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When I want a laugh


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Whenever I want a laugh I tune into funny cats and dogs over on youtube or I tune into chatterbox where I am assured of a good laugh, reading the insults from one member to another. Taking into account that the membership of this group consists of what I would call well educated, well heeled members who are either in a good job or run their own business or retired on a good pension who can afford to own a caravan, campervan or motorhome worth thousands yet all you do is bicker and insult each other to high heaven, what's that all about eh? I run a secret locked down facebook group with all of 71 members, no fighting, no swearing and no upset, just 71 people who have developed firm friendships over a period of time and on sunday the first of September we are holding another garden party at my house where we can all enjoy a nice day out, could you lot do that? don't think so? In point of fact I think the admins of this group are falling down on the job and should be sacked, they should appoint me as sole administrator and I would go through you all like a dose of salts and bring harmony to the group.
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I second that and hope you get the job Malc.


I used to like the relaxed moderation on here as some Forums can be so controlled that anything "off-topic" gets removed - leaving chats like we used to have on here stumped.


But it has all chnaged for the worse it seems.

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I agree with you knight of the road feel a bit daft with tripey comment but being pretty new to a chat room thought it would be more interesting or is this as good as it gets ? Anyhow the motorhome forum is excellent and I have learnt loads and members have been very helpfull informative interesting and knowledgable and even funny but perhapsi it best to stick to that site where we all have a common interest in motorhomes and give the chatterbox a miss. It's maybe too much to expect having such a cross section of society actually enjoying a chat : cheers pampam :)
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Have to agree . Do need more moderating (if that's the right word) Also feel that users need "vetting" more. How come we get the same users coming on as more than one name? Shame really as used to be interesting threads, and a lot more varied users, now appears to be the same ones all the time, hence I think some of the old interesting ones, have disappeared. Where have all the lady contributors gone?

I know Mel B and Donna still on, but what of some of the others? Used to be quiet chatty threads



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PJay - 2013-08-05 9:45 AM


Have to agree . Do need more moderating (if that's the right word) Also feel that users need "vetting" more. How come we get the same users coming on as more than one name?




Not so sure it's the moderators fault - but I too don't understand the need people have for multiple profiles.


Maybe it's so they can argue with themselves ?


How about a restriction on the number of ' characters ' you can type ( like Twitter ) - that should get rid of a few.

( That would ONLY apply to Chatterbox of course, as there's some really helpful stuff on other sections of the forum ).




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Guest pelmetman
Peter seems to think Frank is Yosser :-S....................or is Yosser Frank? 8-).................Now that would be weird :D......................Must be something in the water over there ;-)
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Guest peter
Tracker - 2013-08-05 5:22 PM


pelmetman - 2013-08-05 3:46 PM

Peter seems to think that actually, Tracker is a highly intelligent and gregarious and happy chappie.


Now that would be amazingly inaccurate!


Whooops - better add a smiley (lol)

Don't start boy. :D
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peter - 2013-08-05 10:38 PM


Tracker - 2013-08-05 5:22 PM


pelmetman - 2013-08-05 3:46 PM

Peter seems to think that actually, Tracker is a highly intelligent and gregarious and happy chappie.


Now that would be amazingly perceptive!


Don't start boy. :D


Whooops - better add a smiley (lol)

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Pampam - 2013-08-05 6:41 PM


So what your saying is people are pretending to be other personalities?????? WHAAAT.




Oh no Pam! - it is worse than that - these people actually believe they are the alternating personalities.


Which one you get depends on time of day, the cycle of the moon and if they took their medication that morning.





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FWIW, I think most of the time the forum is self-policing. The problems arise in only a few cases, mostly with characters who will not concede that they may be at fault.


I think that in some cases this is because they genuinely cannot see themselves as others see them, in other cases because they see accepting fault as akin to weakness, and in yet other cases because they are not used to having their opinions questioned and deeply resent anyone who does so.


Mostly, I'm going to suggest, they have been used to getting their own way in life, either because they have never had to work in teams - so are unskilled in debating differing viwepoints without descending to warfare, or because they are used to having authority over others from a position of relative power - and simply see dissent as a form of insolence, or because they recognise in other's posts the signs of a lower education, possibly intelligence, than they have benefited from, and enjoy (or are careless of) ramming this home to those less fortunate than themselves. Some of course, are simply insecure, and read any disagreement as a personal put-down, an invitation to verbal fisticuffs, to be met with abuse and personal insult. There is a small minority, it seems, who gain enjoyment from their destructive behaviour. These, I simply cannot understand, despite having met my fair share in life. I just assume they are the same anti-social flotsam as pointlessly vandalise public toilets!


These characteristics are liable to result in percieved humiliation, rightly or wrongly, which, in turn, creates the deep-seated resentment that seems to underlie the repeated spats. The desire to eventually "get even" for the percieved insult suffered. I have to say this seems often because too many of us are careless both in reading, and writing, our posts - more especially the latter.


Whatever the cause in individual cases, once the expectation of a put down or insult has taken root in their mind, subsequent posts by their percieved tormentor seem to be scanned for the silghtest hint of a jibe, and off we go again. The defences range from claims of innocence, along the lines of "I have the same right as anyone else to express my opinions" (i.e. "so whats wrong with what I said?"), to transfer of responsibility to the recipient, along the lines of "I merely expressed my opinions in a forthright and trenchant manner, there was no justification for that response" (i.e. "he's just thin skinned"), via total denial, along the lines of "I admit I have a short fuse and sometimes use fruity language, but only when sorely provoked" (i.e. "it was all his fault")".


