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You drive into the car park and park at the back on the grass.


It is free for one night, we spoke to the attendant who speaks English and he OK'd the overnight.

There are no facilities but it is quiet and peaceful.


There were about 6 there when we were there in 2012.


Get in early before the coaches arrive, it can get busy.



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If it's the same cheerful parking attendant he told us in his best English definitely no overnight parking allowed when we were there in April 2011. 

We got there at 9am and there were several coaches parked already. The gardens were superb but were absolutely packed by 11am

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It must have changed then :-S 2009 the attendant came running and blowing his whistle when we went in!! we managed to park the last park on the left, not much room it was near the cafe. Worth the visit though loads of photographs although they wont let you take them in the house, we managed to get one when I was stood at the upstairs french window facing out they allowed that!! must be afraid your casing the joint. (lol)
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hallii - 2013-03-06 6:10 PM


You drive into the car park and park at the back on the grass.


It is free for one night, we spoke to the attendant who speaks English and he OK'd the overnight.

There are no facilities but it is quiet and peaceful.


There were about 6 there when we were there in 2012.


Get in early before the coaches arrive, it can get busy.




I think there is some confusion here. The car park directly opposite the ticket office is terraced and it is hard standing with absolutely no coaches al all allowed, it is for cars / camping cars only. No facilities, but free to stay overnight with no hassle (and no attendants either) on the 3 - 4 occasions we have used it.


Best time to visit is about an hour and a half before closing, far better than trying to be an early bird, because that is what everyone else is trying to do.


Edited to show best visiting time.

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