragile state of mind pal.

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When I were but a lad living near Cromer on the Norfolk coast I used to go out with the crab fishermen in their boats when the mackerel were running down the coast and we used to catch so many on multi hook lined that we used to take our boot socks off and stuff them into the oarlock holes to stop the boats sinking and get more fish in. We used to stand in the boats deep in fish with the boats so heavy they had to be unloaded before they could be got onto their trailers. I still go back to Cromer every year and the fishermen tell me they have not even seen any quantity of mackerel for years or for that matter herring which also used to be plentiful.


Always amazes me how some of these threads can start off so innocently and degrade into slanging matches and how some contributors can find the time to make so many contributions. Still each to his own and if that's what floaters their boat I don't have a problem with it. I simply skip those exchanges.

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CliveH - 2013-02-23 3:18 PM
RogerC - 2013-02-23 1:15 PM
CliveH - 2013-02-22 6:10 PM
RogerC - 2013-02-22 5:58 PM
CliveH - 2013-02-22 5:29 PMNo wrong again RogerI regularly fish on boats out of Weymouth and Mudeford.I fished regularly from Boats when I lived in Worthing and Hastings before that.I know the seas have been overfished. The evidence is clear.Yes the quota system is stupid - I have said that for years - but you keep missing the point!We only had the quota system forced upon us BECAUSE of overfishing. The reference to Starships roger was a humerous suggestion that who else could possibly be guilty of decimating fish stocks other than fishermen. And yes - I do think i live on another planet to the one you are on - because i l lot of what you and i foot say is total alien to me and the world I inhabit.Again how typical of you to jump to the conclusion that because I dare to disagree with you my knowledge of Fish and Fishing extends only to a pack of fish fingers.Does being so laughably arrogant come easily to you or do you have to practice?


Overfishing was NOT caused by artisan fishermen such as those in Cornwall or anywhere else.....it was caused by the introduction of 'factory ships' and the quotas exacerbated this by forcing the 'all' fishermen to throw back perfectly good marketable fish because it was a species the fishermen were/are not allowed to land.


I must obviously bow to your superior personal knowledge seeing as you frequent those hallowed centres of the fishing industry.....your 'visitors' insight is obviously much better informed than mine.  I can only claim to have 'lived' through some of what we 'vigorously' discuss and have a family history actually involved in the industry.  


As for arrogance... I suppose I do need to practice more unlike you who seems to have perfected the art.

The fishermen of Cornwall according to you were not to blame - but their Trawlers were as big as and equiped the same as others in the UK.The "artisan" fishermen you cite may well not be to blame - but the ones I saw were hardly fishing for a hobby.


I bow to your superior knowledge.......the 'fact' that I was born and grew up in Looe, met my Grandfather and brother's boats on a daily basis coming in from sea, saw the fleet on a daily basis, that my grandfather and brother were both 'trawler skippers/owners' obviously means I know far less than you do.........  Please accept the humble apologies of someone who was brought up in a fishing town with family members directly involved in the industry, having boat skippers/owners in the family who got out because they could not compete with the 'big boats' and their factory ship ways means I obviously must bow to your superior 'visitors' knowledge.....like hell it does. 


There's none so blind as cannot see..........keep your white stick handy and be careful as you go.


However big the trawlers were - if they took fish from the seas then the contributed to the overfishing. Of course some are more guilty than others - Factory ships obviously. But unless the Trawlers I saw both in Cornwall and from other ports in the UK went out NOT to catch fish - I fail to see how they could do anything other than contribute to the problem. And once again - we have you trying to bully your viewpoint across by saying as a "visitor" my opinion can be dismissed because of your superior knowledge or experience.Like I said I too have lived in Ports where Fishing fleets existed and regularly line fish still - along the South coast admittedly - so unless Cornish fishermen are significantly different to every other fishing fleet in England I would suggest that the distinction you seek by way of geography is not really that relevant.but we could just agree to differ (lol) (lol) (lol)


Oh for goodness sake...what a weak pathetic way to lay blame on the 'indigenous fleets'. Now it's regardless of their size is it?  For your edification almost all ports in the South West are too small to take the big fleets.  Falmouth and Plymouth being exceptions.  Their water depth is too shallow to take the draft of the big ships and their physical dimensions simply can not accomodate the big boats.    For decades the fishing fleets of the South West and other small ports fished responsibly.  It was in their interest not to overfish in order to sustain their livelyhood. The factory fleets had no such interest as they simply move on.  The invasion of our territorial waters by French and Spanish fleets with factory ships many times the size, deployable for weeks as opposed to the daily to and froing of the south west fleets served to decimate the stocks. 


