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'White flight'


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Guest 1footinthegrave

Your right of course Donna, but it's not quite so simple, in Gwynedd it is not an option,it is compulsory. The moment a child walks into their first primary school they are spoken to in Welsh, of course a child that lives in a Welsh speaking household is not disadvantaged, but children that have English speaking parents are simply not catered for, it did cause us some worry, but now she is 9 and fully bilingual one could argue it's her that has the advantage now, only time will tell I guess. ;-)


The downside is it prevents many incomers settling here, perhaps that's the real end game, who knows, even if it was no one would say so officially would they. Probably why something like 98% of Gwynedd describe themselves as White british, so no white flight from here to speak of, apart from Tom Jones :D

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Guest 1footinthegrave
antony1969 - 2013-02-25 6:23 PM


Had Enough - 2013-02-25 8:25 AM


Greetings from Evora, Portugal. We've spent the last ten days or so wandering through France and Spain and haven't had much wi-fi but are now on a site. Mrs H.E. insists on one occasionally so that we can do some laundry etc. and I don't really mind as most are quiet at this time of year.


Thought I'd log on for a laugh as I do occasionally and I'm pleased to see that the Chatterbox branch of the BNP is in good form. Even more rewarding is that the Jews are now being brought in, so at least some of you are equal opportunity bigots.


I love these learned discourses by people who think that Muslims are in two main branches, Shi'ites and Sharias! You couldn't make it up!


Off to Lagos area now. Cheerio.



Had It Up , please try to find some wifi on your travels as you are sorely missed by me and the other BNP and CMC members ( CMC being the hilariously funny club Had It Hard made up for us the Chatterbox Morons Club ) .

Bet those wonderful locals in Lagos are loving having you there , safe travels xx


Yes take a leaf out of John47s book, he finds it an essential part of his day from sunny Spain to come on here, how sad. :-( his sole aim in life is to convert me to his way of thinking, now that is very strange indeed. :-S

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Tracker - 2013-02-25 6:14 PM


donna miller - 2013-02-25 5:49 PM


Tracker - 2013-02-24 10:12 PM


1...Do you not think that school hours and resources are limited enough without ramming the Welsh language compulsorily down the children's throats?


2...It's a dead language spoken only in Wales and on the general assumption that so many gifted young Welsh students will leave Wales to seek fame and fortune - or even just work - elsewhere what possible advantage is the Welsh language going to be when the curriculum could have been filled with something useful?




1...Why shouldn't Welsh kids be taught Welsh? They live in Wales and Welsh is spoken in their area, I'm sure Russian schoolchildren learn their native language despite it not being widely spoken outside of Russia.


2... Wrong !!! large colonies in Patagonia, at the southern tip of Argentina speak Welsh and have done for 100s of years, they are regular visitors to our Eisteffodd's every year.


Thanks Donna, BUT -


Russian kids learn Russian, being their primary language, so they can communicate with Party members in order to stay out of jail!


Those that want to get on in the real world learn English as a second language - not Welsh!


The upside for the rest of the UK is that Welsh students learning Welsh helps English and Scottish students get better university places in the real world - so carry on inwardly looking Wales - you have a great future behind you!


Patagonia eh - WOW - such potential!!


I am aware of the Patagonian connection but didn't mention it as it has no value in the real world and i always assumed it was so horse meat could be imported for school meals more easily?


I have no issue with Welsh people learning Welsh IF THEY WANT TO - but I did feel that it is unfair to foist it on those that don't! However as I no longer live in Wales why should I care!!


Still can't accept it when someone disagrees or points out when you are wrong can you.

I believe that Welsh kids should be taught Welsh, however, you need to discover facts before you sling mud, they are taught it at primary school in some counties (not all) as a compulsary language,these tend to be in mid-west and north Wales where the language is widely spoken. They then have the option to continue in secondary school, much like other languages are taught at secondary level.


As for your cock up about the language, you said and I quote, "It's a dead language SPOKEN ONLY IN WALES" And yet now you claim you knew all about Patagonia.*-) but even though they speak Welsh there, that doesn't count because you say they don't matter in the real world, I'm sure they would beg to differ.


Wrong is wrong whichever way it's dressed up, so it's about time you learned how to man up and accept it for once.


