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Foreigners aside, there are plenty of very unpleasant people that are white and purport to be British - you only have to look at crime reports, street violence, and the BNP and EDL to see that.


I too would no longer choose to live amongst an immigrant community dominated area, but all of these people have the right to live in peaceful coexistence as long as they abide by our laws and rules and contribute to the greater good and diversity of the UK.


You can't blame them for living together and you only have to look at areas of Spain to see ex pat areas for various nations - primarily British who largely seem the least able or willing to integrate, so who are we to condemn others for doing the same in a foreign land?


It's only when a few of them don't behave that they all get tarred with one brush and if you are going to do that you may as well say that every white UK citizen is a member of the EDL and BNP.


One size does not fit all - but we do have the freedom to find our own niche and hold our own views which is more than can be said for many of the countries that these immigrants come from.


We have a lot to be thankful for in my view.

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antony1969 - 2013-02-28 7:04 AM


Malc , what about the Welsh and Huddersfield folk ?


Nowt wrong with uddersfield folk or anyone from the norf, Only thing I dont like about Wales is the fact that road signs can be a little confusing with the welsh language taking precedense over English, can be a little hairy when you are trying to find somewhere and great big farm tractor is right up your backside, love the sing song Welsh accent though.

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Tracker - 2013-02-28 10:09 AM


Foreigners aside, there are plenty of very unpleasant people that are white and purport to be British - you only have to look at crime reports, street violence, and the BNP and EDL to see that.


I too would no longer choose to live amongst an immigrant community dominated area, but all of these people have the right to live in peaceful coexistence as long as they abide by our laws and rules and contribute to the greater good and diversity of the UK.


You can't blame them for living together and you only have to look at areas of Spain to see ex pat areas for various nations - primarily British who largely seem the least able or willing to integrate, so who are we to condemn others for doing the same in a foreign land?


It's only when a few of them don't behave that they all get tarred with one brush and if you are going to do that you may as well say that every white UK citizen is a member of the EDL and BNP.


One size does not fit all - but we do have the freedom to find our own niche and hold our own views which is more than can be said for many of the countries that these immigrants come from.


We have a lot to be thankful for in my view.

There are a lot of my own people that I would not give tuppence for, but I prefer them to foreigners, at least I know how to handle our own scumbags.

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knight of the road - 2013-02-28 10:17 AM


Tracker - 2013-02-28 10:09 AM


Foreigners aside, there are plenty of very unpleasant people that are white and purport to be British - you only have to look at crime reports, street violence, and the BNP and EDL to see that.


I too would no longer choose to live amongst an immigrant community dominated area, but all of these people have the right to live in peaceful coexistence as long as they abide by our laws and rules and contribute to the greater good and diversity of the UK.


You can't blame them for living together and you only have to look at areas of Spain to see ex pat areas for various nations - primarily British who largely seem the least able or willing to integrate, so who are we to condemn others for doing the same in a foreign land?


It's only when a few of them don't behave that they all get tarred with one brush and if you are going to do that you may as well say that every white UK citizen is a member of the EDL and BNP.


One size does not fit all - but we do have the freedom to find our own niche and hold our own views which is more than can be said for many of the countries that these immigrants come from.


We have a lot to be thankful for in my view.

There are a lot of my own people that I would not give tuppence for, but I prefer them to foreigners, at least I know how to handle our own scumbags.


out of interest. How do you handle your own scumbags as apose to scumbags who are a bit of a funny colour?

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Barryd999 - 2013-02-28 10:34 AM


knight of the road - 2013-02-28 10:17 AM


Tracker - 2013-02-28 10:09 AM


Foreigners aside, there are plenty of very unpleasant people that are white and purport to be British - you only have to look at crime reports, street violence, and the BNP and EDL to see that.


I too would no longer choose to live amongst an immigrant community dominated area, but all of these people have the right to live in peaceful coexistence as long as they abide by our laws and rules and contribute to the greater good and diversity of the UK.


You can't blame them for living together and you only have to look at areas of Spain to see ex pat areas for various nations - primarily British who largely seem the least able or willing to integrate, so who are we to condemn others for doing the same in a foreign land?


It's only when a few of them don't behave that they all get tarred with one brush and if you are going to do that you may as well say that every white UK citizen is a member of the EDL and BNP.


One size does not fit all - but we do have the freedom to find our own niche and hold our own views which is more than can be said for many of the countries that these immigrants come from.


We have a lot to be thankful for in my view.

There are a lot of my own people that I would not give tuppence for, but I prefer them to foreigners, at least I know how to handle our own scumbags.


out of interest. How do you handle your own scumbags as apose to scumbags who are a bit of a funny colour?

Simply by giving them short schrift and no opportunity to come the oracle.

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The point is the powers that be are flooding this country with thousands of immigrants, some are genuine and many are not and it is the ordinary folk who are have to put up with all the hassle, the powers that be make sure the immigrants are not moving into the nice area's in which they live, it is the little people who are having to put up with it all, nobody but nobody can convince me that Britain needs thousands of immigrants, we have done remarkably well over the years.
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I really don't know why you are pursuing this question yet again, when it has been 'done to death'on Cerro's 'imigration' (sic) thread and your own 'white flight' post -- a total of 17 pages!

I don't quite understand what 'trolling' is (or 'phishing' for that matter) but I think that that is what you may be doing.