Assuming you were not born in the 1800's your knowledge of a 'fishing fleet' in Worthing seems limited because according to research only around 10 were still active in the 1950's and only 5 by the 1990's.  As for Hastings read on:

A fleet has fished for dover sole, a shallowwater species endemic to the Channel, since before William the Conqueror landed. "The sole stock here is colossal because it's been fished sustainably over many generations," says Joy, who can trace his fishing family back 800 years. If anything, he reckons, sole numbers have increased in recent times.

Hastings' sustainability may have been helped by the quotas restricting bigger boats fishing in the area. But it is also an accident of its unique history. Since its harbour silted up centuries ago, boats are launched from the beach. It means they can only get out in calm conditions. "We have small boats regulated by the wind and the sea. That has made the fleet sustainable," says Joy.  He still laments the imposition of 'species' quotas which mean he has to throw back perfectly marketable fish simply because the 'quota' says he can't land them.



But hey what the hell...I was trying to 'bully' no one.  I was simply stating fact.  On your fatuous premise maybe we should also blame Tracker, me, you and everyone else who goes line fishing for contributing to the reduction in fish stocks?  I bet you don't drop a line hoping to catch nothing!!  As for agreeing to differ......because trying to make the myopic see farther than the end of their nose is beyond my capabilities I will leave you to your ill informed, wrongly opinioned bliss.  Just try telling some South West/small port trawlermen/fishermen, many of whom have lost their boats/livelyhoods and in some cases their homes that they have contributed to overfishing and I bet the end of your nose comes much closer to your face very swiftly.  Oh and that's not me bullying I am simply stating fact.  They tried for years and years to get factory fishing fleets stopped from decimating 'our waters' but got nowhere.  They knew exactly what was damage was being caused by factory fleets and quotas (meant to control the factory fleets but due to bureaucratic incompetence and ignorance have decimated our small port fleets) but those 'in power' would not listen or see reason.......just like you in fact.


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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-23 6:29 PM


I'm really sorry, and can only apologise for any of my retorts to your posts. It's now quite obvious you are barking mad, if all you can think to do on a lovely sunny morning in Almeria is come on here to try to annoy me, or any one else for that matter. But I'm glad you've seen sense in avoiding Muslims whilst there, keep it up.

But do go and see your GP when you get back, get some treatment pal, I think you've got obsessive compulsion disorder, tell him it's trying to annoy people on the Internet, then you can get your life back on track. Good luck with it. >:-)

I will not respond to you any further ever knowing your fragile state of mind pal.


Memo to self: never attempt funnies with someone who has no sense of humour. :-D

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RogerC - 2013-02-23 7:55 PM
CliveH - 2013-02-23 3:18 PM
RogerC - 2013-02-23 1:15 PM
CliveH - 2013-02-22 6:10 PM
RogerC - 2013-02-22 5:58 PM
CliveH - 2013-02-22 5:29 PMNo wrong again RogerI regularly fish on boats out of Weymouth and Mudeford.I fished regularly from Boats when I lived in Worthing and Hastings before that.I know the seas have been overfished. The evidence is clear.Yes the quota system is stupid - I have said that for years - but you keep missing the point!We only had the quota system forced upon us BECAUSE of overfishing. The reference to Starships roger was a humerous suggestion that who else could possibly be guilty of decimating fish stocks other than fishermen. And yes - I do think i live on another planet to the one you are on - because i l lot of what you and i foot say is total alien to me and the world I inhabit.Again how typical of you to jump to the conclusion that because I dare to disagree with you my knowledge of Fish and Fishing extends only to a pack of fish fingers.Does being so laughably arrogant come easily to you or do you have to practice?


Overfishing was NOT caused by artisan fishermen such as those in Cornwall or anywhere else.....it was caused by the introduction of 'factory ships' and the quotas exacerbated this by forcing the 'all' fishermen to throw back perfectly good marketable fish because it was a species the fishermen were/are not allowed to land.


