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Godfrey Bloom


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Certainly his words are interesting - but sadly UKIP does seem to attract the "bizarre" misfit. Bloom has been banned from Mansion House because he got drunk and heckled the speaker.


He also tried to present a speech whilst drunk at the European parliament - failed and had to be helped away.


He made a Nazi jibe as well which went down well! 8-)


Whilst the Euro-zone has problems - that from where I sit are insurmountable - I cannot help that feel that whilst Bloom occasionally gets things right - he is a classic buffoon that does UKIP no favours at all.


With elections pending in key states - we can expect to see some changes - but the bigger issue is that the EU is run by un-elected officials - not elected ones. We MUST maintain our financial independence because the UK, by retaining its financial independence ?achieves two things – the first is that it seems to pi$$ of those within the Eurozone that keep trying to prop up the deeply flawed concept of a one size fits all currency because as this bizarre experiment continues to lurch from crisis to crisis, the UK with its GBP is seen as a safer, more stable financial centre – albeit with some serious issues.


The second thing our separate currency achieves is linked to what exactly is the role of the United Kingdom in the European Union. This remains a subject of significant debate, as while the UK has played a central role in shaping policy and legislation, we havee also refused to adopt the euro as its primary currency.


This controversy resurfaced recently, in the wake of a statement made by outspoken Brussels bureaucrat Jose Manuel Barroso. In a thinly-veiled attack on the U.K., he claimed that the UK had a narrow-minded mentality and had only emerged as an influential country on the back of being a part of the largest integrated market in the world!


This outburst came as a response to the renewed speculation that the U.K. may depart from the EU.


This dummy spitting by the Euro advocates is not surprising given the facts of exactly how "well" the Eurozone is currently doing.


Whilst the UK seeks to maximize the relative strength of the pound and embrace sovereignty as a way of developing long-term financial freedom the statistics suggest that the European Union is continuing to weaken considerably, with Western Europe’s share of the global GDP having fallen from 36 to 26% during a 37-year period between 1974 to 2011.


With further more recent disputes over bank capital laws also creating a significant split among EU states, and the debacle of Cyprus and now Slovenia - the U.K. could well find itself prospering from the general economic malaise. The UK would certainly benefit from leaving the EU if the Euro-numpties tried to introduce a Financial Transactions Tax.


The UK is THE centre for Financial Trades – so whilst the Euro is in a mess - the idea of a tax to help bail out the Euro that will have naff-all effect on the Eurozone, but significantly and specifically tax the UK – is highly attractive to the Euro-numpties.


The elephant in the room though, for these Euro-numpties is the fact that when Nation States get given the vote on issues of MORE intergration, those Nation States tend to say NO.


And then what happens? – the Euro-numpties simply bring in the “Intergration” they want via legislation by the unelected EU Commissioners.


The EU could reach paralysis soon with Italian election causing deadlock and Germanys election in September very likely to see Germany elect a far more Euro-Sceptical politicians.


Here in the UK, however you look at it – the election of Galloway as an Independent and how close UKIP came to winning in Eastleigh underlines the sentiment of many who are not just fed up with the barminess of the Euro Land – but having seen what the Euro Numpties are prepared to do to deposit accounts in Cyprus, there is far more than simple suspicion of the motives of the Euro Numpties – there is real fear that these idiots are quite prepared to steal your money to save “face” and prop up a currency that was doomed to be the failure that it has proved to be.


The fact that these idiots were going to ignore EU wide Consumer Financial Protection Law (the 100,000 Euro / £85,000 Deposit guarantee) and take depositors money - means that to me, the Euro side of the EU has lost all credibility.


They have lost the trust of an awful lot of the EU populace.


Not sure that the likes of Bloom are a significant or effective alternative.




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Wonderfully selective "logic"


He somehow omitted to mention in his rant that the country with the biggest actual sovereign debt burden in the entire EU is.......................ummm..............oh, yes I remember now.


It is the UK.

By a country mile.





He is lecturing other European countries when in fact his own country owes far far more than any of the others.

It owes far more because it has been living on the "never-never", consistently spending more on it's Public Sector expenditure than it was raising in taxes, for year after year, decade after decade, and thus having funded the shortfall by yet more and more State borrowing each year.



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BGD - 2013-04-03 11:11 AM




Wonderfully selective "logic"


He somehow omitted to mention in his rant that the country with the biggest actual sovereign debt burden in the entire EU is.......................ummm..............oh, yes I remember now.


It is the UK.

By a country mile.



You need to listen to the whole debate, as when he sits down he has not yet finished!!!


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"As of Q4 2012 the national debt amounted to £1,347.4 billion, or 88.7% of total GDP.

The annual cost of servicing the public debt amounts to around £43bn, or roughly 3% of GDP. This is roughly the same size as the British defence budget.

Due to the Government's significant budget deficit, which must be financed by borrowing, the national debt is increasing by approximately £121 billion per annum, or around £2.3 billion each week."


Source: http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/publications/european_economy/2012/pdf/ee-2012-7_en.pdf




This is the actual size of UK actual national debt. In fact its gone up even further since the figure quoted above.

Now over 3% of the value of every product or service made/sold/traded anywhere in the entire UK goes on just paying the interest on national debts that were borrowed previously.


This is the total amount borrowed, and due to be repaid, by UK Governments.

They used that money in the past to spend on its citizens, when it wanted to spend more on those things than it was "earning" in taxes from them. Spending on things such as: Public sector wages/costs/pensions, and "Social" spending (state pensions, NHS, roads, dole, education etc etc).



Of course in reality, that means all this money was borrowed by and must be paid back, with the added interest, by UK taxpayers. A Government can only repay these debts by taking it as taxes from its citizens.




The total owed is far higher in the UK than in any other European country. In fact higher than almost any other country on the planet.


