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Odd one out


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Perhaps its just me , but we have just had a few days away in between French trips and went to some c&cc tempory holiday sites . I did not realise I had to take umpteen wind breaks , a long flexible pole , multi coloured fairy lights , solar powered garden lights and flags of all nations to adorn my pitch oh and an awning as big as the Albert Hall to accommodate my  table chairs and barbecue  .Home now and back to France again soon ..
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Guest pelmetman
You mean you don't have a candelabra for the awning 8-)..................well standards do seem to be slipping now days *-) ................Your'll be saying next, you don't use silver plaited cutlery :-S
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kelly58 - 2013-08-03 6:45 PM


Perhaps its just me , but we have just had a few days away in between French trips and went to some c&cc tempory holiday sites .





The clue is in the name " holiday " site - you'll note it's not called a campsite.


Sadly this is the trend in the C&CC these days - they have even changed the title

of their campsite wardens to " holiday site managers "


Why they want to distance themselves from camping I cannot imagine.


( Commercial reasons presumably ).


I remain a member after many years -


- but once they introduce compulsory p.t. in the mornings - I will be off !




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johnnerontheroad - 2013-08-03 8:35 PM


You mean they didn't have three yapping little dogs each that legs don't work and had to be carried every where. :-D


I thought you were talking about the 'holiday site managers' then!!! (lol)

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