You should change your name to Backtracker, that would be more appropriate.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-25 6:25 PM



The downside is it prevents many incomers settling here, perhaps that's the real end game, who knows, even if it was no one would say so officially would they. Probably why something like 98% of Gwynedd describe themselves as White british,


so no white flight from here to speak of, apart from Tom Jones :D


Don't be silly, Tom Jones was from Pontypridd, thats in Rhonda Cynon Taff.. :D

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donna miller - 2013-02-25 6:45 PM

Still can't accept it when someone disagrees or points out when you are wrong can you.


A case of pot calling kettle methinks!


Goodness me Donna you do come across as a humourless person at times!


Lighten up - it's only banter - being pedantic to score Brownie points really does not become you and I really don't care about being wrong - especially if it makes you feel better!!


Apart from that nobody really cares what happens in Wales - least of all the 2 million Patagonians living not in their own independent country but in parts of Argentina and Chile - according to Wiki!!


But at least Wales does seem to have a half decent rugby squad (an English game!) for the time being!!


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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-24 10:35 PM


My experience of the NHS here on the Powys / Gwynedd border is first rate, as an example I was referred for a further hearing assessment at Bronglias, Aberystwyth, it came through within 10 days, plus was given free of charge an updated digital hearing aid, not available in England on the NHS.


That' not correct Mike. I have two digital hearing aids provided free on the NHS + batteries.



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nowtelse2do - 2013-02-25 7:01 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-24 10:35 PM


My experience of the NHS here on the Powys / Gwynedd border is first rate, as an example I was referred for a further hearing assessment at Bronglias, Aberystwyth, it came through within 10 days, plus was given free of charge an updated digital hearing aid, not available in England on the NHS.


That' not correct Mike. I have two digital hearing aids provided free on the NHS + batteries.




Me too - and my wife!!

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You cant trust the Welsh , we give them Pontins at Prestatyn and Prince Charles and they give us Neil Kinnock and family .

As for the Welsh language been taught , if we can pay for translators for non English speaking students in our schools then surely paying to help keep the Welsh language going aint a bad thing .


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antony1969 - 2013-02-25 7:08 PM


You cant trust the Welsh , we give them Pontins at Prestatyn and Prince Charles and they give us Neil Kinnock and family .

As for the Welsh language been taught , if we can pay for translators for non English speaking students in our schools then surely paying to help keep the Welsh language going aint a bad thing .


It don't matter Antony - their own education budget is under the Welsh Assembly old pals club's control - so we are not paying - the Welsh are as it leaves less money for other less important services in Wales - a double whammy!!

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I've been conned then, could have mover back to Brum and got one. :D :D trouble is I wouldn't understand the lingo there any more. :D


I don't understand Urdu :D

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2013-02-25 7:17 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-25 7:08 PM


You cant trust the Welsh , we give them Pontins at Prestatyn and Prince Charles and they give us Neil Kinnock and family .

As for the Welsh language been taught , if we can pay for translators for non English speaking students in our schools then surely paying to help keep the Welsh language going aint a bad thing .


It don't matter Antony - their own education budget is under the Welsh Assembly old pals club's control - so we are not paying - the Welsh are as it leaves less money for other less important services in Wales - a double whammy!!


Tracker with respect there is zero cost to this, the teachers are Welsh speakers to begin with, but also fully bi-lingual. ;-) the only caveat is are they the best teachers as they obviously come from a smaller pool.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-25 7:23 PM

Tracker with respect there is zero cost to this, the teachers are Welsh speakers to begin with, but also fully bi-lingual. ;-) the only caveat is are they the best teachers as they obviously come from a smaller pool.


Not quite Mike - as I see it there is always a cost - in the use of teaching time if not in money?


My point remains that I cannot see any benefit either to the UK or to the individual in devoting secondary school teaching time to a language that will not benefit either when there is plenty of time for students and adults, if they wish, to enhance their language of choice - if they choose it - outside of school time?



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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2013-02-25 7:36 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-25 7:23 PM

Tracker with respect there is zero cost to this, the teachers are Welsh speakers to begin with, but also fully bi-lingual. ;-) the only caveat is are they the best teachers as they obviously come from a smaller pool.


Not quite Mike - as I see it there is always a cost - in the use of teaching time if not in money?