Then if you divide the total national debt by the number of citizens, each citizens in the UK owes (and will have to repay, as will their children and grandchildren via future taxes in the years/decades to come), far more than any citizens of any other country.



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BGD - 2013-04-03 11:59 AM


Then if you divide the total national debt by the number of citizens, each citizens in the UK owes (and will have to repay, as will their children and grandchildren via future taxes in the years/decades to come), far more than any citizens of any other country.



If thats the case, we need all the help we can get, lets welcome in all the Eastern Europeans and anyone else. It should ease the burdon on us. :-D



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BGD - 2013-04-03 1:19 PM


By co-incidence there's just been published a piece in today's Daily Wail on the now astronomical UK national debt total:




Yes an horrendous figure that does seem to be getting smaller despite the "austerity" inflicted.


But a more meaningful analysis is looking at the ratio of Debt to GDP. As a percentage it indicates how much we are in debt not as a number but as a percentage of our Gross Domestic Product or "Income".


The full details are here:-




And the link seems to give updated figs to the ones I have been using - but the differences are slight so I will add a selection of countries data that we got earlier this year as a comparison


China 23%

Germany 83%

Greece 170%

France 90%

India 68%

Iceland 94%

Ireland 117%

Italy 126%

Russia 11%

Spain 88%

UK 88%


Euro zone Average 93%


You can see why Investors see Russia & China as a better long term bet!





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Guest pelmetman
Interesting link Caddies ;-)...........The EU numpties wont like being told the truth (lol)..........as for your debt is bigger than mine comparison really shows how the balance of power has shifted, and neatly explains why the Chinese and Russians are buying everything :D
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Guest pelmetman
CliveH - 2013-04-03 5:23 PM


Russians not so keen on Cyprus anymore (lol) (lol) (lol)


Caveat emptor Clive ;-).....................They bought into the EU.......and ended up with a pup (lol) (lol) (lol)

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And the Russians do not forget.


If they do get a large %'age deducted from their deposits in Cyprus - then expect to see some retaliation. I really do not think the Euro numpties have any idea of the potential s**tstorm they have created.


They have hacked of a hugely rich developing country. One that supplies one hell of a lot oil and gas to the EU and buys an awful lot of BMW's and Merc's etc.


Not sure whether to sit back with the popcorn and the Rioja to watch the fireworks or keep my head well below the parapet .





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I've just picked this up from one of the "pinks" - I think I am well past surprised, gone through anger and out the otherside to sheer disbelief.



Mafia probe nets $1.7bn in clean energy assets


Italian police have seized assets worth 1.3 billion euros ($1.7 billion) from a Sicilian renewable energy developer in the biggest ever seizure of mafia-linked assets.


The assets, including 43 wind and solar energy companies, 98 properties and 66 bank accounts, belonged to Vito Nicastri, a 57-year-old businessman dubbed the “Lord of the Wind” for his prominent role in the business.


“This is a sector in which money can easily be laundered,” Arturo de Felice, head of Italy’s anti-mafia agency, told local media.


“Operating in a grey area helped him build up his business over the years.”


The anti-mafia agency in a statement said it was the biggest seizure of mafia-linked assets.


This was not a free market, but a free-for-all.


Italy’s renewable energy sector has been heavily infiltrated by the mafia because of once-generous state subsidies and lax controls, as well as the availability of land in areas of southern Italy with a strong mafia presence.




And here - in the UK - instead of the Mafia - we have Lord Deben (John Gummer) who used to be CEO of a wind farm company and is still on its board - as Chairman of the Department of Energy and Climate Changes' Committee on Climate Change. - you know the one that awards the contracts to companies who run wind farms.............................. 8-)


Not sure who is worse - the Mafia or our politicians?


Seems like the effect is much the same.



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Guest pelmetman
CliveH - 2013-04-03 5:40 PM


And the Russians do not forget.



Why would they want revenge Clive? :-S.............the Germans have only invaded Russia a couple of times in the last century *-).................. :D

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Guest pelmetman
CliveH - 2013-04-03 5:55 PM



Not sure who is worse - the Mafia or our politicians?


Seems like the effect is much the same.




Anybody who at the next election votes for the usual suspects need their bumps felt *-)

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Robinhood - 2013-04-03 5:48 PM


CliveH - 2013-04-03 5:40 PM



Not sure whether to sit back with the popcorn and the Rioja to watch the fireworks or keep my head well below the parapet .





....just to be safe, I'd stick to the Blinis and Stoli......... ;-)


Naw! - I like my pancakes with Maple Syrup and having heard of the real case of a Russian sailor literally exploding in A&E from a lung full of Vodka fumes igniting when he lit up a cigarette - I think I will stick to the Rioja. :-D



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Thanks to Richard North for this gem!




An opinion poll for Danske Bank carried out by Statistics Denmark found 15 percent of Danes agreeing with the idea of joining the euro. On the other hand, 56.9 percent decided that joining was definitely not a good idea.


This compares with 46.8 percent for, and 53.2 percent against in the 2000 referendum on joining the euro.


Needless to say, the political establishment still have their ambitions. Says Klaus Rasmussen, chief economist at the Confederation of Danish Industry, " the euro has a lot of problems, and the Danes are obviously sensible enough to say that a membership discussion is not worthwhile, as long as the countries of the euro area have not solved their problems".


He adds, that "It's a good idea to join the euro, but it's no surprise that the Danes have decided that now is not a good time".


This rather typifies the breed. Unless or until the euro lies dead, with a steak through its heart, a silver bullet in its skull, and is buried in consecrated ground, surrounded by garlic and a moat of holy water, there will still be people who want to join it.





And sadly he is right re the idiots that still look at the Euro as a benefit!


Unbelievable 8-)



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