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Guest Peter James

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Guest Peter James

The road is a cul de sac leading to a small parking area and path up to a large cross.

Beneath the cross are memorial plaques - mostly to British people, and a procession of British people come up to pay their respects



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Guest Peter James
sshortcircuit - 2013-02-24 9:49 AM


If you have a vehicle the short drive inland over the peaks provide similar views.


Don't know where that one is?

I have done the one between Poniente Beach and La Cala Beach, also the other side of La Cala beach with similar views.

I guess the drive up Calle Taywan is not on the tourist itinery because if you drove a bus up there you would have to reverse it back down again - anything longer than about 8 metres would not have room to turn round

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A bit of background:


There's been a cross up on the top of the Sierra Helada (the coastal hill range that separates Benidorm from Albir to the North for many hundreds of years.

That is why that northern end of the Levante beach in Benidorm is called "Rincon de Loix" ( Valenciano for "Corner of the Cross").


When Benidorm was just a tiny fishing village, the cross up on that next hill, 3 or 4 miles away, was a pilgrimmage walk, particularly at Santa Semana ( Easter week).

Before there was a cross up there, (ie before Christianity was made widespread at the point of a sword by the Crusades) it was the site of a Moorish-built lookout post, with a bonfire on it, ready to be lit if pirate ships were seen approaching.....which signal would give the Benidorm villagers time to retreat inland up towards Finestrat village.




Just a personal view, (and we live about an hour North and a little way inland, in actual Spain); but for me, the best view from Benidorm is looking out of it, to anywhere else except Benidorm.


Benidorm is many things, to many people, but pretty it is not.

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My brother is resident in Spain and pops up when we are over. The route is up the coast a bit then west into the Jalon valley. As far as I can remember and from google you come back down to Xalo, Guadalest. Coaches go over this route but they all go south to north as there is no room for two coaches to pass.
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Guest JudgeMental
Is that your white van in the picture Peter. Personally could not live without windows but have you at least not considered a pair of heki roof lights. Heading down the benidorm end of March in time for Easter festivities, and hopefully decent weather :-D
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Before going to Benidorm people always said the place was like Marmite - you either love it or hate it. That isn't true as I go there simply for the weather, cheap beer and food and great transport links. You can see the cross in the picture from my usual pitch at Villasol.
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Guest Peter James

Sorry about the late reply (intermittent internet connection)

Thats interesting, and wondered what 'Rincon' meant as see it so often.

My guide book is scathing about Benidorm, even complaining about the water it uses which has apparently caused drought in other areas.

But completely ignores the good side - the homes and holidays Benidorm provides for millions of people.

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Guest Peter James
JudgeMental - 2013-02-24 10:24 AM


Is that your white van in the picture Peter. Personally could not live without windows but have you at least not considered a pair of heki roof lights. Heading down the benidorm end of March in time for Easter festivities, and hopefully decent weather :-D


Yes, thats it. I intended to fit windows in the back doors when I got it, but then found I didn't need them - and can use the space the windows would have taken to hang things on. The van is only about the size of a room in a house that would only have one window the size of the windscreen so I don't find it claustrophobic. If I want to see out I can sit in the front or open the big side door and sit in armchair looking out (the reason I am parked on the 'wrong' side of the road in the picture - it would be the 'right' side of the road in UK.) People often stop and chat when you sit with the side door open :-) If I want privacy I can sit in the back.

I've got plenty of LED lights and a powerful roof ventilator so don't need rooflights. I would be concerned about the van getting hot in the summer? and possibly making it easy to break into.

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