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New Motorhome Owner


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Well, we have been and done it!!! Today we picked up our first motorhome from White Arches Motorhomes at Rushden. In the end we decided on the Bailey Approach 740 as it seemed to have everything we were looking for in a motorhome. Its perhaps a bit bigger than we initially thought we would have but we reckoned anything much smaller would have been difficult for our longer trips. Although we had a very comprehensive handover I am in the middle of reading all the manuals that came with it. The 33 miles from Rushden to MK (used the M1 rather than going down through Olney) seemed fine given that I had not driven anything quite as large before. Even managed to get it in the garden unscathed!! We are off on our first trip next week for a few days so fingers crossed.



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Welcome to the happy band of motorhoming I can share your excitement as we pick up our ( 4th ) new motorhome to-morrow all being well . Then with a bit of luck with the weather we hope to give it a shakedown over Easter before starting our French travels again towards the end of April. It seems an age since making the purchase at the NEC last October.
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Welcome David,

Hope you enjoy the change, I too am a 'crossover' from tugging, advantages and some disadvantages, but overall a much nicer experience. No more 3 hour Awning erection in all weathers !

' Luvverly'. Ray


Nice Van Too.

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Good luck with the new van David :-D you will find it much easier now when travelling, you do appreciate how much easier life is after being a tugger ;-) just being able to stop and take a break is so much less hassle as well as filling up and emptying the water in all weathers.
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