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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-07-07 10:56 PM


I would say quite the opposite


If you are in retail then why the hell have you not got all your premises owned by a SIPP?


Why pay rent to a landlord when your Pension scheme can own it and whilst you still pay rent - you get tax relief on it and pay rent to a pot of money you and your fellow Partners/Directors own.


Methinks - when you are in a hole Frank - best to stop digging.


For a retail "giant" - you do not seem to have that many outlets.


As for Tescos - you really are a muppet aren't you! SIPP - stands for Small self Invested Personal Pension Scheme - not exactly the right contract for a large multinational - A SSAS could possibly do it (that is a Small Self Administered Scheme) - but I doubt the likes of Tesco or JCB would be advised to have either of those as the best option. No - a normal company pension scheme is what they have with a diverse portfolio of assets - including property - would be best advise for them.


So I doubt you are aware of the portfolio of assets within the Tesco pension scheme?


As for JCB - I have to assume tou mean the UK firm JCB rather than the Japanese Credit Card company that trades under the same name - but assuming you mean the UK company - I doubt you have any knowledge of their pension scheme either - tho whilst you would mention them in the context of retails I have to say I am not sure - but never the less - the fact that JCB is a huge backer of just such a large scheme as I mention via their involvement with New Star (now Hendersons) indicates to me you complete ignorance in such matter.


The Bamford stake amounts to about 8% via one of the JCB pension schemes. The money was largely invested in New Star some while ago, when they raised an additional c.£25m in extra capital to add to a previous £25m put up by outside shareholders.


As far as I am aware the FS section of this pension scheme closed to existing and future members in 2009 as did many FS schemes about this time. As far as I am aware the retained benefits within the scheme still include significant company premises.


SIPP's and SSAS's where introduced to facilitate the same benefits of the pension of a firm owning its company premises that always applied to large schemes.


I could go into the differences between the two but suffice it to say that a SIPP is designed for a Partnership and a SSAS is designed for the small limited company.


And sadly - suffice it also to say that Frank has once again displayed his extensive LACK of knowledge of anything to to with normal business finance.


Makes you wonder why he tries so hard to hide his identity - (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


Or maybe not :-S


God you're dull! To get the best retail premises means being on the high street, not in some backwater like your little firm.


My stores are in prime positions in shopping centres and like most retailers we rent them. Each branch has about £100K of stock alone, some more. I wish I could buy one or two but it's impossible!


You know very little about retailing! And apart from which we're not talking about a cheap little shop front operation miles from anywhere, these are properties that rent at tens of thousands of pounds a year. Imagine the cost of buying them!


I actually own one of the shops which is probably our worst position high street wise and that's worth £250K. My partner and I own half each and we rent it to the company and enjoy the rental income.


And who said I was a retail giant? I'm a small businessman, nine outlets plus a separate HO and Internet business and just under 50 staff. But what I do have is no overdraft and a very strong balance sheet.


But who do you think you're fooling with all this boasting about what a clever financial expert you are? If you're so clever how come you ended up with a little IFA outfit in a back street?


You really know nothing about business! You may be quite good at advising a few OAPs on investing their lump sums or telling people what ISA to buy, but come on, you're in a tiny little IFA firm in a back street in a small town in Hampshire!


It's odd that this bloke who's useless has managed to slowly build up his business in a trade that most can't survive in! And we're still expanding!


But you're still not answering the questions.


Why, if you don't believe me, did you accept that you'd lost the bet and pay £1000? (Or so you say!)


If I'm not what I claim to be, how can you arrive on my doorstep as you're continually saying you're going to do?


You've not really thought this out have you Clive? Again! ;-)


Finally, you said it was silly to have a strong balance sheet and that companies should invest it in a SIPP. I mentioned two companies with a very strong balance sheet. It's bit hard Clive to put a few hundred million quid in a SIPP!


Your problem is that you're still in the frame of mind of a little firm worth about £20K! *-)


I'll stick with my strong balance sheet Clive. We need the money for stock, and shop fittings and cars. Then again, you probably lease yours and buy everything on the never never!