I must obviously bow to your superior personal knowledge seeing as you frequent those hallowed centres of the fishing industry.....your 'visitors' insight is obviously much better informed than mine.  I can only claim to have 'lived' through some of what we 'vigorously' discuss and have a family history actually involved in the industry.  


As for arrogance... I suppose I do need to practice more unlike you who seems to have perfected the art.

The fishermen of Cornwall according to you were not to blame - but their Trawlers were as big as and equiped the same as others in the UK.The "artisan" fishermen you cite may well not be to blame - but the ones I saw were hardly fishing for a hobby.


I bow to your superior knowledge.......the 'fact' that I was born and grew up in Looe, met my Grandfather and brother's boats on a daily basis coming in from sea, saw the fleet on a daily basis, that my grandfather and brother were both 'trawler skippers/owners' obviously means I know far less than you do.........  Please accept the humble apologies of someone who was brought up in a fishing town with family members directly involved in the industry, having boat skippers/owners in the family who got out because they could not compete with the 'big boats' and their factory ship ways means I obviously must bow to your superior 'visitors' knowledge.....like hell it does. 


There's none so blind as cannot see..........keep your white stick handy and be careful as you go.


However big the trawlers were - if they took fish from the seas then the contributed to the overfishing. Of course some are more guilty than others - Factory ships obviously. But unless the Trawlers I saw both in Cornwall and from other ports in the UK went out NOT to catch fish - I fail to see how they could do anything other than contribute to the problem. And once again - we have you trying to bully your viewpoint across by saying as a "visitor" my opinion can be dismissed because of your superior knowledge or experience.Like I said I too have lived in Ports where Fishing fleets existed and regularly line fish still - along the South coast admittedly - so unless Cornish fishermen are significantly different to every other fishing fleet in England I would suggest that the distinction you seek by way of geography is not really that relevant.but we could just agree to differ (lol) (lol) (lol)


Oh for goodness sake...what a weak pathetic way to lay blame on the 'indigenous fleets'. Now it's regardless of their size is it?  For your edification almost all ports in the South West are too small to take the big fleets.  Falmouth and Plymouth being exceptions.  Their water depth is too shallow to take the draft of the big ships and their physical dimensions simply can not accomodate the big boats.    For decades the fishing fleets of the South West and other small ports fished responsibly.  It was in their interest not to overfish in order to sustain their livelyhood. The factory fleets had no such interest as they simply move on.  The invasion of our territorial waters by French and Spanish fleets with factory ships many times the size, deployable for weeks as opposed to the daily to and froing of the south west fleets served to decimate the stocks. 


Assuming you were not born in the 1800's your knowledge of a 'fishing fleet' in Worthing seems limited because according to research only around 10 were still active in the 1950's and only 5 by the 1990's.  As for Hastings read on:

A fleet has fished for dover sole, a shallowwater species endemic to the Channel, since before William the Conqueror landed. "The sole stock here is colossal because it's been fished sustainably over many generations," says Joy, who can trace his fishing family back 800 years. If anything, he reckons, sole numbers have increased in recent times.

Hastings' sustainability may have been helped by the quotas restricting bigger boats fishing in the area. But it is also an accident of its unique history. Since its harbour silted up centuries ago, boats are launched from the beach. It means they can only get out in calm conditions. "We have small boats regulated by the wind and the sea. That has made the fleet sustainable," says Joy.  He still laments the imposition of 'species' quotas which mean he has to throw back perfectly marketable fish simply because the 'quota' says he can't land them.



But hey what the hell...I was trying to 'bully' no one.  I was simply stating fact.  On your fatuous premise maybe we should also blame Tracker, me, you and everyone else who goes line fishing for contributing to the reduction in fish stocks?  I bet you don't drop a line hoping to catch nothing!!  As for agreeing to differ......because trying to make the myopic see farther than the end of their nose is beyond my capabilities I will leave you to your ill informed, wrongly opinioned bliss.  Just try telling some South West/small port trawlermen/fishermen, many of whom have lost their boats/livelyhoods and in some cases their homes that they have contributed to overfishing and I bet the end of your nose comes much closer to your face very swiftly.  Oh and that's not me bullying I am simply stating fact.  They tried for years and years to get factory fishing fleets stopped from decimating 'our waters' but got nowhere.  They knew exactly what was damage was being caused by factory fleets and quotas (meant to control the factory fleets but due to bureaucratic incompetence and ignorance have decimated our small port fleets) but those 'in power' would not listen or see reason.......just like you in fact.

