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Loony Land reaches Hungary


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Last year touring through Hungary I could buy cigarettes at any Motorway Service area or Shop. This year all the Service areas have emptied their shelves with not one pack of cigarettes in sight. You can now only buy them from town centre shops which have an "18" sign outside and give the appearance of being closed, when in fact they are open.


Ironically alcohol is freely available with shelves full of spirits and beers......even on the Motorway Services! *-)


Seems the "loony land" politics of UK has stretched it's tentacles out into Hungary as this is all it's about.......politics.



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I'm not aware that the UK has a tobacco sales-related policy even remotely resembling that of Hungary.


2009 statistics on EU smoking are here




and Hungary had some of the highest percentages.


There are a couple of recent articles here on smoking in France






On a visit to Tours a couple of weeks ago I noticed a couple of shops devoted to selling electronic cigarettes and happened to see one chap 'smoking' one. It looked really odd - rather like sticking a small Maglite torch in your gob!

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...I can't see any mention of the UK's influence in your link, "loony" or otherwise ... :-S


Although I'm sure that some "at the top" will be chuffed to hear that you think that their "tentacles" reach so far across mainland Europe and that they have so much clout... ;-)

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I am in Hungary and agree it is quite bizarre to see the shops. I thought initially they were Sex shops as the windows are all blocked out so you can't see in but then with such a vast amount of people going in & out I concluded it must be something else -maybe a Betting shop. Eventually curiosity got the better of me so just walked in to have a look! Once again VERY bizarre-like a chemist shop with all the cigs etc behind a counter and nothing on immediate display. Really strange feeling like it is some Black Market or forbidden products you are surreptitiously buying.

They are painted with a big T in Red & Green and an 'No one under 18' sign on the window.


On a positive note, beer is freely available and in most supermarkets it's 3 x half litre cans for 340 Forints-about £1.03 so not bad there. Distinct lack of spirits though seems to be only Hungarian firewater, Brandy and Whisky not much else really.


Mind you a 'Plat du Jour' of 2 courses, bread & drink is about £3 so can't be too bad!


Bulletguy-if you get near Sarvar, come and say hello-beer's in the fridge



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pepe63 - 2013-07-22 1:48 PM



...I can't see any mention of the UK's influence in your link, "loony" or otherwise ... :-S


Although I'm sure that some "at the top" will be chuffed to hear that you think that their "tentacles" reach so far across mainland Europe and that they have so much clout... ;-)


Pepe.....I just used the term in reference to the craziness with which has become 'the norm' in UK, that's all. UK Supermarkets now have to hide their cigarettes, but alcohol ranging from ordinary beers to high percent spirits is openly displayed.


Motorway Service areas in Hungary sold cigarettes last year but have now been stopped.......yet you can still by a bottle of spirits.


It would appear to be more about "who you know" in the political arena that is more important.


Mr Forenszky, 45, a former TV journalist, applied for one of the licences, but was refused. He believes he is the victim of foul play.


A tape-recording has emerged of a March meeting between the mayor of Mr Forenszky's town and other top Fidesz officials, at which they discussed who should be granted one of the precious new tobacco-selling licences.


"How many election-slips did he ever bring for Fidesz?" asked the mayor when Mr Forenszky's name came up. Both the mayor and the MP admit it is their voices on the recording but say they were joking. Local smokers will have to turn to the successful applicant - the mayor's younger sister - who was awarded a tobacco concession for her petrol station nearby."




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Mike B. - 2013-07-22 2:25 PM


I am in Hungary and agree it is quite bizarre to see the shops.


Bulletguy-if you get near Sarvar, come and say hello-beer's in the fridge




Mike......my exact location is; N 46.88539° E 19.39736°


A site called Somodi Tanya where I stayed last year. Excellent meals and open from 7am until late! Just 14 miles from Kecskemet.


I'm guessing you are on Thermal Camping Sarvar? (N 47.24808° E 16.94747°) Not a cheap site that!



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Mike B. - 2013-07-22 2:25 PM


I am in Hungary and agree it is quite bizarre to see the shops. I thought initially they were Sex shops as the windows are all blocked out so you can't see in but then with such a vast amount of people going in & out I concluded it must be something else -maybe a Betting shop. Eventually curiosity got the better of me so just walked in to have a look! Once again VERY bizarre-like a chemist shop with all the cigs etc behind a counter and nothing on immediate display. Really strange feeling like it is some Black Market or forbidden products you are surreptitiously buying.

They are painted with a big T in Red & Green and an 'No one under 18' sign on the window.