Ps You forget, I've looked at your firm's tiny balance sheet!

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2013-07-07 11:25 PM


CliveH - 2013-07-07 10:56 PM


I would say quite the opposite


If you are in retail then why the hell have you not got all your premises owned by a SIPP?


Why pay rent to a landlord when your Pension scheme can own it and whilst you still pay rent - you get tax relief on it and pay rent to a pot of money you and your fellow Partners/Directors own.


Methinks - when you are in a hole Frank - best to stop digging.


For a retail "giant" - you do not seem to have that many outlets.


As for Tescos - you really are a muppet aren't you! SIPP - stands for Small self Invested Personal Pension Scheme - not exactly the right contract for a large multinational - A SSAS could possibly do it (that is a Small Self Administered Scheme) - but I doubt the likes of Tesco or JCB would be advised to have either of those as the best option. No - a normal company pension scheme is what they have with a diverse portfolio of assets - including property - would be best advise for them.


So I doubt you are aware of the portfolio of assets within the Tesco pension scheme?


As for JCB - I have to assume tou mean the UK firm JCB rather than the Japanese Credit Card company that trades under the same name - but assuming you mean the UK company - I doubt you have any knowledge of their pension scheme either - tho whilst you would mention them in the context of retails I have to say I am not sure - but never the less - the fact that JCB is a huge backer of just such a large scheme as I mention via their involvement with New Star (now Hendersons) indicates to me you complete ignorance in such matter.


The Bamford stake amounts to about 8% via one of the JCB pension schemes. The money was largely invested in New Star some while ago, when they raised an additional c.£25m in extra capital to add to a previous £25m put up by outside shareholders.


As far as I am aware the FS section of this pension scheme closed to existing and future members in 2009 as did many FS schemes about this time. As far as I am aware the retained benefits within the scheme still include significant company premises.


SIPP's and SSAS's where introduced to facilitate the same benefits of the pension of a firm owning its company premises that always applied to large schemes.


I could go into the differences between the two but suffice it to say that a SIPP is designed for a Partnership and a SSAS is designed for the small limited company.


And sadly - suffice it also to say that Frank has once again displayed his extensive LACK of knowledge of anything to to with normal business finance.


Makes you wonder why he tries so hard to hide his identity - (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


Or maybe not :-S


God you're dull! To get the best retail premises means being on the high street, not in some backwater like your little firm.


My stores are in prime positions in shopping centres and like most retailers we rent them. Each branch has about £100K of stock alone, some more. I wish I could buy one or two but it's impossible!


You know very little about retailing! And apart from which we're not talking about a cheap little shop front operation miles from anywhere, these are properties that rent at tens of thousands of pounds a year. Imagine the cost of buying them!


I actually own one of the shops which is probably our worst position high street wise and that's worth £250K. My partner and I own half each and we rent it to the company and enjoy the rental income.


And who said I was a retail giant? I'm a small businessman, nine outlets plus a separate HO and Internet business and just under 50 staff. But what I do have is no overdraft and a very strong balance sheet.


But who do you think you're fooling with all this boasting about what a clever financial expert you are? If you're so clever how come you ended up with a little IFA outfit in a back street?


You really know nothing about business! You may be quite good at advising a few OAPs on investing their lump sums or telling people what ISA to buy, but come on, you're in a tiny little IFA firm in a back street in a small town in Hampshire!


It's odd that this bloke who's useless has managed to slowly build up his business in a trade that most can't survive in! And we're still expanding!


But you're still not answering the questions.


Why, if you don't believe me, did you accept that you'd lost the bet and pay £1000? (Or so you say!)


If I'm not what I claim to be, how can you arrive on my doorstep as you're continually saying you're going to do?


You've not really thought this out have you Clive? Again! ;-)


Finally, you said it was silly to have a strong balance sheet and that companies should invest it in a SIPP. I mentioned two companies with a very strong balance sheet. It's bit hard Clive to put a few hundred million quid in a SIPP!


Your problem is that you're still in the frame of mind of a little firm worth about £20K! *-)


I'll stick with my strong balance sheet Clive. We need the money for stock, and shop fittings and cars. Then again, you probably lease yours and buy everything on the never never!


