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Work this out? O/T


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I appreciate this is a bit off topic but I thought you might like to hear of my experience today. I took my VW Golf in for service today at a VW Main dealer. When I went to collect, the receptionist said, " your car is almost ready but the the guy in the workshop said to mention that your wiper blades are just starting to split and did you want them changed" I said, "how much", she said " £22 for the the genuine blades and £10 for fitting". I thought that's sounds a bit steep for labour so I said, " no don't bother I'll sort it myself". I then stepped four paces to the parts dept and ordered the blades, the guy brought them out and said, "would you like me to get one of the lads to fit them for you, there's no charge it's a complimentary service we offer. 8-)
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Hi,The workshop manager has a report to do on how each person spends every hour of the day and account for that time,the parts department only has to show how much money they take,this is how it works in most cases,if a fitter spent 1 hour fitting wipers his proformance would be under scrutiny,people outside the motor trade do not understand the pressure that garages work under,the garage has to pay for training every year for each person,also new tech items large computers etc and if they dont the manufactor takes the sign from outside ie ford,vw,whatever,perhaps that will make it a little better to understand.H (lol)
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Having served an apprenticeship to become a master butcher and slaughterman I have spent most of my working life in the retail meat trade. Not the best payed job as a reconised trade like other trades , as is the norm we were often asked " can you bone it out for me please " which takes time and skill, but we never charged for the service which was all part of customer care we provided. How many customers would have returned had we charged the hourly rate to bone it out .?
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