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Wild camping Site


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I thought I would share this wild camping site that I have been going to for about four years now, it might not be every body’s cup of tea as especially this year we found it quite noisy with traffic but its free and there are showers on the beach (water) and toilets, fantastic views over Nice with the snow capped mountains in the back ground Cannes in the other direction we found nearest to the marina was the best place where it is about 15’ wide and you don’t have problems. Further up towards nice the beach is wider but you sometimes have to park on the hard shoulder (The banked up dirt is an old photo on Google earth and don’t exist) there is two super markets, and Antibes is about 10 min walk.

N43deg 35min 51sec E07deg 07min 31sec.





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lennyhb - 2013-07-30 9:43 AM


Oh no! You will start Henry off again. :D


(lol) Let's give it a try...

... "..parked up on some dusty old stretch o' road, in line with a load of builder vans ,is not my idea of a holiday.."


...there..how's that sound?.. close enough? :D

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pepe63 - 2013-07-30 10:44 AM


lennyhb - 2013-07-30 9:43 AM


Oh no! You will start Henry off again. :D


(lol) Let's give it a try...

... "..parked up on some dusty old stretch o' road, in line with a load of builder vans ,is not my idea of a holiday.."


...there..how's that sound?.. close enough? :D


Almost there just need to add " Freeloaders too tight to pay for a site"

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It always amazes me when you try to help by putting a post on the forum how many smart aleck or negative replies one gets, reminds me of chatterbox trying to win brownie points by belittling some ones post .It now seems its moved to this site.

I wish people would engage brain before jumping in feet first, yes you get the odd van for an overnight stay but they are gone by morning and it is week end on the photo, mid week its very quite I don’t go on sites because I don’t like being ripped off at £40 a night with no facilities just like I don’t go in marinas I prefer to anchor. Oh Never mind forget it.


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You have got hold of the wrong end of the stick cerro.


The reprobates who have jokingly replied are NOT having a go at you. They have pre empted one of the dragons of this forum who would have upset you with his comments about wildcamping. I am a wildcamper and feel very much like you do about ripoff campsites and camping organisations for 'members'. I found nothing insulting or derogatory about their posts ....... a bit schoolboyish perhaps. *-) .


It is just harmless fun and I am sure they appreciate your information for this spot.


If you really want to cause a kerfuffle, introduce smoking into the equation. :D

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cerro - 2013-08-01 9:12 PM


It always amazes me when you try to help by putting a post on the forum how many smart aleck or negative replies one gets, reminds me of chatterbox trying to win brownie points by belittling some ones post .It now seems its moved to this site.

I wish people would engage brain before jumping in feet first, yes you get the odd van for an overnight stay but they are gone by morning and it is week end on the photo, mid week its very quite I don’t go on sites because I don’t like being ripped off at £40 a night with no facilities just like I don’t go in marinas I prefer to anchor. Oh Never mind forget it.



I for one appreciate your effort in posting about the location - and I also appreciate your reaction to some of the other posts which have followed yours in this thread.

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747 - 2013-08-01 9:18 PM


You have got hold of the wrong end of the stick cerro.


The reprobates who have jokingly replied are NOT having a go at you. They have pre empted one of the dragons of this forum who would have upset you with his comments about wildcamping......//..

... I found nothing insulting or derogatory about their posts ....... a bit schoolboyish perhaps. *-) .



Well,it's good see that a few "got it".. ;-)


..but as for the "schoolboyish" bit,.well I would've thought that would still be a step up, compared to some of the posts we get on here! (lol)

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