Ps You forget, I've looked at your firm's tiny balance sheet!


So your an importer then Frank?.........................not like us exporters ;-)........

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2013-07-07 11:40 PM


So your an importer then Frank?.........................not like us exporters ;-)........


I'm afraid I am, to the tune of a few million pounds a year as most of the stuff I sell is made in the Far East.


Sometimes I feel a bit guilty about it and then I hear these heart-warming tales about entrepreneurs like you redressing the balance by selling a pouffe to Luxembourg! ;-)


Ps I hope you get paid!

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2013-07-07 11:51 PM


pelmetman - 2013-07-07 11:40 PM


So your an importer then Frank?.........................not like us exporters ;-)........


I'm afraid I am, to the tune of a few million pounds a year as most of the stuff I sell is made in the Far East.


Sometimes I feel a bit guilty about it and then I hear these heart-warming tales about entrepreneurs like you redressing the balance by selling a pouffe to Luxembourg! ;-)


Ps I hope you get paid!


Frankly I don't care :D.....................there lie's the vast gulf between us Frank ;-)

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Guest Had Enough

Before I go to bed I thought I'd give CliveH a bit of free advice, which I thought he'd be able to work out himself being such a successful IFA from such an enormous enterprise, but evidently this has escaped him!


CliveH, despite admitting that I am who I said I am after I proved it to his lawyer is now back on the same old silliness about me not being a businessman and that it's all a fabrication. Why he accepted that he lost the bet and paid the money is a bit of puzzle though, but never mind!


This is what you do Clive, now try to concentrate!


You know my firm, or the one that you think isn't actually mine!


Step one - You go to something called Companies' House or any of the other firms that supply this information. Let me know if you need any more info!


You look up my firm and you can then find the home address of the major shareholder (that's me by the way).


So, you now have my name and address, so the next step is to go to BT enquiries and look up my phone number, it's very easy to do.


Now then, you have my phone number so you can ring that number and we'll have a chat!


Of course you'll no doubt believe that I have broken into the house, tied up the genuine person living there and have sat there for a couple of days just in case you phone!


But if you can get around that silly bit of paranoia, having established that I do own most of this company, you can then get the balance sheet online!


There, that's not too difficult is it! I can have a nice chat with Mrs Clive and see if she's still enjoying our little debates. That should be nice. I'm in all day tomorrow, I've got the builders in!


Do phone please and we can put an end to all your silly theories! ;-)

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2013-07-07 11:59 PM


Frankly I don't care :D.....................there lie's the vast gulf between us Frank ;-)


For a man who doesn't care you do bang on about it a lot! ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2013-07-08 12:05 AM


pelmetman - 2013-07-07 11:59 PM


Frankly I don't care :D.....................there lie's the vast gulf between us Frank ;-)


For a man who doesn't care you do bang on about it a lot! ;-)


I care about stuff that don't involve pounds shillings and pence ;-)................I don't value myself by the size of my wad...............or by the car that I drive ...........or the nice shinny motorhome I have on my drive *-)...............


To be frank, ................Frank I'm far to shallow ;-)....................I value nothing beyond me and "er in doors" existence on this here planet( plus the dog)............so I have no interest in building empires or buying stuff to impress people *-) ..................maybe because you have done nothing else your stuck in a rut? :-S.............

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Frank Frank Frank...................


When you are in a hole - best to stop digging.


Because again you show your ignorance. And seem to try to bolster it with “facts” that do not quite ring true.


Because if you and your partner did own one of the building assets as you infer such that you enjoy the rental income, then you would be taxed on that rental income and you would also be subject to CGT on any gain over time.


Similarly – any losses on value would be born by you and the partner on disposal.


And then on death, the value would be subject to IHT.


Wow! – you thought that one through well didn’t you Frank. Seems to me you need some good financial advice. And I cannot believe your accountant has not run the better options by you.


