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Enough is enough.


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Isn't it now time for everyone to take stock of recent weeks on Chatterbox and consider the wider picture of the damage being done to this forum?


Consider also the good and helpful people that no longer visit the forum due to the bullying and ego trips on display.


This used to be a terrific forum with so many experienced and ever helpful members always happy to contribute to help others but so many have left that the motorhome matters section is but a shadow of it's former self which serves nobody well - unless you don't own or intend owning a motorhome or camper and have your own agenda for causing disruption.


I may not be whiter than white but I never threaten anyone and I never use racist or anti female specific insults against the ladies of this forum, whose input, insight, humour and common sense - well usually - I greatly respect!


We are all equal in this world and we all have as much right to our opinion without being insulted, degraded or threatened as everyone else although to read some of the postings you might never know this.


So come on folks - starting now - let's have one big amnesty and all put the past where it belongs - in the past.


Can we and move on with a fresh start with respect for each other and for each other's views no matter what our personal feelings may be.


Can we stop all unprovoked personal attacks, threats, 'mine's bigger than your's' contests and start using the forum as it was intended - for chit chat, mutual help, discussion - preferably with a good sprinkling of good natured humour.


We should all be very grateful for the tolerance of the moderators, although I am not sure they are doing anyone any favours by being so hands off.


Perhaps we could ask that the moderators might intervene from time to time when things get nasty or rude with a few very public warnings for those who are unable to behave in public.


Is it really asking too much for everyone to make an effort to behave with integrity and decency?

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teflon2 - 2013-08-03 6:43 PM


No Donna since he moved to the more level landscape of East Anglia he has become more level headed and reasonable. Although I never really thought he was too bad before he came here. John (lol)


Nobody ever accused me of being level headed before so many thanks John.


It's not the level that makes me level headed, it's just that all the rain water from Wales has now dried out and the wet rot treatment is working!

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I'm the first to admit I have a short fuse, but as an experiment this week I did not post for a few days, but the usual suspects were still at it all of that time.


I often post what I hope are helpful replies on Motorhome matters, it would be interesting to see how many times the usual suspects post helpful information, maybe one of them knows where the blokes relay is, or how to carry out a mod to cool a fridge down, or convert halogen lights to LEDs ect, etc ;-)


But I too despair of a medium that drives me and others to sheer frustration and anger by many comments, such as I am virtually a social leper because I smoke for example, ring any bells Tracker


;-) Funny thing is ( and some may not believe it on here ) in real life I'm told I'm a likeable helpful guy, but on here I'm the Antichrist according to some. ;-)


As far as I'm concerned the answer is simple, treat others with respect, and your likely to be treated the same, now I must pop out and have a fag. ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
1footinthegrave - 2013-08-03 7:39 PM


As far as I'm concerned the answer is simple, treat others with respect, and your likely to be treated the same, now I must pop out and have a fag. ;-)


Ditto :-D...............


What's happening on MM? 8-)................I spend most of my time being charming and wonderful here :D.......................are they missing me? :-S...................must admit I've neglected my "Bargain Bangers" thread lately :$

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Totally agree Tracker.


It does not matter what others post, and how much they do, or how experienced/knowledgeable they are - what matters is that people don't jump to conclusions and assume that someone is having a go at them.


Everyone should think about what they post - how one person writes something may not necessarily be how it is then 'comprehended' when someone else reads, so before anyone makes a post please spend a little bit longer just re-reading what you are writing and for those that then read the post, lets not have any 'knee-jerk' replies, re-read it and see if you can 'see' it a different way, hopefully the way it was intended (ie not to be hurtful, insulting etc), and not jump to a wrong conclusion.


As for insults, there is no place for them at all, however, having some 'fun', even some silly teasing, is a good thing and can produce some absolutely hilarious posts and the forum will eventually be returned to the relaxed and nice place it use to be - so long as it is very obvious that it IS fun to all involved! :-D


So come on you load of whinging ninnies :D ... lets have some fun for a change!!! :->

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1footinthegrave - 2013-08-03 7:39 PM

But I too despair of a medium that drives me and others to sheer frustration and anger by many comments, such as I am virtually a social leper because I smoke for example, ring any bells Tracker


You may well be a social leper for all I know Mike, I really wouldn't know, but don't you think that I am just as entitled to my anti smoking views as you are to your opposing views?


