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Small men wearing big shorts are common

Mrs T

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I hate to see small men wearing large shorts. An oversize of one's shorts are an indication of instability.


Mr T cuts his own and is an expert amongst experienced shorts users, he chooses his most comfortable dark trousers then trims them to an appropriate kneecap height, the waist fitting is perfect and the leg diameter is unflappable.


The best arrangement is to leave loose threads hanging to ward off the flying dung beetle, he does a lot of jungle tracking when the dung beetle is most active,. They have poor eyesight.

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Not common dear, just popular!


Has to be better than large men wearing small shorts surely?


Proper shorts should be in light colours only as dark colours look so yesteryear and home made but I really was not aware that home made shorts had poor eyesight!


Anyway what is it with you Mrs T - do you have an anti man campaign running at the moment - or are you up for a prize for the most irritating thread title!

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Guest peter
Mrs T - 2013-07-25 7:57 PM


I hate to see small men wearing large shorts. An oversize of one's shorts are an indication of instability.


Mr T cuts his own and is an expert amongst experienced shorts users, he chooses his most comfortable dark trousers then trims them to an appropriate kneecap height, the waist fitting is perfect and the leg diameter is unflappable.


The best arrangement is to leave loose threads hanging to ward off the flying dung beetle, he does a lot of jungle tracking when the dung beetle is most active,. They have poor eyesight.

I suspect you prefer large men with small shorts. Which would rule Richard out, as I've heard he's got legs like matchsticks :D :$
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peter - 2013-07-25 10:06 PM

I suspect you prefer large men with small shorts. Which would rule Richard out, as I've heard he's got legs like matchsticks


Aw shucks - that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me Uncle Pete and I am so sorry that you only have short fat legs - never mind I suspect that you do a lovely duck bummed waddle when you walk (lol)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Mrs T - 2013-07-25 7:57 PM


I hate to see small men wearing large shorts. An oversize of one's shorts are an indication of instability.


Mr T cuts his own and is an expert amongst experienced shorts users, he chooses his most comfortable dark trousers then trims them to an appropriate kneecap height, the waist fitting is perfect and the leg diameter is unflappable.


The best arrangement is to leave loose threads hanging to ward off the flying dung beetle, he does a lot of jungle tracking when the dung beetle is most active,. They have poor eyesight.


Let me guess, your the wrong side of 20 stone, and wear black leggings and flip flops. ;-) but only for best most of the time. ;-)

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I'm impressed that you all are interested in my attire, well a minority are, I find commenting on men's jokes and arguments out of my league so thought up some of my own, I have a ladies only thought next which I do hope some will comment on but no doubt it will become male dominated from the usual tribe of argumentative nit picking non conformists. So to repeat a favourable quote watch this space.


I notice that Brian has failed to make an appearance on my posts, its obviously too technical for him to put his mind to, perhaps when the next more colourful post is opened he will have an opinion on style. Unfortunately there will no figures to query but perhaps a material type might be to his liking.


PS Irritating yes, and I like to smile at my own jokes as I don't find many others funny when they take a step too serious.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
To be honest you come across as the worst kind of feminist, espousing the view that all men are stupid. ;-) try poking some fun at your own gender, that would make a change, here is a heads up for you.....reversing a car
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1footinthegrave - 2013-07-26 11:15 PM


To be honest you come across as the worst kind of feminist, espousing the view that all men are stupid. ;-) try poking some fun at your own gender, that would make a change, here is a heads up for you.....reversing a car


I'm glad you said that, not me!


Map reading, navigating, emptying the loo ..................................?

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2013-07-26 11:22 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-07-26 11:15 PM


To be honest you come across as the worst kind of feminist, espousing the view that all men are stupid. ;-) try poking some fun at your own gender, that would make a change, here is a heads up for you.....reversing a car


I'm glad you said that, not me!


Map reading, navigating, emptying the loo ..................................?


Ah yes, loo emptying, don't think I've seen that once, and certainly my missus has never volunteered


and going back to reversing, how many woman do you see after their menfolk ask them to see them back up cannot work it out that the driver needs to be able to see them, mind you given the gestures most of them give when they can be seen, their help is about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike. :D

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