Because if he had – you would realize that where a commercial property is held within a pension (SIPP SSAS or larger) :-


a) the rent is paid to the pension – you still pay rent but effectively to your own scheme

b) on disposal of the property within the Pension there is no CGT if there is a gain

c) on disposal of the property within the pension and there is no gain but a loss then this loss can be carried over.

d) On your death the pension plan continues and the assets are not subject to IHT.

e) By having assets within a pension then they are protected against your creditors.


Like I say Frank – it would seem that you need some advice.


As for your smoke and mirrors re who you are, I thought I had made it clear. We now know who you are “on here” – you are Frank – the chap that was so obnoxious in the past you were banned by even the incredibly laid back and tolerant moderators of this site.


My contention is that when you morphed back again, this time as Had Enough, you seemed to me to be saying you were one thing but your knowledge of actually being such a person was scant in the extreme.


We have another example here re you are now saying you DO own one of the properties of your retail empire (any previous reference to size was only because of your reference to Tesco’s – who as I have said do very much what I say is advantageous for a business to do re property – whereas you continue to demonstrate your ignorance of what is fairly basic corporate financial planning) but that you now say you and a partner own it direct.




Who on earth does your accounts?


You should sue, you have lost £’000’s in unnecessary tax.


As for stock control – that is not a reason for goodness sake – have you not heard of gearing?


So yes Frank, in the context of this Forum, we do know who you are on here.


And I think most people know who I am on here and who I am in my working life – I have made no secret of that – unlike you.


I am pleased you have seen JTM’s balance sheet. I have no problem with that because I have been open and honest at all times.


And that is the obvious point that others can see. You have seen our balance sheet. I have made that info available to anyone who wants it. We are not a retail distributor or a manufacturer, so no stock, little assets owned by the company but a whole “wodge” (financial technical term Frank) of assets held in a SIPP of which no reporting to HMRC or Companies House is required.


Standard business practice in other words.


You in contrast have still not shown the balance sheet of the company you claim to own to anyone apart from my solicitor who you asked not to disclose. And Anthony being the honorable man that he is will abide by that. But here is your problem Frank – I could go to Companies House, or any number of sites and download a companies accounts and directors details. I could then make out I was someone I was not.


Only by normal due diligence via those accounts, a passport or photo id drving license and a face to face meeting would a third part be able to confirm that the person is who they say they are. We have to do this all the time Frank. It is second nature to us. When someone starts being devious about things as you have then we start to smell a rat.


And although I say it myself – I have been open and honest about who I am such that you have been able to check us out.


You in contrast have been devious from the start. I still have not seen your company accounts – all you have done is give some accounts to a third party told them on the phone you are person A and that is about it. Without some sort of face to face meeting you could be Prince Charles in drag and no one would know!!


So yes – I do remember that you have seen our accounts – what is the problem with that? The issue is surely that I have not seen yours. And our agreement was to “compare balance sheets”.


The problem lies with you Frank in that you have shown a tendency for multiple personalities on this Forum and now seem to think that we should all accept you are this person A, but you hide behind smoke and mirrors, bluff and bluster, Ad Hom attacks and rudeness.


And on top of this, you continue to display a woeful ignorance of even quite basic stuff re running a business.


As I say – you need some advice Frank – for starters have a look at this article from Investors Chronicle from a year or two back.




This really is VERY basic stuff for any businessman worthy of the name.


Hence my view of you is still the same as my initial comment that you are full of bull.


This debacle from you re property ownership is the latest example. It could be correct, you may well be doing it that way, but if you are, you are being remarkably foolish.


More likely I feel is that you are close to such a business quite possibly work within it – but nowhere near “the top”.


Why do you run around on here – demanding proof of payment, stating that you have seen our accounts – and yet you seem incapable of reciprocating.


Why so reticent Frank?


(Rhetorical question – I already know)



(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)



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Guest Had Enough

This ends today CliveH. I am who I say am. I am the majority shareholder in a sizeable business. My partner and I do own one of the properties. Our interest in this is recorded in the accounts, a copy of which I sent to Anthony, your lawyer.


