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Definition of Full -Timing

Mad Mitch

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We are picking up our new motorhome (Burstner Ixeo Plus it875G) within the next two weeks, and we will be living in it on a campsite in Bournemouth prior to a six month tour of France, Spain and Portugal which starts in September. On our return we intend to rent a property. The "we" in my request equals my wife, 2 dogs and myself.


I am about to start the process of obtaining insurance quotations and would request some guidance from the wise.

Are we defined as "full-timers"?

Should we expect a substantial premium loading?

How can we reduce the premium? - we can arrange a postal address with relatives.


We appreciate the danger of voiding our insurance by being untruthful, but on the other hand we will be operating on a budget. Your comments would be appreciated.

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Hi mad mitch, you will get plenty of advice if you look at motorhome 365 forum, site for fulltimers, quite a few on there and some about to, it is a free forum, and lots of advice on the legalities, we are long termers just had our first winter sun trip of seven months, good luck


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Hi, your van must be registered at some UK address, your driving licences will be registered at some UK address , so if you have said UK address you can insure the van at this address IE the van will be kept here overnight,when not in use [ Insurance speak, don't ask me, }Full time Insurance is available [  COMFORT ] offer this, but at a premium, if you take full time Insurance you can increase the Contents cover from the standard £ 3000 to whatever your contents are worth, be aware that once you speak to an Insurance Company or Broker your conversation is on record / computer and can and will be accessed by other Insurance Companies , Comfort whom I Insure with  say in their Policies that they reserve the right to inspect the Vehicle Insured at the Address Registered with them  and  can / will ask for two utility bills in the name of the Insured showing the address you have stated in the event of a claim.I was asked on renewal recently if I spend more time in the van than in my home?
  If you claim to be living at XX address it is reasonable  for the Insurance Company to assume you have said property  and contents insured in your name at this address and can check this, Insurance Companies are happy to take your premiums for different  types of Insurance  even when they know you are telling Porkies, why wouldn't they, they can easily deny a claim if they suspect it fraudulent. So beware .no point in having Insurance if it won't pay out, a penny saved today can cost you pounds later.
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Thank you vindiboy for your very reasoned comments. There is no doubt that taking a risk with insurers would be foolish so I guess I will bite the bullet and accept the consequences of a higher premium. Our motorhome is too valuable to muck about with.


Kind regards,


Mad Mitch

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Comforts standard policy allows 365 days abroad but does not cover full timing, you need their special full time poilcy for that. Makes sense doesn't !


I would have thought your 6 months would be covered under the standard policy, best way to check is ring them but as said be cautious with your wording, best just to ask what is the maximum period allowed in one trip on the standard policy.

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Good luck with the trip however do be aware that things 'are a changing' in Europe. You plan on touring the Schengen area countries and the Law clearly states that as a tourist you can only stay a maximum of 90 days in any 6 month period. Entry to any Schengen country starts the clock ticking and swopping to another one makes no difference. now I fully accept that over many years nobody has taken a blind bit of notice on this and basically worked on the 182 day rule, but as I say 'things are a changing' and many people are getting a tad concerned. Bluntly our EU masters want every citizen of the EU to be registerded somewhere so they can tax 'em etc. Freedom of choice is no longer a right. Plus recession is making the authorities everywhere re-look at any thing that raises money


Insurance is not really an issue as many Companies will give up to 365 days cover. If you have family with a home possibly get your name added to the electoral role there as this gives you legality for the cover. You can always change it once you return.



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Dave225 - 2013-05-01 8:36 PM

Bluntly our EU masters want every citizen of the EU to be registerded somewhere so they can tax 'em etc. Freedom of choice is no longer a right. Plus recession is making the authorities everywhere re-look at any thing that raises money


An interesting development.

I suppose that if the UK had embraced the EU, unreservedly, and economic, social and political union, we would have also embraced the Schengen Agreement. But then we would have accepted The Euro and whole European Project. It wasn't going to happen was it?.


So we will always be sen as "tourists" and rightly so in my opinion.


Maybe the economic and political meltdown of the last 3 years justifies our position ?



alan b

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