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Men sucking dummies !

Mrs T

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Guest Had Enough
RogerC - 2013-07-24 8:31 PMVery true...it's all (no pun intended)smoke and mirrors where the Gov't is concerned.   And for HE I would like to know the tried and tested alternatives you refer to?

You're right, it's all one big conspiracy. Warnings on packets with horrible pictures of tumours, advertising on TV showing the dangers of smoking, forcing retailers to take cigarettes of public display - it's all a con to make us smoke more and increase government revenues, everyone can see that!Pity it's not working!Alternatives? Nicotine patches, nicotine tablets, hypnotherapy, and best of all, some bloody will power. Reduce your intake very gradually over a year until you're down to one or two a day and then down to none. And it wasn't me that mentioned alternatives but the woman in the report I pasted in.And eventually, e-cigarettes may be available that are free of the substances that currently worry scientists who know about these things. http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/smoking/Pages/stop-smoking-treatment-myths.aspxTo repeat. I don't care if you smoke. I don't care if you take heroin and flog yourself with barbed wire every Thursday. Just keep your vices private and don't blow your noxious fumes my way please.
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Had Enough - 2013-07-24 8:50 PM
RogerC - 2013-07-24 8:31 PMVery true...it's all (no pun intended)smoke and mirrors where the Gov't is concerned.   And for HE I would like to know the tried and tested alternatives you refer to?

You're right, it's all one big conspiracy. Warnings on packets with horrible pictures of tumours, advertising on TV showing the dangers of smoking, forcing retailers to take cigarettes of public display - it's all a con to make us smoke more and increase government revenues, everyone can see that!Pity it's not working!Alternatives? Nicotine patches, nicotine tablets, hypnotherapy, and best of all, some bloody will power. Reduce your intake very gradually over a year until you're down to one or two a day and then down to none. And it wasn't me that mentioned alternatives but the woman in the report I pasted in.And eventually, e-cigarettes may be available that are free of the substances that currently worry scientists who know about these things. http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/smoking/Pages/stop-smoking-treatment-myths.aspxTo repeat. I don't care if you smoke. I don't care if you take heroin and flog yourself with barbed wire every Thursday. Just keep your vices private and don't blow your noxious fumes my way please.



Yawn yawn.....you obviously didn't bother to read the counter argument to your 'quoted expert'.   At the risk of repeating myself....e cigs are much less harmful then cigarettes and actually 'do help' people to quit smoking.  It took me 4 days to get off cigarettes and onto e cigs which do NOT emit harmful smoke.  Nor do they contain anywhere close to the carcinogens of cigarettes.  Patches and all the rest have very limited success rates....ask your local surgery if you don't believe me.....oh and they are all much much more expensive than e cigs!  Funny that isn't it?


I'm bored now...especially as it's degenerated to the 'Gov't says so ...so it must be true'.........believe that and you'll believe anything. 


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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2013-07-24 8:28 PM


pelmetman - 2013-07-24 7:50 PM


You just don't get it do you Frank :D....................there are people on this planet who don't measure their IQ by the size of their bank balance *-)..........neither do they value themselves above anyone else ;-) .............but some of us can see a bit further ahead to where your great grandkids will be :-S..............and it ain't looking pretty 8-)


You're doing it again, all this nonsense about anyone who's a bit better off than you. Who measures IQ by their bank balance? The cleverest bloke I know is a school teacher who earns a modest salary.


But where in my post have I indicated anything about IQ and bank balance? All I did is tell you that people who are lucky enough to have some money do the economy a lot of good by spending it. They create jobs and wealth for others.


People who choose to opt out and spend as little as possible are welcome to do so, good luck to them.


But your most unpleasant trait is in constantly accusing people who can afford, for instance, a nice new motorhome of only buying it to impress the neighbours with their 'conspicuous consumption'.


Ever since I started my business I haven't milked it so that I can impress anyone. I've reinvested most of the profits year on year and I always said that the first time I bought an expensive car was when I could afford to buy three! Unlike people who go out and buy a Jag on the never never just to impress their pals.