You know nothing about business. You don't seem to understand that retail businesses need to buy and sell large amounts of stock. For that we need cash. For credibility with our suppliers we need a strong balance sheet. We cannot, like your firm, show assets of £10K


I have now had enough of your double dealing and nasty accusations of lying. I've had enough of your constant implications about my business and my place in it. You have accepted what your lawyer told you but now changed your mind. You are typical of your 'profession'!


I've invited you to follow certain steps to ascertain who I am. You continue to ignore this.


As I said, this ends today and it will end as before with your embarrassment and ignominy.


Recently you gave me permission to contact your solicitor to verify my bona fides. I shall take you up on that again.


Later today I shall phone Anthony Nixon and tell him that, for reasons best known to you, you no longer accept his explanation.


I shall invite him, once more, to follow the simple steps that I've explained to you and to phone me once more at home.


I shall send him the latest accounts which have just been signed off but are not yet available at Companies' House. He previously had the draft accounts for 2012.


And at the same time I'm sure that you'll have no problem letting him have the proof of your £1000 donation.


This ends today Clive, one way or the other.


Finally, we are happy with owning one of our properties and taking the rent. We do not wish to place it in some pension scheme and most of all I don't want advice from some small town IFA whose biggest success in life has been a three-man back street firm.


This ends today Clive and it will end as it did last time, before you changed your mind, a consequence of one thing and one thing only, your antipathy to me and your obsession with revenge for your earlier humiliation.


Phone Anthony and tell him I'll be contacting him later today. Tell him that you no longer believe what he told you and that I shall be providing him with absolute proof.


Finally, why are you frightened of following the simple steps I explained to you? You could be speaking to me in minutes having ascertained my full details.






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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2013-07-08 12:19 AM


Had Enough - 2013-07-08 12:05 AM


pelmetman - 2013-07-07 11:59 PM


Frankly I don't care :D.....................there lie's the vast gulf between us Frank ;-)


For a man who doesn't care you do bang on about it a lot! ;-)


I care about stuff that don't involve pounds shillings and pence ;-)................I don't value myself by the size of my wad...............or by the car that I drive ...........or the nice shinny motorhome I have on my drive *-)...............


To be frank, ................Frank I'm far to shallow ;-)....................I value nothing beyond me and "er in doors" existence on this here planet( plus the dog)............so I have no interest in building empires or buying stuff to impress people *-) ..................maybe because you have done nothing else your stuck in a rut? :-S.............




I've not been very successful with the two empires I tried to create and now I'm skint and am having to sell my house and eke out my days in an old campervan.


I'm putting on a brave face though and telling everyone that it's from choice. To emphasise this I tell anyone with a decent motorhome or lifestyle that they're only doing it to impress and are stuck in a rut!


I love my rut Pelmetman, I'm free and spend as much time motorhoming as I want. Somehow, I suspect that you'd give your right hand to be in it! ;-)

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Again you twist it Frank


I never said I did not believe Anthony - I said he was an honourable man.


I fail to see why you cannot talk to me rather than go through a third party


You say you have seen my accounts.


Fine I have no problem with that.


You offered to "compare accounts"


It is you that is wriggling.


I have invited you to our offices -


I am happy to come to you.


You can chat to Anthony if you wish - but it is already known that hiding behind a third party is never going to secure the accuracy of your identity.


Like I say - behind the scenes you could be Prince Charles in drag.


You lack business knowledge I still find suspicious.


Your history of abusive previous identities on here is also suspicious


Your reticence to be open and honest as I have is also suspicious.


If you are in retail - why on earth would you want its identity to be a secret?




Sorry mate - I smell a rat.


I would like it to end here.


But contact Anthony if you wish - but you have to accept that you stated that we should compare balance sheets.


You have mine


I am still waiting on yours.



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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-07-08 7:39 AM


Again you twist it Frank


I never said I did not believe Anthony - I said he was an honourable man.


I fail to see why you cannot talk to me rather than go through a third party


You say you have seen my accounts.


Fine I have no problem with that.


You offered to "compare accounts"


It is you that is wriggling.


I have invited you to our offices -


I am happy to come to you.


You can chat to Anthony if you wish - but it is already known that hiding behind a third party is never going to secure the accuracy of your identity.


Like I say - behind the scenes you could be Prince Charles in drag.


