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Germans having a good week so far?


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Very funny that , I always liked Schumachers win at all cost attitude , bordering on cheating at times . Vettel seems to have the same German mentality .

Sometimes not been the nice guy pays better . Feel sorry for Webber though , he comes across as a pretty decent guy .

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Guest pelmetman
Germans cheat 8-)......................Its like saying they'd stitch up other countries to get their own way 8-)
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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2013-03-26 7:37 PM


Maybe we Brits should take on board some of our German cousins attitude Dave . I like the German attitude , for some it comes across as arrogant but I likes em and whenever I have met them wether in Germany or elsewhere I find them to be pretty decent


Far to dam sensible and hard working for me 8-)..............Which is their problem..........they think everyone should be like them *-)


So in a nutshell I have just explained why the EU will never work :D

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I think he was right, fans pay to watch racing . The fastest driver wins not which driver the team decides to let win. Maybe towards the end of the season if one driver is well ahead on points but not at the start of the season. John *-)
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Guest pelmetman
teflon2 - 2013-03-26 10:27 PM


I think he was right, fans pay to watch racing . The fastest driver wins not which driver the team decides to let win. Maybe towards the end of the season if one driver is well ahead on points but not at the start of the season. John *-)


I am continually surprised why so many people are prepared to spend their valuable time on this planet........................watching sport :-S...................but even more shocked by what they'll pay 8-).............I dare say I'm the one missing the point :-|

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CliveH - 2013-03-26 9:18 PM


Yeah - piss them off and they either invade Poland or pinch another countries deposits - nice people - shame about their government.




Think I would still rather have the Germans Clive than some other types I could mention . Still got a great car industry aswell , not like little old us and you can't beat a nice Jagermeister or three .

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donna miller - 2013-03-27 8:28 AM


antony1969 - 2013-03-27 7:04 AM




. Still got a great car industry aswell , not like little old us and you can't beat a nice Jagermeister or three .


Eh, Why would you want 3 cars?



You have to try harder than that Donna if you want to join the ficko club , we don't let just anybody join 8-)

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