On a positive note, beer is freely available and in most supermarkets it's 3 x half litre cans for 340 Forints-about £1.03 so not bad there. Distinct lack of spirits though seems to be only Hungarian firewater, Brandy and Whisky not much else really.


Mind you a 'Plat du Jour' of 2 courses, bread & drink is about £3 so can't be too bad!


Bulletguy-if you get near Sarvar, come and say hello-beer's in the fridge




The only time I went to Hungary (around 1991) you could only buy duty free alcohol in the Airport with US Dollars. I had none and it was dirt cheap! :-( What I bought instead was a couple of bottles of the most expensive Hungarian wine they had (must have been nearly £3 a bottle). :D If you cannot get good Spirits then try the wine. They were 2 of the best bottles of wine I have ever had.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Derek Uzzell - 2013-07-22 1:47 PM


I'm not aware that the UK has a tobacco sales-related policy even remotely resembling that of Hungary.


2009 statistics on EU smoking are here




and Hungary had some of the highest percentages.


There are a couple of recent articles here on smoking in France






On a visit to Tours a couple of weeks ago I noticed a couple of shops devoted to selling electronic cigarettes and happened to see one chap 'smoking' one. It looked really odd - rather like sticking a small Maglite torch in your gob!


Odd or not, I use one, an absolute godsend to those like me have this disgusting addiction, hey but guess what, the EU is proposing to ban them, on what grounds you may ask, safety or is it big business seeing their profits tumble.


Just as the European Commission is deciding on rules to implement for the use of e-cigarettes, pharmaceutical lobbies indeed seem to be doing everything in their power to ensure that the electronic gadget, which has become “a serious rival for nicotine patches and Nicorette chewing gum is dead in the water.


There are a lot more things that should be banned, small minded anti smoking bigots for starters.



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1footinthegrave - 2013-07-23 4:15 AM


...There are a lot more things that should be banned, small minded anti smoking bigots for starters.




I don't much mind people smoking (it's their funeral) but I do think that, nowadays, it's such a peculiar, old fashioned, inefficient means of getting a nicotine rush. Surely there must be a better way than sticking something (burning or not) in your mouth? It seems really odd to me that the practice of putting a cigarette, pipe or cigar in one's mouth is not considered that unusual, while sticking it in one's ear would immediately attract laughter.

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I remember a TV sketch, many moons ago, in which some sailors who had just landed in South America were lighting paper tubes which they had in their mouths. These burnt in a few seconds and the sailors were talking about how many hundreds a day they were getting through. Some kindly locals then showed them that if they stuffed them with a particular weed they burned much slower.
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Derek Uzzell - 2013-07-23 9:55 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-07-23 4:15 AM


There are a lot more things that should be banned, small minded anti smoking bigots for starters.




I don't much mind people smoking (it's their funeral) but I do think that, nowadays, it's such a peculiar, old fashioned, inefficient means of getting a nicotine rush.




The reason you 'dont mind' is because you are a non-smoker as opposed to an anti-smoker. In UK there is a virtual war going on between the anti-smoker fascists who will stop at nothing to get all their own way (they still aren't satisfied with BOSIPP), and smokers who are continuously vilified and subjected to the sanctimonious preachings of this brigade.


I don't drink much (2 or 3ltrs a year) and never in the UK, but i've never preached abstinence or banged the temperance drum......and I used to work with some really serious P*** heads!!

I believe in tolerance.


"1foot".......you may be interested to know that New Zealand banned advertising of the e-cig.......for the simple reason it looks like smoking. *-)



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Jeeez..Does it matter what sort of sign the shop you buy your fags from has?..or whether it has blacked out windows?...really? 8-)

...and what does it matter if the cig' packaging is plain?(..I assume folk don't just buy them for the pretty colours on the packs?)or whether or not they are on display?...so what?...


I don't drink much but I do like a decent ale occasionally...but you know what, I couldn't give two stuffs what colour the label on the bottle is!..and as far as I'm concerned, the shop could store the bottles out of sight, in a concrete bunker.. *-)


..in the overall scheme of things, IT DOESN'T MATTER ;-)


BG this thread just seems like an example of, "Bored motorhomer with too much time on their hands, wants something to moan about".. (lol)


(..something that is all too familiar down in Chatterbox *-) )



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pepe63 - 2013-07-23 12:10 PM



BG this thread just seems like an example of, "Bored motorhomer with too much time on their hands, wants something to moan about".. (lol)





Noooooooo.......most definitely not!!


Too much time on my hands?