Rightious indignation again that anyone could possibly have a differing view to you Roger. It must be painful having that wasp up your arse (lol) (lol) (lol) Once again you miss the point entirely.The fleets from Worthing and Hastings did indeed have smaller boats than most of the Trawlers from Cornwall. There is a post above from Colin that makes my point for me better than your verbal diatribe makes yours. I used to get tea for my family as a lad by simply wandering down to the beach with a set of feathers and when the mackerel were in - go home with a bag full - sometimes in less than ten minutes of throwing the line.Now I have difficulty getting a few mackerel to use as bait!!!!!! I too watched the fleets from Hastings, Worthing Cornwall and more recently Weymouth as well as other places come in fully loaded with fish decades ago - and now they do not. Overfishing is the problem - it is killing our fish stocks - hence the quotas Now, how the quotas are policed is very much an issue and i think we would agree on how crazy it is that dead fish are thrown back. But my point is that overfishing is real and regardless of the size of the Trawler/Fishing boat - to fish at all when breeding stocks are being destroyed is not just silly it is stupid.All the bluff and bluster in the world will not change that. You post is full of words that make little sense other than to back up the point I was making re the relative size of boat of the Cornish Trawler fleet to other fleets that I grew up with. To say the Cornish Fleet only fished sustainably is to deny the reality of other how other Fishing Fleets worked. Arguing that one set of fishermen are less to blame than another is not just like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic - it is like saying that because your deck chair is not yet in the water and you have "Nelsons Eye" on the encroaching problem - you are going to be OK. And of course don't forget Roger - I had fish-fingers for tea last night.
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Guest 1footinthegrave

KOTR I think it was an attempt by someone to take the heat out of your original post hasn't worked though, and by the way I don't think you gave a view why White flight from London has happened


Now back to fish


I don't know much about this issue except to say that years ago near where we live the harbour area at Barmouth one could walk and peer into the water and it was teeming with fish,I'm told sea bass,that was back in the 70s, likewise you could go and stand on a bridge over the mawddach estuary and see it teeming with fish activity, now the only thing you see are Carling black label cans.

But I do wonder if all the pollutants that we the wonderful human race dump in it have a major impact on fish life, very sad. :'(


I should add this was never a real fishing boat area as far as I'm aware.. ;-)

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Different areas 1 foot - but the effect is the same. I know we all look back at bygone times with those rose tinted spectacles on, but certainly my experience of living in coastal towns with fishing fleets is that the "harvest" was considerable.


Now it is not.


Unless we want sterile seas with nothing in them to fish for, we have to restrict the take take take attitude.


And that means some sort of quota system however unpopular that is amongst those who wish to make a living from the sea.


The policing of that quota system is what has gone terribly wrong.


Catching fish then throwing the excess back is ludicrous.



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This will hopefully sum up the fishing debate................


Let us suppose there is a large safe with £10,000 in it.

Each day, Roger, Clive and Myself take out £1 and put back in 5p.

That money is going to last quite a long time. (Do the maths yourself if you're that particular).

Then along comes Tracker and 1Foot, they each take £10 a day and put nothing back.

Pretty soon the safe is going to be empty.




Each one of us has contributed to the demise of that money, we (Roger, Clive and Myself) may rightly blame the other 2 for 'over fishing ' the pot and causing its' early depletion, but all of us are guilty of taking some of what was there.


Now that, I believe is what Clive was trying to put across, Roger is correct in that EU intervention and factory fishing was the main reason the fishing was not sustainable, but he is wrong to dismiss Clive's input that the Cornish fisherman were ALSO to blame by what they took to eek out a living, let's not forget that the Cornish ships would have been subject to the same quotas and landing laws as anyone else, so huge amounts of dead fish would have to be thrown back and each dead fish would be one less that would be able to replenish fish stocks.


As for the 'White Flight' debate, if it had been labelled 'British Flight' it would have been more credible, yes our towns, cities and inner city areas are being taken over by immigrants, and regardless of their creed or colour, that is what you should be more worried about. We will not become a muslim nation, despite the doom and gloom merchants, there are pittiful few in this country (Muslim or not) who will vote for or accept Sharia law, there would be civil unrest the level of which has never been seen before.