You lack business knowledge I still find suspicious.


Your history of abusive previous identities on here is also suspicious


Your reticence to be open and honest as I have is also suspicious.


If you are in retail - why on earth would you want its identity to be a secret?




Sorry mate - I smell a rat.


I would like it to end here.


But contact Anthony if you wish - but you have to accept that you stated that we should compare balance sheets.


You have mine


I am still waiting on yours.



You haven't asked for mine, you've insisted on meeting for some reason! Why won't you follow the simple procedures I gave to prove definitely who I am and what my firm is.


Don't you believe Companies' House?


Look up my firm on Duedil. It shows my shareholding, it shows the value of the company.


Why are you incapable of following a few simple procedures?


I looked up the company that you gave me, the one you sold out to. I used Company Check, it's easy, why can't you do the same? You know the name of my business so what's the problem?


The problem of course is that you know that, once more, you're going to be shown to be an obsessive fool who has backed the wrong horse again.


Here are the facts, on my latest balance sheets it shows a net balance of over £1.5 million. On your firm's it was, from memory, about ten thousand!


Once you know and have proved who I am by the simple methods I've shown you, why can't you just look it up at Duedil?


Well, we all know, because you'll have to admit you were wrong - again!


This will end today and you will once more be shown for what you are, a financial advisor who doesn't appear to know how to find a company director's name and look him up via BT!


Unless you sort this out quickly and apologise and confirm that I am who I say I am, this is going to your lawyer, I'll even pay his bill for the pleasure of showing the world what you really are, an obsessive fool determined to lie about and insult someone just because he doesn't like them.

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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-07-08 8:08 AM


Crack on!


If you do that that then you will have to disclose who you are!




(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


Are you sure you're well? Everyone knows who I am, it was disclosed in an earlier thread at a time when you were active on the forum and you were in that thread at the time.


Are you now claiming that you don't know who I am and what my company is? Pelmetman knows, Anthony1969 knows, everyone knows!


I'm still not keen on bandying my private details on the web but am happy to PM you my company's name and you can then follow the simple steps I've outlined.


As you said, DOH!


But why do I smell a rat and sense a man who is cornered and now pleading ignorance?

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How many months is it Frank?


And now you offer to send me the details via PM that could have sorted this all out long ago.


Now why is it that you repeat a phrase used by me (smelling rat) and suddenly offer to PM me.


Like I said - You have never had to "bandy your details out on the web" - There is only you and me in this. I fail to see any reason for your reticence given the confidentiality I have to abide by.


I have been on HMRC training courses in how to identify people and how some can use and abuse the www to make out they are someone they are not.


PM me if you want. I know who you say you are - but I would prefer to do the normal due diligence tests we have to by law carry out whenever we act for an individual or firm. Standard stuff really.


Strange after my last post you offer to PM me.


My word - we are making progress.



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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-07-08 8:35 AM


How many months is it Frank?


And now you offer to send me the details via PM that could have sorted this all out long ago.


Now why is it that you repeat a phrase used by me (smelling rat) and suddenly offer to PM me.


Like I said - You have never had to "bandy your details out on the web" - There is only you and me in this. I fail to see any reason for your reticence given the confidentiality I have to abide by.


I have been on HMRC training courses in how to identify people and how some can use and abuse the www to make out they are someone they are not.


PM me if you want. I know who you say you are - but I would prefer to do the normal due diligence tests we have to by law carry out whenever we act for an individual or firm. Standard stuff really.


Strange after my last post you offer to PM me.


My word - we are making progress.




WEll, I just don't believe you. It was you that mentioned my full name (just about three weeks ago I think) and in the same thread just a couple of posts later my company was mentioned and it's type of business.


And why have you begin calling me by my real name if you didn't know who I am!


The PM is on its way and you can begin the process which, if you've any honour at all, will end up by, once more, you accepting that your accusations of me being a Walter Mitty are so very wrong.



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Thank you for that Frank.


This is all that I had before.


So nothing new here.


But you still miss the issue - my initial thoughts were that for someone who is a Director of a company with assets of circa £1.6 Million and liabilities c. £370K you habitually made a fair few faux pas' re normal business practice.