My point remains that I cannot see any benefit either to the UK or to the individual in devoting secondary school teaching time to a language that will not benefit either when there is plenty of time for students and adults, if they wish, to enhance their language of choice - if they choose it - outside of school time?



You should move to Gwynedd and argue the point, doubt you'd get much joy though, and as I said it is not an option to learn Welsh, Welsh is the ONLY language spoken in a child's first school years, with the expectation to be fully conversant in the language by the time of secondary school. Does it do any good, I have no idea. 8-) but it does not seem to be an issue for our Sophie.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-25 7:43 PM

You should move to Gwynedd and argue the point, doubt you'd get much joy though, and as I said it is not an option to learn Welsh, Welsh is the ONLY language spoken in a child's first school years, with the expectation to be fully conversant in the language by the time of secondary school. Does it do any good, I have no idea. 8-) but it does not seem to be an issue for our Sophie.


I suspect that as with most discussions on here there is no right or wrong answer - just opinions - and if there is a right or wrong history, as with so many things, will be the judge of it long after our demise!


One of our reasons for moving away from Pembrokeshire - a county we loved living in despite 10 years of perceived decline - was our utter lack of confidence in Plaid Cymru and Welsh Labour parties of the Welsh Assembly as fit for purpose to govern Wales and especially the Welsh NHS.


But I wish you every bit of good luck and I honestly hope that history will prove me wrong!




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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2013-02-25 7:54 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-25 7:43 PM

You should move to Gwynedd and argue the point, doubt you'd get much joy though, and as I said it is not an option to learn Welsh, Welsh is the ONLY language spoken in a child's first school years, with the expectation to be fully conversant in the language by the time of secondary school. Does it do any good, I have no idea. 8-) but it does not seem to be an issue for our Sophie.


I suspect that as with most discussions on here there is no right or wrong answer - just opinions - and if there is a right or wrong history, as with so many things, will be the judge of it long after our demise!


Part of our reason for moving away from Pembrokeshire - a county we loved living in and liked the local people was our utter lack of confidence in Plaid Cymru and Welsh Labour parties in the Welsh Assembly as fit for purpose to govern Wales and especially the Welsh NHS.


But I wish you every bit of good luck and I honestly hope that history will prove me wrong!




Ah the Elephant in the room, yes of course they have their own agenda, I doubt they'll ever make much meaningful progress the south waliens will see to that, :D :D Been here for 22 years now, the secret is we don't let the barstuards grind us down. ;-) and don't want to come home to a real living fire :D :D

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-25 7:59 PM

Been here for 22 years now, the secret is we don't let the barstuards grind us down. ;-) and don't want to come home to a real living fire :D :D


Great - don't worry - you'll be fine once we get the electricity cable across Offa's Dyke and you can stop pedalling or turn off the generator!


Meanwhile hope you enjoy the Patagonian Horseburgers compliments of the Welsh language trading group of countries!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2013-02-25 8:30 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-25 8:23 PM


Now if we could only get a TV signal. :-(


Ah that'll be that joy of joys - S4C then!!


The only UK channel where some Welsh language programmes allegedly attract an audience of at least two people!


Yes that'll be Dafydd Wigley, and Elfyn Llwyd our MP. :D off for my late dinner now. ;-)

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I spent six months in the Torri Del Pine in Patagonia in 1968 and the welsh used to bring a sheep up to us once a week I never heard Welch spoken. In 1971-1972 I spent a futher six months in the Fitzroy area of Patagonia and we had a Welch man with us again the Welch at the estancia used to bring a dead sheep up once a week but they never spoke Welch and Eric the Welch man spoke fluent Welch It seemed they were famous for putting a bounty on the heads of Indians as recently as 60 years ago and wiped the pure bred Indians out completely. We did use the sheep for various purposes before we ate it.


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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-25 6:28 PM



Yes take a leaf out of John47s book, he finds it an essential part of his day from sunny Spain to come on here, how sad. :-( his sole aim in life is to convert me to his way of thinking, now that is very strange indeed. :-S


Watch it, Michael - your paranoia's showing again!


Btw, since you are so interested in the weather down here, it is currently nearly 10am and pushing 20 Celcius and calm with clear blue skies. Lunch of the bar terrace again, I think. Might go out and find a Muslim or two to talk to about you :-D

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