Just in case you missed it the first, second and third times Mike - your right to smoke has never been questioned by me or anyone else as far as I can tell? You can smoke yourself into a kipper for all it matters to me - but I do consider that I am as entitled to breathe clean air as you are entitled not to breathe clean air and all I ask is that smokers take responsibility for their actions and at least try not to make life unpleasant in outside socialising and particularly eating areas. Is that reasonable or is it asking too much do you think?


I never carry any bile from one thread to another and I take every posting on it's individual merits. I would not have chosen this thread to raise the subject yet again - but neither will I duck away from venting my frustration when you choose to vent your frustration.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Whilst I accept the main thrust of your post to use the kind of terminology as you demonstrate again hardly makes for harmonious forum use,


"You can smoke yourself into a kipper for all it matters to me" is designed to inflame, and belittle the person on the receiving end, like someone who enjoys a drink being told, you can drink yourself to death for all it matters to me, the thrust of the point is the same, and is denigration pure and simple.


I'm all for putting more thought in to my posts, if only everyone else could do the same. ;-) I for one WILL try harder, let's see how many others do. ;-)

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1footinthegrave - 2013-08-03 8:26 PM


"You can smoke yourself into a kipper for all it matters to me" is designed to inflame, and belittle the person on the receiving end, like someone who enjoys a drink being told, you can drink yourself to death for all it matters to me, the thrust of the point is the same, and is denigration pure and simple.


I'm all for putting more thought in to my posts, if only everyone else could do the same. ;-) I for one WILL try harder, let's see how many others do. ;-)


Point taken. Apologies Mike.


It was not meant to to inflame and certainly not to belittle as it merely advised in what I thought was a semi humourous way that your personal health is not my concern but my personal health is my concern.


Sometimes, and we all do it, we all need to read what is written not as being deliberately inflammatory but as being accidentally open to be misunderstood?


Do ya feel like a kipper Mike - well do ya!

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Talking of fish, can the 'old trouts' on this forum stop having a 'peeing in the pool' competition!


Some of us would like to be able to have a nice relaxing time slobbing around on the forum's sun beds nex to it without listening to all the 'fin flapping'!!!! :D

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110 views and only 5 people had responses - seems to me that some of the old trout that are shown as logged on are simply not interested in any form of constraint or cooperation deflecting their selfish seek and destroy mission on this forum.


Well, what a surprise.

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Mel B - 2013-08-03 9:04 PM


Talking of fish, can the 'old trouts' on this forum stop having a 'peeing in the pool' competition!



Which is worse Mel - discreetly peeing in the pool or overtly smoking everyone else out!


With apologies to poor old sensitive 1' - it's aimed at all smokers not just at you - honest Mike!!

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2013-08-03 9:07 PM


110 views and only 5 people had responses - seems to me that some of the old trout that are shown as logged on are simply not interested in any form of constraint or cooperation deflecting their selfish seek and destroy mission on this forum.


Well, what a surprise.


I dunno Rich ;-).....................I suspect some members enjoy the bun fights with out getting involved :D..............Compared to Eastender's we're almost normal (lol)

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1footinthegrave - 2013-08-03 7:39 PM


I'm the first to admit I have a short fuse, but as an experiment this week I did not post for a few days, but the usual suspects were still at it all of that time.


I often post what I hope are helpful replies on Motorhome matters, it would be interesting to see how many times the usual suspects post helpful information, maybe one of them knows where the blokes relay is, or how to carry out a mod to cool a fridge down, or convert halogen lights to LEDs ect, etc ;-)


But I too despair of a medium that drives me and others to sheer frustration and anger by many comments, such as I am virtually a social leper because I smoke for example, ring any bells Tracker


;-) Funny thing is ( and some may not believe it on here ) in real life I'm told I'm a likeable helpful guy, but on here I'm the Antichrist according to some. ;-)


As far as I'm concerned the answer is simple, treat others with respect, and your likely to be treated the same, now I must pop out and have a fag. ;-)



I too hav taken a back seat - and observed the same - the same protagonists slugging it out.




I for one have wandered off - and chatted elsewhere - - I still like this forum because of its lack of overt "moderation" - but this aspect of the forum has been abused of late.


I doubt that the advertisers think much of it.