And it would appear that you value yourself above everybody else. You denigrate our lifestyles. You accuse us of being money fixated and of only buying things to impress others. You constantly belittle those of us who actually enjoy work and consider us fools for not living a pointless and idle existence that you consider the ultimate human achievement!


But I ask you again. I've been very lucky in life and aren't exactly hard-up. What should I do with my money? Just leave it all to my daughter who'll get a lot anyway, or should I continue to enjoy my life and have a nice new car when I feel the urge or trade in my motorhome every few years?


What would you do? I suspect that I know the answer (if you're honest).


And as for the future of our grandchildren? What are you worrying about? They'll be healthier, live longer and enjoy their lives just as much as we have. I really have no idea what is worrying you about the future. And are you really worried anyway, or is it just another way of justifying your choice of lifestyle?



Well Frank ;-)...............aving been around a bit.............and I mean not just staying in posh hotels and leaving large tips coz they might fink your someone (lol)........


I do for some strange reason worry about what your kids will inherit 8-) ........as I have been green from an early age :D................except............then it was called being mean (lol) (lol)

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2013-07-24 10:04 PM



Well Frank ;-)...............aving been around a bit.............and I mean not just staying in posh hotels and leaving large tips coz they might fink your someone (lol)........



You just can't stop yourself can you? This constant obsession with those who may be better off than you is worrying. Chill out man. There's no need to keep up this silly envy and spite all the time! ;-)

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Hello mrs T I've posted on your sunglasses thread before I read this one yes you've really got them "animated" haven't you ? Lol Although my friend and work colleague has gone over to the electric fag and its great for me cos she doesn't stink when I give her a lift home (and its got jewels on it ) we worked it out shes saved £600 in three months not bad eh? Pp
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Had Enough - 2013-07-24 8:39 PM


Minimum prices for booze will do no good whatsoever. Boozers will buy just as much and have even less for their other requirements. Have you noticed what people will do to get the drugs that they can't afford to buy, such as rob and burgle?



Wow - that's twice in two days that I have agreed totally with you. All you've got to do now is get rid of the bile and venom that followed this paragraph and typifies most of your posts and we could get on like a house on fire! :-D ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2013-07-24 11:47 PM


pelmetman - 2013-07-24 10:04 PM



Well Frank ;-)...............aving been around a bit.............and I mean not just staying in posh hotels and leaving large tips coz they might fink your someone (lol)........



You just can't stop yourself can you? This constant obsession with those who may be better off than you is worrying. Chill out man. There's no need to keep up this silly envy and spite all the time! ;-)


Sorry Frank your confused ;-).....................


You like to show off about how well off you are...........................I like to show off about how little I need :D..........so we're just a pair of show off's ;-)

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pelmetman - 2013-07-25 11:51 AM


Had Enough - 2013-07-24 11:47 PM


pelmetman - 2013-07-24 10:04 PM



Well Frank ;-)...............aving been around a bit.............and I mean not just staying in posh hotels and leaving large tips coz they might fink your someone (lol)........



You just can't stop yourself can you? This constant obsession with those who may be better off than you is worrying. Chill out man. There's no need to keep up this silly envy and spite all the time! ;-)


Sorry Frank your confused ;-).....................


You like to show off about how well off you are...........................I like to show off about how little I need :D..........so we're just a pair of show off's ;-)


... so long as the 'showing off' doesn't turn physical so you don't start dropping your kit!!! 8-)

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Guest peter
Worry not Mel. People who are always going on about how much they've got are usually not that well endowed, and those that boast about how little they need are usually past it. (lol)
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Guest pelmetman
peter - 2013-07-25 11:00 PM


Worry not Mel. People who are always going on about how much they've got are usually not that well endowed, and those that boast about how little they need are usually past it. (lol)


Past it? 8-).....................my body clock say's its only 10 past 8 ;-)


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