Anyway, here is a nice Guardian article for you to read -- multicultualism in Peterborough? who'd have thought it? http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2013/feb/28/school-20-languages-gladstone-primary





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Symbol Owner - 2013-02-28 12:32 PM



I really don't know why you are pursuing this question yet again, when it has been 'done to death'on Cerro's 'imigration' (sic) thread and your own 'white flight' post -- a total of 17 pages!

I don't quite understand what 'trolling' is (or 'phishing' for that matter) but I think that that is what you may be doing.

Anyway, here is a nice Guardian article for you to read -- multicultualism in Peterborough? who'd have thought it? http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2013/feb/28/school-20-languages-gladstone-primary






trolling is when you target a specific individual all I am saying is that I reserve the right to like or dislike whomesoever I want.

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Malc in one of your posts recently you say live and let live, Your consultant is coloured but she's ok. I'm sorry but I'm beginning to think you are starting threads to cause conflict between certain members of the forum, and I go along with Colin's post on this one. Have you no rules on your own web site? Tell us what it is, I'd like a look at it please. My last post to this thread.



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Symbol Owner - 2013-02-28 2:08 PM


That does not seem to be correct either Malcolm................ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21614086




The point is that most of those that leave voluntarily take with them their skills and their capital and most of those that come bring with them their families and no capital?


Perhaps a slight exaggeration and there are of course exceptions but you get my drift?

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nowtelse2do - 2013-02-28 1:20 PM


Malc in one of your posts recently you say live and let live, Your consultant is coloured but she's ok. I'm sorry but I'm beginning to think you are starting threads to cause conflict between certain members of the forum, and I go along with Colin's post on this one. Have you no rules on your own web site? Tell us what it is, I'd like a look at it please. My last post to this thread.




I just send in a new thread now and again, its the other members who get on their high horses and start fighting not me?

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If you want to emmigrate to Australia, New Zealand, America or Canada you have to have the means to house, keep and maintain yourself and not be a drain on their services you also have to have a good health record, do the people coming here have the same?? doubt it, we are having to take in all the flotsam and jetsam plus of course the criminal element, not good enough I'm afraid.
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Well your in titled to your opinion, but I quite like the little Indian family that have taken over and run our village shop. They have integrated into village life well, are always friendly and polite, run the shop very well and are open all hours. Without them we would not even have a village shop anymore.


Having said that I do accept that we do support a load of immigrant families who have simply come here to take advantage of our seemingly open ended welfare system and there are areas outside our rural idel where I would certainly not want to live.


I too would like to see us imposing entry conditions along the lines of Australia, New Zeland and thenUS etc.

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I dont like Muslims/Asians (Pakistanis) Southern Irish Gypos and Roma Gypos, so what have you got to say about that then? and by the way I am a self confessed racist white supremicist and bigot to boot. But at least I am honest and have no fear of nailing my colours to the mast.


Well if we are doing a bit of Bragging about our selves hear go's Might stop people thinking Im a Jackonory who fantasizes. Most of it can be Googled on the Net. Bye Bye


Left home at 16 worked in Manchester first Manchester/Sheffield electrification was in digs. 1950

Joined Marines 1952 to 1959 45 commando. Service abroad, Specialised in different aspects

1953 Stood for nine hours in Whitehall lining the street for queen’s coronation Hated it

1968 member joint British Patagonian Expedition (6 months) first accent of Fortress. Tremendous publicity in the national press

1970 First British Solo accent of Lauper route on the Eiger

1971 Member of Yorkshire Himalayan Expedition (6 months) to Karakorum to climb the ogre

1971 Drove overland in Army 3 tonner to Islamabad 6 members I was transport officer

1972 Member of British Cerro Torre Expedition (6months) Sponsored by Players cigarettes, filmed it for BBC World about us. Called Cerro Torre Rape of a Mountain. Peter Gilmore of the Times newspaper wrote 6 of the world’s top mountaineers attempting the hardest mountain inn the world

1980 Bought a Derelict petrol station spent 20 years building it into a modern petrol station, Shop. Workshop, MOT Bay, Car Sales sold it in 2000.

1984 Built a Sailing yacht a twister. 1987 sailed it to Scotland alone.

1993 Wife’s Birthday present Flew to Vancouver with 90lb Rucksack made my way to Arctic village walked across the Brooks Mountains and back 6 weeks alone. Borrowed gun from Indian for Grizzlies

1993 Whitehorse in the Yukon Paddled 500miles to Dawson city, Wildlife superb

1994 Sold the twister and Bought a Nicholson 32 from Mary port sailed it to Scotland alone.

1998-2000 went to night school and took all my Three qualifications. Day Skipper,Yachtmaster, Yachtmaster ocean.

2001 sold Nic 32 and bought a Beneteau 36 from near Colchester Jumped on board topped up with diesel and sailed it up to Scotland the south coast way. Learning about the boat on the way alone.

2002-2005 sailed round Ireland, down to north Spain. Scillies islands. All Solo.

2006 Bought a Timberland Motor home

2007 Sold the Benny and drove to southern Turkey in the Motor home via Europe, Bulgaria, Serbia, then drove back via Greece and southern Italy and back to France. All wild camping

2010 Bought a Nicholson 35 at Dover wife dropped me off spent a week sorting out the boat then sailed to Scotland Alone Problems with fan belt and weather.

2012 Decided it was to dangerous sailing alone at my age so sold the boat and retired from sailing.

2012 September Sold the Timberland and bought a IH Motor home so France in 2013 must settle down now

Would have liked to have circumnavigated the mountains in the Pine area in Patagonia southern Chile by horseback. But it’s not to be





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