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I smoke but nothing like I use to and those that have been able to stop completely, well well done. I did manage to stop for a few months but it was very noticeable to the family that I was becoming a pain in the a**e. The one thing I never have done was to be (for want of a better word) nasty to my wife but I was.

I didn't realise that I was doing this and that didn't make me decided to go and buy some cigs, what did was when I past a pub and all the smokers were outside. As soon as I got a whiff I went straight to the shop and bought a pack. I've now managed to keep the intake for over a year to 7 a day instead of maybe 20 to 30 a day, and according to the family I'm now ok with everyone.


I no longer smoke in the house, I try to smoke when there is no one around but that does not work all the time. How do I know someone is a non smoker? the only way I would know for sure is if they have a notice hanging around their neck saying so.

The word Tolerance has been bandied about lately so it should be used by both sides. There will come a day when cigs will be banned, There are lots of places in the US that don't allow smoking in outside public places (that includes parks) so what happens over there usually get's here at some later stage.


My health doesn't seem to have been affected, I'm 68 this month and with no coughs or wheezes, blood pressure is good so hopefully you're all stuck with me for the time being :-(



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Guest 1footinthegrave
CliveH - 2013-08-03 9:22 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-08-03 7:39 PM


I'm the first to admit I have a short fuse, but as an experiment this week I did not post for a few days, but the usual suspects were still at it all of that time.


I often post what I hope are helpful replies on Motorhome matters, it would be interesting to see how many times the usual suspects post helpful information, maybe one of them knows where the blokes relay is, or how to carry out a mod to cool a fridge down, or convert halogen lights to LEDs ect, etc ;-)


But I too despair of a medium that drives me and others to sheer frustration and anger by many comments, such as I am virtually a social leper because I smoke for example, ring any bells Tracker


;-) Funny thing is ( and some may not believe it on here ) in real life I'm told I'm a likeable helpful guy, but on here I'm the Antichrist according to some. ;-)


As far as I'm concerned the answer is simple, treat others with respect, and your likely to be treated the same, now I must pop out and have a fag. ;-)



I too hav taken a back seat - and observed the same - the same protagonists slugging it out.




I for one have wandered off - and chatted elsewhere - - I still like this forum because of its lack of overt "moderation" - but this aspect of the forum has been abused of late.


I doubt that the advertisers think much of it.



Hang on a minute, are you not the same bloke who had the Tolstoy War and Peace equivalent with HE that went on and on and on, even to the point of getting solicitors involved, and wagers of £10000, that certainly was boring, pots and kettles eh. ;-) >:-)


As for the old chestnut smoking and how it affects others, it would be interesting to know how many are killed or injured by drink drivers, perhaps time to ban booze as well while we are at it, God it never ends, I can't stand the stink of burnt sausages on a BBQ wafting over me on a site, but you know what I just move away, or wait for them to finish their burnt offerings.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-08-03 11:32 PM


CliveH - 2013-08-03 9:22 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-08-03 7:39 PM


I'm the first to admit I have a short fuse, but as an experiment this week I did not post for a few days, but the usual suspects were still at it all of that time.


I often post what I hope are helpful replies on Motorhome matters, it would be interesting to see how many times the usual suspects post helpful information, maybe one of them knows where the blokes relay is, or how to carry out a mod to cool a fridge down, or convert halogen lights to LEDs ect, etc ;-)


But I too despair of a medium that drives me and others to sheer frustration and anger by many comments, such as I am virtually a social leper because I smoke for example, ring any bells Tracker


;-) Funny thing is ( and some may not believe it on here ) in real life I'm told I'm a likeable helpful guy, but on here I'm the Antichrist according to some. ;-)


As far as I'm concerned the answer is simple, treat others with respect, and your likely to be treated the same, now I must pop out and have a fag. ;-)



I too hav taken a back seat - and observed the same - the same protagonists slugging it out.




I for one have wandered off - and chatted elsewhere - - I still like this forum because of its lack of overt "moderation" - but this aspect of the forum has been abused of late.


I doubt that the advertisers think much of it.



