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Bulger killer to be released.....AGAIN!!!


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Guest pelmetman

So another institutionalized nutter is released on the streets of Britain *-)...............I dare say he promised to be a very good chap if they let him out ;-)


'Indecent images'

James's father Ralph also told the hearing it would be "stupid" to free Venables.


Venables was released in 2001 but jailed again in 2010 after admitting downloading and distributing indecent images of children.


When he was re-arrested, it emerged that Venables, who was given a new identity on release from prison, had breached his parole conditions by visiting Merseyside.


He had developed drug and drink problems, started behaving anti-socially and revealed his real identity to friends.


It was found he downloaded 102 indecent images of children and had been distributing these images.


The Ministry of Justice spokesman said re-releasing life-licensed offenders is directed by the parole board which has to be satisfied the offender can "be safely managed in the community".


In a statement the MoJ said: "Their life licence lasts for the rest of their lives, and they may be recalled to prison at any time for breaching their licence conditions.


"Additionally, they will be subject to strict controls and restrictions for as long as their risk requires them."


No doubt he'll behave himself..................hopefully 8-)...........

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RogerC - 2013-07-04 9:10 PMUnbelieveable......what on earth is the parole board thinking???????




Roger I'm sure they know what they are doing , a team of highly paid shrinks and the likes will have spent a lot of time and heaps of money deciding he's fit to return to normal society , just like the last time they released him .
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antony1969 - 2013-07-04 9:23 PM
RogerC - 2013-07-04 9:10 PMUnbelieveable......what on earth is the parole board thinking???????




Roger I'm sure they know what they are doing , a team of highly paid shrinks and the likes will have spent a lot of time and heaps of money deciding he's fit to return to normal society , just like the last time they released him .


Of course they do.......and the pigs are flying again.  This 'release' just goes to reinforce the feeling a great many members of the public have.........the system and those responsible for implementing it are TOO SOFT.  Bloody liberals will be the death of this country!!!!


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I have no wish to try and defend the guy but I do suspect a bit of realism is required. Yes, he committed an awful crime but was a child at the time. Children will commit evil crimes if the circumstances allow and as no one actually knows the full in's and out's of what actually happened I feel making judgement calls on this is difficult. Yes, he was recalled for offences regarding child porn but I suspect an awful lot of the population could fall under that one, but have yet to be found out. He has never to my knowledge commtted a sexual act against a child, murder yes, but sex not sure. I also wonder how much the pressure he is under has been an effect. Would you really like to be given a new idendity which meant that anything in your real life was no longer allowed? It is a bit scary really. No family ties, no past, nothing. I am sure that sooner or later it would all get too much and yes, you would blurt it out while drunk.


I suspect this guy will never actually make a real life for himself and possibly the best thing would have been the rope, but that is not an option. Again, I make no excuses for the crime but there are mitigating circumstances, and no, I am not a lefty do gooder. I would hang em as quick as anyone but in this case I am not so sure.

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Dave, I rarely agree with much that you say, but with this one, you are 'spot on' I really couldn't have put it better myself!

The young man should be left alone to make of his life the best that he can, with as much help that can be given -- if he will accept it.

What I can't understand is all the publicity -- it helps no-one -- least of all the family of the late James Bulger. Why couldn't Venables just be allowed to 'slip back' into 'normal' life without any of us knowing? -- Because the Murdoch press ( and others) hand out large sums of money for 'leaked' information of this kind, to 'keep the pot boiling' I suspect.


Thanks again for your sensible and well thought-out post, Dave225,



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Symbol Owner - 2013-07-06 9:17 AM


Dave, I rarely agree with much that you say, but with this one, you are 'spot on' I really couldn't have put it better myself!

The young man should be left alone to make of his life the best that he can, with as much help that can be given -- if he will accept it.

What I can't understand is all the publicity -- it helps no-one -- least of all the family of the late James Bulger. Why couldn't Venables just be allowed to 'slip back' into 'normal' life without any of us knowing? -- Because the Murdoch press ( and others) hand out large sums of money for 'leaked' information of this kind, to 'keep the pot boiling' I suspect.


Thanks again for your sensible and well thought-out post, Dave225,




I am blushing with thanks, but of course things will get back to normal pretty quick


. I suspect the issue with our society in general nowadays is a demand/desire for 'compensation'. Any crime must have a payback and the sentence is usually the least of it. If a slight has been made against you then a good bit of publicity about how you suffered will always sell newspapers, at least. Of course this crime must be placed in context before anyone accuses me of bad taste, but it is done and nothing can bring the boy back, unfortunately. Life has to go on. We are seeing it with the stampede of claims being mad e against people from 40 or more years ago. If it was that bad then living 40 years without saying a word does seem curious and now here is a good chance of money being paid out so.....................give it a go with lots of tears. No hard evidence is available so the chances of not getting away with it are low. Yes, I am a cynic but one does wonder.

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Any indecent child images are sickening but as we all know we have different levels when charged with possessing this stuff , what level were the images Venables had downloaded ?

My view would be that if after been found guilty of storing child sex images and his past crime record this thing was released into my community on my doorstep and he committed a crime against a child I would be furious .

He has a record of sickening violence towards a child , a record of child porno , a crime he knew would put him back inside and which he obviously did not care about or could not control , he is a danger to children even after all the money and time spent on him , keep him inside and don't tempt him into destroying some innocent child's life because without the likes of him we would have no market for the sickening abuse pictures on the net of children .

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Guest pelmetman

Ang on a sec *-).........................a child murders another child 8-)..............then as an adult he's put back in the slammer for accessing child porn 8-) .....................can the loony liberal elite not spot a right wrong un???? *-)......


Its no wonder we have so many repeat murderers roaming the streets, when we have armies of professional apologists to stand up for them *-)


No doubt he'll be a good little ex murderer with a child sex fixation :-S

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