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UK Councils should read this......from Spain


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Here is an intiative that UK motorhomers should present to there local councils and try to reverse there attitude toward motorhomers.Good news for us here in Spain though.





Here is a rough translation......

Total of 30 municipalities in the province will perform appropriate works to provide in their municipal space to accommodate campers, under the agreement signed yesterday with the mayors council, which will provide €1,000 to each village to carry out the work, as said the provincial president, Arturo Garcia-Blight, who moved that the next year will create a basis for proceeding with this proposal intends to delve into the politics of the institution to promote domestic tourism.

And, as Garcia-Blight said during the ceremony, held in the Plenary Hall of the Provincial Palace, tourism aboard RV traveling is becoming the choice of many families to enjoy their holiday. So much so, that the RV park in Europe consists of more than one million units, with an annual growth well above the average passenger. Spain, meanwhile, has about 25,000.

It is estimated that each year cross the Spanish border in about 200,000 RV traveling around half a million tourists, a flow that gives the Spanish tourism business a figure higher than the 280 million euros a year, according to figures from the past day were revealed.

Unlike tourists who stay in apartments, hotels, hostels or campsites, motorhome tourism requires no modification to your host environment. So, you only need a space of 28 square meters for each vehicle in a quiet and safe. A simple existing parking on public roads increases the supply of tourist beds in any population.

According to your habits, harboring motorhome tourism in a small town you want to promote your resources can mean an increase in off-season tourism, wider dissemination of the historical, landscape and local culture or trade enhancement, especially the restoration.

The municipalities that have joined this first round are Aldeanueva of Barbarroya, Burujón, Cabañas de Yepes, Carranque, Plums, Consuegra, Dosbarrios, Fuensalida, Gerindote, Guadamur, inheritance, Huerta de Valdecarábanos, Lominchar, Malpica, Mora, Navalcán, The Navalucillos, Ocaña, Olias, Oropesa, San Bartolome de las Open, San Martin de Pusa, Segurilla, Talavera, El Toboso, Torrijos, Valdeverdeja, Villacañas, Villafranca and Yeles

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Great idea!


Fingers crossed that the individual municipalities push ahead with actual Aire installations and it encourages Motorhoming tourists to visit in the years to come.


The Toledo region of Spain is really lovely, with great scenery and is of course a lot less spoilt by concrete blight than the Costa strips.

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Good news indeed, Ken. Toledo has alwaays been motorhome-friendly and we have stopped overnight several times in the big car park between the bus station and the river. Usually there are at least a dozen vans there and the local police patrol day and night to make sure we are alright. It is good to see that this friendliness is now apparantly going to spread to the outlying villages if all goes well.


And it is not just in Toledo. When we first brought our motorhome to Spain, over ten years ago, I don't believe there was a single French-type aire. Now they are springing up all over the place (and the one in Caceres even gives you free electricity!). Well done Spain.


I don't hold out much hope of it spreading to short-sighted Britain, though. There are honorouble exceptions (such as Powys) but more and more places (eg Cornwall, Scarborough) are going in the opposite direction. No wonder the economy is going down the pan - no bloody business sense at all!


Still, the weather is better in Spain! :-D

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Qoute John....And it is not just in Toledo. When we first brought our motorhome to Spain, over ten years ago, I don't believe there was a single French-type aire. Now they are springing up all over the place (and the one in Caceres even gives you free electricity!). Well done Spain.


The bad new John is the aire at Caceras has just been shut ,the Extramadura council has said basically its illegal and made Caceras council shut it.

See Here






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The bad new John is the aire at Caceras has just been shut ,the Extramadura council has said basically its illegal and made Caceras council shut it.

See Here







That is sad news indeed - we stayed at that aire in October.


Oh and sorry, I got your name wrong Brian - I thought from your username that you were Ken :-D

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I see my original thread with the information copied to WAKE UP BRITAIN...it now seems to be going in the direction of knocking Spain...my original intention of this posting was to highlight the possibilitys of approaching local authorities to show the benefits of motorhomers as visitor and spenders in there locality not to say Spain is better than the UK.




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BKen1 - 2013-03-22 12:38 PM


I see my original thread with the information copied to WAKE UP BRITAIN...it now seems to be going in the direction of knocking Spain...my original intention of this posting was to highlight the possibilitys of approaching local authorities to show the benefits of motorhomers as visitor and spenders in there locality not to say Spain is better than the UK.





I have read the thread "Wake up Britain" and despair. It is precisely because of the bizarre NIMBY/freeloader attitudes expressed that we will never get the kind of sensible solution in the UK that fortunately we do get all over mainland Europe. Why they can see the economic sense in promoting aires and we cannot is a complete mystery to me.

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John 47 - 2013-03-22 6:01 PM


BKen1 - 2013-03-22 12:38 PM


I see my original thread with the information copied to WAKE UP BRITAIN...it now seems to be going in the direction of knocking Spain...my original intention of this posting was to highlight the possibilitys of approaching local authorities to show the benefits of motorhomers as visitor and spenders in there locality not to say Spain is better than the UK.





I have read the thread "Wake up Britain" and despair. It is precisely because of the bizarre NIMBY/freeloader attitudes expressed that we will never get the kind of sensible solution in the UK that fortunately we do get all over mainland Europe. Why they can see the economic sense in promoting aires and we cannot is a complete mystery to me.


Because, possibly, people are not that interested? Please see my response on the "other thread". Willing to assist, but not to do the work required.

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Gwendolyn - 2013-03-22 10:30 PM


John 47 - 2013-03-22 6:01 PM


BKen1 - 2013-03-22 12:38 PM


I see my original thread with the information copied to WAKE UP BRITAIN...it now seems to be going in the direction of knocking Spain...my original intention of this posting was to highlight the possibilitys of approaching local authorities to show the benefits of motorhomers as visitor and spenders in there locality not to say Spain is better than the UK.





I have read the thread "Wake up Britain" and despair. It is precisely because of the bizarre NIMBY/freeloader attitudes expressed that we will never get the kind of sensible solution in the UK that fortunately we do get all over mainland Europe. Why they can see the economic sense in promoting aires and we cannot is a complete mystery to me.


Because, possibly, people are not that interested? Please see my response on the "other thread". Willing to assist, but not to do the work required.


True but I was especially referring to thre business sense (or lack of it) in our councils and shops. For very little money and effort (indeed zero if all you are offering is an overnight parking space) a local council/supermarket etc could attract additional customers into town. The French, Spanish, Portuguese, Germans and so on can see this; why do we take a totally opposite attitude?

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