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Guest 1footinthegrave
pepe63 - 2013-03-27 4:01 PM


Steady on 1foot' or you'll spark another wave of avatars being changed to pictures of dogs... (lol)


I'm the resident bad guy, but if anything illustrates the divide between the usual suspects slagging us off as a load of freeloaders, then you tread on their territory suddenly a different set of rules apply. Suddenly they are all a paragon of virtue, it's not the Dogs, its the owners blah blah blah, despite being unable to see us in a similar light that most if not all of us are responsible M/home users. ;-)

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1footinthegrave - 2013-03-27 3:53 PM


Muswell - 2013-03-27 2:41 PM


If you apply the logical conclusion argument you can end up justifying almost anything. The fact is that in many parts of our life the many are penalised for the behaviour of the few.


I'm wondering when Dog owners are going to be penalised for the actions of quite a few, after the terrible latest victim, a 14 year old having her throat ripped open and killed by mans so called best friend, don't get me started. >:-)



Oops forgot,can't tar them all with the same brush, odd that so many do us though as a bunch of litter louting free-loaders. :-(


Ah well. A few years ago in Highgate wood, a major dog-walking site, the Corporation of London tried to make owners keep all dogs on a lead. Defeated.


Then they tried to restrict the number of dogs a person could have on Hampstead Heath, mainly because of the number of dog-walking businesses who would be walking a dozen or more dogs whose owners couldn't be bothered or who hadn't worked out that a dog need to be walked, before they bought one. Defeated again.


Maybe if we wore dog suits we could park anywhere :-D

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Guest 1footinthegrave

This latest incident it appears, multiple dogs were being kept confined in a very small space, and obviously on the verge of madness, I'm guessing this person as many others do would say she was a dog lover, the problem is however, the average dog I guess would say in return, "thanks a bunch for keeping me cooped up 24/7"


You can't get a shotgun license easily, yet morons can obtain as many of these potentially deadly animals as they want, sheer madness. And yet we are governed by all sorts of petty rules and regulations in the ownership and use of our vehicles.


Anyway rant over.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-03-27 4:22 PM


I'm the resident bad guy, but if anything illustrates the divide between the usual suspects slagging us off as a load of freeloaders, then you tread on their territory suddenly a different set of rules apply. Suddenly they are all a paragon of virtue, it's not the Dogs, its the owners blah blah blah, despite being unable to see us in a similar light that most if not all of us are responsible M/home users. ;-)


Good to see you arguing in favour of not tarring everybody with the same brush - keep it up! (lol)

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Hi John..yes but again unfortunately,in many case vehicles haven't been "...sensibly parked..",nor have they been in a, "..location designated for them..".and as for "leaving no litter",well whilst it's true that the bulk of litter is dropped by car drivers,even on here posters have stated how they've witness the emptying of tanks etc and someone posted on here not so long back,how a van they were parked/pitched/Mildcamped next to,moved on early doors,only to leave bags of rubbish and the contents of their toilet cassette,just emptied onto the grass verge... 8-) )

Now even if it's only a very small percentage are seen doing that sort of stuff,what chance have we all got...



The only M/H that I ever saw leave any rubbish behind after they had left their 'spot' was a 'Hired' one, (it had big signs on ,saying it was hired) This was in the Hebrides, I was VERY angry, picked up the rubbish and 'Binned it' , I never caught up with them, to tell them what I thought of them. But did Try. So, some DO do It. Ray

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