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Hi AnnPaul


I suggest you put this on the proper part of the site below as it is where most people look for stuff and it will then also appear in the next issue of the MMM mag FOC - putting items for sale on the forum pages can get some of the crotchety old g*ts on here (not the Warners staff I hasten to add! :D ) in a right spin! *-)



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For what it's worth, I fitted one of these on the habitation door of our MH last year, and am VERY VERY pleased with it.


Especially as you can turn the external barrier thingy across the outside of the door from the INSIDE at night, and then twist the internal catch thing to lock it in that position.


Of course nothing is 100% burglar-proof, but I reckon it's a very good additional security thief-deterrent.

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