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Guest 1footinthegrave
The simple truth of the matter is the human species has screwed the planet up. God must have been having an off day when he created us.
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donna miller - 2013-02-24 10:45 AM

Then along comes Tracker and 1Foot, they each take £10 a day and put nothing back.


Not quite Donna - the most fish we ever took in one day from our 30' boat was about 200 stone because the boat simply would not hold any more and safely return to port - and every fish went to market as food with small or unwanted catches generally going back alive.

This was generally true of the entire Cornish fishing fleet whose days at sea in small boats were also limited by adverse weather that did not affect the large ocean going trawlers.

Using sustainable handline methods or small nets and long lines the entire Cornish fishing fleet was never going to catch more than the remaining stock could replace each year.

The big trawlers were taking many times that and most were going as fishmeal and it did not take long for a few trawlers to reduce stock levels to unsustainable - which is the main reason why nobody catches mackerel from the shore in any numbers any more.

When the fish went they turned to beam trawling for scallops which flattened and tore the sea bed to shreds rendering it devoid of life in places where life had previously been flourishing and abundant.

Repeat the same scenario for other species and we end up in the mess we are now.


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donna miller - 2013-02-24 1:22 PM


FFS Rich, it was a scenario aimed at diffusing the ever increasing tension, could you not just see it for what it was instead of adding more fuel to the fire. Or would that be too much to ask. *-)


Perhaps when I respond to your posting in good faith you could reply without sarcasm - or would that be too much to ask?


I Googled FFS just to be sure of it's meaning in this context and that too was quite uncalled for from you in your attempt to diffuse.


Sorry but as I'm not a mind reader you do seem to have a funny way of 'diffusing' tension and as far as I was aware there was no tension involving me on this thread?


I am surprised that you choose to call me posting a sensible, unacrimonious and polite response to what I saw as another angle on the same topic from you 'adding fuel'?


Different perspectives maybe, but may I ask that you consider your responses before mud slinging?



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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-24 10:11 AM


KOTR I think it was an attempt by someone to take the heat out of your original post hasn't worked though, and by the way I don't think you gave a view why White flight from London has happened


Now back to fish


I don't know much about this issue except to say that years ago near where we live the harbour area at Barmouth one could walk and peer into the water and it was teeming with fish,I'm told sea bass,that was back in the 70s, likewise you could go and stand on a bridge over the mawddach estuary and see it teeming with fish activity, now the only thing you see are Carling black label cans.

But I do wonder if all the pollutants that we the wonderful human race dump in it have a major impact on fish life, very sad. :'(


I should add this was never a real fishing boat area as far as I'm aware.. ;-)



My own personal thoughts on why there is a 'White flight' of 600,000 persons is because they do not want to live in a multi cultural/ black society, those with the means to do so will relocate, those who have retired and have always harboured the dream of living in a seaside or village location when they retire do so, those who dont have the means to relocate have to stick it out and suffer.


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The very first house that I bought was in a very nice area, sometime later I realised the writing was on the wall, elderly residents were dying off and their children wanted a quick sale for their parents homes, I told my wife now was the time to get out, Afro Caribeans and Asians were moving in, I did not want to listen to constant loud raggae music and have my house permeated by the stench of curry, so we sold up at the most oppertune moment, I sometimes visit my old street and could cry at the neglect of what at one time was a rock solid decent working class area, it is now the pits.
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Sadly that was mine and everyone I have spoken to that have moved here the exact same reason, apparently we are all racist according to some on here I guess , but our area like yours was turned into a s**t hole in just a few years
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Guest 1footinthegrave
knight of the road - 2013-02-24 3:00 PM


To express the opinion that you dont want to live amongst people you do not like such as immigrants/blacks/Asians etc etc, are you suddenly classed as being homophobic or a bigoted racist, can you not voice your own opinions?


In short, no not any more. We've all got to be "liberals" and let minorities call the shots, as they do, and the rest of us count for nothing my friend,just like the majority Tories who voted against homosexual / lesbian marriage, all told they were dinosaurs,instead of respecting their viewpoint,that's how it is now.

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