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2 triangles for Spain


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Can anyone explain to me why 2 triangles are needed in Spain in the event of a breakdown, for cars with caravans(yes) all the other things, specks,jackets,bulbs,first aid, I agree with, but TWO triangles, come on...its getting out of hand. They say living in this country is like living in a nanny state , we have got a long way to go yet, untill our masters in Brussels catch up with us. chas
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[QUOTE]chas - 2006-08-08 3:58 PM Can anyone explain to me why 2 triangles are needed in Spain in the event of a breakdown, for cars with caravans(yes) all the other things, specks,jackets,bulbs,first aid, I agree with, but TWO triangles, come on...its getting out of hand. chas[/QUOTE] Chas, According to the AA One warning triangle compulsory for non-Spanish registered vehicles; two for Spanish registered vehicles. Note: Drivers of non-Spanish registered vehicles should consider carrying two triangles as, regardless of regulations, local officials may impose on-the-spot fine if only one is available. The AA compulsory equipment List http://tinyurl.com/pw55q then download the word document. Don
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One triangle is to go forward of the scene and one back.  I must admit, having driven past an accident in the dark, it is good to have that forward reflector.

What amuses me is that very few of these "extras" are requirement by law in this country.  Why not?  As Chas suggests, most of these make absolute sense.

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Not sure that the glasses have to be identical prescriptions, just that you have to have a spare pair that are usable. If you prescription has changed to the extent that you can't then use your old pair if needed then you would need to get a second identical prescription pair I would think.
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