Plenty.........and not regretting one bit of it! Three years of blissful freedom and counting!! :D


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Guest 1footinthegrave
Derek Uzzell - 2013-07-23 9:55 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-07-23 4:15 AM


...There are a lot more things that should be banned, small minded anti smoking bigots for starters.




I don't much mind people smoking (it's their funeral) but I do think that, nowadays, it's such a peculiar, old fashioned, inefficient means of getting a nicotine rush. Surely there must be a better way than sticking something (burning or not) in your mouth? It seems really odd to me that the practice of putting a cigarette, pipe or cigar in one's mouth is not considered that unusual, while sticking it in one's ear would immediately attract laughter.


Isn't it equally odd that people drink liquids when they are not thirsty, how many can manage four of five pints of water in one session, but stick some hops in and it becomes a different ball game, Its also rather odd that folk continue to stuff foods in their mouths, when it is quite obvious from their size they are neither malnourished, or in need of a double mac with fries and a large coke. ;-) as for an old fashioned way of getting your nicotine hit, yes there are other ways as you noted earlier, but the EU wants to ban them, or have us buy hugely expensive chewing gum no doubt with the resulting huge profits for the pharmaceutical industries.


It's all about money, as the rate of smoking has declined, so the resulting taxation of cigarettes has been increased to make up the lost revenues.


Oh and by the way in case you do not know, we all snuff it, if you've found a way to avoid it, let us know. ;-) :D

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malc d - 2013-07-23 1:19 PM


I suppose from the angle of the employment created and the taxation generated, the more addictions there are , the better.




The problem is that the results from the addiction costs us all much more than the tax revenue it generates.


The NHS costs of keep smokers alive costs us all in our taxes. I am no longer connected to the nhs but i can remember, some years back, seeing some data on life expectancy of smokers, the percentage of smokers with chronic disease and the resulting impact on our health service - it was frightening.


i don't care if people choose to smoke if it doesn't impact on me but unfortunately it does.


A similar argument can probably be made for alcohol albeit i have never seen any data.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
Muswell - 2013-07-23 2:34 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-07-23 1:11 PM





Oh and by the way in case you do not know, we all snuff it, if you've found a way to avoid it, let us know. ;-) :D


It's not whether you go.....it's the manner of going :-D


Most of them however caused ain't a barrel of laughs, apart from my dear old Mum who went into a coma after waking in the early hours at home feeling a little odd, then hospitalized for four days before finally passing, what a pity she was left to urinate herself and the bedding, because as we discovered the nurses could not be arsed to put in a catheter for her. >:-(

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Derek Uzzell -


On a visit to Tours a couple of weeks ago I noticed a couple of shops devoted to selling electronic cigarettes and happened to see one chap 'sm

oking' one. It looked really odd - rather like sticking a small Maglite torch in your gob!



Is that not for smoking in he dark Derek :D



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On the way home from France last year I encountered my first supermarket with the shutters. In conversation with the assistant I asked what effect it had had - SALES HAD GONE UP. Could be an initial effect in that "whats all this about, oh cigarettes, better buy some"
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Bulletguy - 2013-07-23 11:24 AM

In UK there is a virtual war going on between the anti-smoker fascists who will stop at nothing to get their own way (they still aren't satisfied with BOSIPP), and smokers who are continuously vilified and subjected to the sanctimonious preachings of this brigade.


Spoken with all the arrogance of an addicted smoker.


Born with a fag in your mouth were you?


The most natural thing in the world to is to smoke I suppose?


So just how do you equate the rights of the rest of us to breath air not polluted with cigarette smoke whenever we sit outside in a pub or cafe and walk past a public building or run the gauntlet of a hospital entrance area?


Should we just put up with it and say nowt in case it offends the sensitivities of those addicted to smoking?


Come on get real - smoking is a disgusting habit that impacts on other people's health and enjoyment and it's high time arrogant smokers came to accept that fact.

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Muswell - 2013-07-23 2:34 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-07-23 1:11 PM





Oh and by the way in case you do not know, we all snuff it, if you've found a way to avoid it, let us know. ;-) :D


It's not whether you go.....it's the manner of going :-D



I hope it's in a coughin :D



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nowtelse2do - 2013-07-23 4:25 PM


Muswell - 2013-07-23 2:34 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-07-23 1:11 PM





Oh and by the way in case you do not know, we all snuff it, if you've found a way to avoid it, let us know. ;-) :D


It's not whether you go.....it's the manner of going :-D



I hope it's in a coughin :D






That would be too much of a fag.

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