Hang on a minute, are you not the same bloke who had the Tolstoy War and Peace equivalent with HE that went on and on and on, even to the point of getting solicitors involved, and wagers of £10000, that certainly was boring, pots and kettles eh. ;-) >:-)


Knock a nought off that figure Mike. :-D

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Maybe HE has a point about 3 or 4 members spoiling the site for everyone , maybe it would be better for the site if those he claims are ruining it left or stayed away for a while .

I suppose the only way to tell if the site improves in the absence of those members is for those 3/4 to do one , so for a while I shall do that and keep my eye on it to see if it improves .

Before I do I would like to make a few points clear ...

I have never threatened anybody on here , never would .

I am not a liar , I do not have a good enough memory to be a liar and detest those that do

I am not a racist , I have certain issues with the Muslim world only but have stated umpteen times I do not believe all Muslims are bad .

I am certainly not homophobic , I do not believe in gay marriage but if someone is gay then they are gay no problem .

I am not anti-religion , I personally do not need false Gods in my life but if someone else finds comfort in religion then great .

Last point would be I enjoy as others do using Chatterbox , personally I don't believe a great deal is wrong with it other than one or two members not been able to accept we all have different views . Go into any pub / club / restaurant /cafe and differing views on any subject are discussed , it's what makes living in the free world so good the fact that we should always be allowed to express those views without having to put up with the usual and predictable names in return .

As the great Jimmy Young used to BFN , Bye For Now . ( I think he said it anyway )

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Guest 1footinthegrave
;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ditto, so we can look forward to at least HE and John47 going off to prune their roses. ;-)
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Tracker - 2013-08-03 6:07 PM


Isn't it now time for everyone to take stock of recent weeks on Chatterbox and consider the wider picture of the damage being done to this forum?


Consider also the good and helpful people that no longer visit the forum due to the bullying and ego trips on display.


This used to be a terrific forum with so many experienced and ever helpful members always happy to contribute to help others but so many have left that the motorhome matters section is but a shadow of it's former self which serves nobody well - unless you don't own or intend owning a motorhome or camper and have your own agenda for causing disruption.


I may not be whiter than white but I never threaten anyone and I never use racist or anti female specific insults against the ladies of this forum, whose input, insight, humour and common sense - well usually - I greatly respect!


We are all equal in this world and we all have as much right to our opinion without being insulted, degraded or threatened as everyone else although to read some of the postings you might never know this.


So come on folks - starting now - let's have one big amnesty and all put the past where it belongs - in the past.


Can we and move on with a fresh start with respect for each other and for each other's views no matter what our personal feelings may be.


Can we stop all unprovoked personal attacks, threats, 'mine's bigger than your's' contests and start using the forum as it was intended - for chit chat, mutual help, discussion - preferably with a good sprinkling of good natured humour.


We should all be very grateful for the tolerance of the moderators, although I am not sure they are doing anyone any favours by being so hands off.


Perhaps we could ask that the moderators might intervene from time to time when things get nasty or rude with a few very public warnings for those who are unable to behave in public.


Is it really asking too much for everyone to make an effort to behave with integrity and decency?


Blessed are the Cheesemakers.

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antony1969 - 2013-08-04 9:16 AMMaybe HE has a point about 3 or 4 members spoiling the site for everyone , maybe it would be better for the site if those he claims are ruining it left or stayed away for a while .I suppose the only way to tell if the site improves in the absence of those members is for those 3/4 to do one , so for a while I shall do that and keep my eye on it to see if it improves . Before I do I would like to make a few points clear ...I have never threatened anybody on here , never would .I am not a liar , I do not have a good enough memory to be a liar and detest those that do I am not a racist , I have certain issues with the Muslim world only but have stated umpteen times I do not believe all Muslims are bad .I am certainly not homophobic , I do not believe in gay marriage but if someone is gay then they are gay no problem .I am not anti-religion , I personally do not need false Gods in my life but if someone else finds comfort in religion then great . Last point would be I enjoy as others do using Chatterbox , personally I don't believe a great deal is wrong with it other than one or two members not been able to accept we all have different views . Go into any pub / club / restaurant /cafe and differing views on any subject are discussed , it's what makes living in the free world so good the fact that we should always be allowed to express those views without having to put up with the usual and predictable names in return . As the great Jimmy Young used to BFN , Bye For Now . ( I think he said it anyway )


Well said Antony.....and JY's end quote was TTFN.  I'm an 'oldie' and can well remember it.  What a true gent he was.


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