You may well be this Frank Wilkinson. I accepted Anthony's word that this info I had researched separately was indeed you. I have paid the £1000 to charity.


But you still come across as someone who does not really understand business.


So you may be a little scrote who masquerades as him.


Hence my request for normal id due diligence


If you are who you say you are then this should not be a problem.



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This is what I mean Frank.


Here is a link to a firm in Dorset that shares my name




and here is another one - this time in financial services but based in Birmingham.




This is exactly the information you have supplied - but as anyone can see - anyone can access that info on any company.


It means diddly squat.


This is the Duedil entry for Frank Wilkinson cameras.





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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-07-08 9:11 AM


This is what I mean Frank.


Here is a link to a firm in Dorset that shares my name




and here is another one - this time in financial services but based in Birmingham.




This is exactly the information you have supplied - but as anyone can see - anyone can access that info on any company.


It means diddly squat.


This is the Duedil entry for Frank Wilkinson cameras.





Still you squirm and try to avoid the inevitable.


Now you know who I am, why don't you look up my address at Companies' House or Duedil, look up my phone number and phone me?


I told you several times that you can do this but you avoid it every time! Why is this? it's because you know that you will, once more, end up with a vast amount of egg on your face.


And despite your promise to keep this between us by PM you have now published the name of my firm by giving a link to it. Do you have any morals at all?


I await your phone call - a man as skilled as you claim to be can get it in minutes.


WHY WON'T YOU? I'm sure I can't be the only one wondering why you persist in this accusation of me lying, when you could prove in minutes that I'm not!


Ps and whilst you're at it look at my website and our promotional activities, which may give you an idea of how we survive in a very tough market, where most of my competitors have folded.


You have until lunchtime and then we get Mr Nixon involved to do a job that you could do in minutes. This ends today once and for all. And I don't think he'll be pleased when I show him how you have persistently ignored the information he gave you and that you are claiming that he's somehow been fooled a small businessman from oop north!


And don't you dare call me a scrote! You, the man who refuses to admit that his accusations are false and who refuses to do a couple of simple tasks that could end it forever. You are much more than a scrote! And when you admit defeat I just know that it will be in bad grace once more with the usual insults. Well Clive, despite what you think I haven't done too badly!

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Guest Had Enough

I'm still waiting for CliveH's phone call. All he has to do is look up the principal shareholder in the firm, get his address, which is listed, go to BT directory enquiries and look up the phone number?


I'm here by the phone! Why won't he do it we might ask! ;-)


Can anyone recommend a very large wet rag supplier in Hampshire? It's for wiping copious amounts of egg off one's face. :-> It will need to be really large though. His last one wasn't big enough I believe!


Time's running out!

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I am not shouting here Frank - UC just for ease


Still you squirm and try to avoid the inevitable.




Now you know who I am, why don't you look up my address at Companies' House or Duedil, look up my phone number and phone me?




I told you several times that you can do this but you avoid it every time! Why is this? it's because you know that you will, once more, end up with a vast amount of egg on your face.




And despite your promise to keep this between us by PM you have now published the name of my firm by giving a link to it. Do you have any morals at all?




I await your phone call - a man as skilled as you claim to be can get it in minutes.




WHY WON'T YOU? I'm sure I can't be the only one wondering why you persist in this accusation of me lying, when you could prove in minutes that I'm not!




Ps and whilst you're at it look at my website and our promotional activities, which may give you an idea of how we survive in a very tough market, where most of my competitors have folded.




You have until lunchtime and then we get Mr Nixon involved to do a job that you could do in minutes. This ends today once and for all. And I don't think he'll be pleased when I show him how you have persistently ignored the information he gave you and that you are claiming that he's somehow been fooled a small businessman from oop north!




And don't you dare call me a scrote! You, the man who refuses to admit that his accusations are false and who refuses to do a couple of simple tasks that could end it forever. You are much more than a scrote! And when you admit defeat I just know that it will be in bad grace once more with the usual insults. Well Clive, despite what you think I haven't done too badly









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