Children argue and fight, but forgive and forget. We mature adults have accumulated too much self-image to forgive and forget, we just fight on. We bluff and we bluster, we pray in aid our lifetime's modest achievements, we are proud, we are strong, we pull ourselves up to our maximum height to strike the coup de grace - and miss! Embarrassed, we retire to gain strength, and determine to finish our opponent at the next opportunity. And all for what, exactly? Fools, are we not, and old fools at that? :-)

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2013-08-06 3:25 PM


Fools, are we not, and old fools at that? :-)



It is fun though, even for us middle aged fools :D.....................I can now see why bear baiting was so popular ;-).................besides all this blood boiling brain activity is good for us, is it not? :-D...........

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Brian Kirby - 2013-08-06 3:25 PM

Children argue and fight, but forgive and forget. We ALLEGEDLY mature adults have accumulated too much self-image to forgive and forget,


Not all of us Brian, not all of us.


Some of us are well capable of moving and responding to the content not the poster without past history influencing how we respond to their offerings.

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2013-08-06 6:45 PM


Had Enough - 2013-08-06 6:16 PM

I just like arguing. !


No you don't - you just like bullying and shouting louder and longer than anyone else (lol)


Why do you do it Richard? Putting a smiley at the end doesn't disguise what is a very unpleasant provocation. If you were really interested in promoting harmony you'd desist from this kind of post.

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Had Enough - 2013-08-06 6:58 PM


Tracker - 2013-08-06 6:45 PM


Had Enough - 2013-08-06 6:16 PM

I just like arguing. !


No you don't - you just like bullying and shouting louder and longer than anyone else (lol)


Why do you do it Richard? Putting a smiley at the end doesn't disguise what is a very unpleasant provocation. If you were really interested in promoting harmony you'd desist from this kind of post.


You always were an easy wind up target, as humourless as ever unless it is you who is making the joke!


If you consider that unpleasant may I suggest that you read back through most of your own insulting and offensive rants, so enough of the self righteous hurt pretense and why not try and come back with something remotely funny, witty, or original for a change?


You just don' t get it do you and I guess you never will.


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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2013-08-06 6:59 PM


Had Enough - 2013-08-06 6:58 PM


Tracker - 2013-08-06 6:45 PM


Had Enough - 2013-08-06 6:16 PM

I just like arguing. !


No you don't - you just like bullying and shouting louder and longer than anyone else (lol)


Why do you do it Richard? Putting a smiley at the end doesn't disguise what is a very unpleasant provocation. If you were really interested in promoting harmony you'd desist from this kind of post.


You always were an easy wind up target, as humourless as ever unless it is you who is making the joke!


If you consider that unpleasant may I suggest that you read back through most of your own insulting and offensive rants, so enough of the self righteous hurt pretense and why not try and come back with something remotely funny, witty, or original for a change?


You just don' t get it do you and I guess you never will.


And now we have the usual lie. It was just a joke. No it wasn't, it was provocation designed to bait me and start a row.


Telling me what I've done in the past does not justify what you have just done, which is something you do regularly, which is to insult in a snide and underhand way and then claim that the victim is pompous (your favourite word when you want to insult) and has no sense of humour, and it's just good fun.


You have been taken to task for this kind of behaviour by others, you know it and others know it.


It's unpleasant and it starts arguments as you know full well that the people you insult like this won't take it lying down.


I genuinely believe that you can't help it and that you are simply the kind of person who enjoys maliciously sly and snide attacks and that it's an integral part of your nature. There is evidence in abundance as demonstrated by this latest nastiness.


Now please, do everyone a favour and think before you post and perhaps your cover won't be blown quite so often.


Ps The fact that you claim I am an easy wind-up target rather gives the game away doesn't it? But perhaps you haven't realised how that simply proves your intentions?

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Tracker - 2013-08-06 6:59 PM


Had Enough - 2013-08-06 6:58 PM


Tracker - 2013-08-06 6:45 PM


Had Enough - 2013-08-06 6:16 PM

I just like arguing. !


No you don't - you just like bullying and shouting louder and longer than anyone else (lol)


Why do you do it Richard? Putting a smiley at the end doesn't disguise what is a very unpleasant provocation. If you were really interested in promoting harmony you'd desist from this kind of post.


You always were an easy wind up target, as humourless as ever unless it is you who is making the joke!


If you consider that unpleasant may I suggest that you read back through most of your own insulting and offensive rants, so enough of the self righteous hurt pretense and why not try and come back with something remotely funny, witty, or original for a change?


You just don' t get it do you and I guess you never will.


I suspect I will get a tirade of silly abuse - and accusations that I am jumping on a bandwagon - but it has to be said - Richard.


You are absolutely spot on mate.


sits back and waits ........................... 8-)

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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-08-06 7:16 PM


I suspect I will get a tirade of silly abuse - and accusations that I am jumping on a bandwagon - but it has to be said - Richard.


You are absolutely spot on mate.


sits back and waits ........................... 8-)


I'm beyond abusing you Clive. Everyone knows that you love to ingratiate yourself as shown in your last two posts and that where I'm concerned you're not quite neutral and unbiased. ;-)


Richard is now your 'mate' I see! (lol) (lol)


What is quite funny is that you can't see yourself in Brian's descriptions! But you're there, plain as the nose on your face!


And of course like Tracker you're another one who justs enjoys stirring and starting rows. Why else would you post as you have just done? You can't resist can you! (lol) (lol) (lol)


I'm sorry I made you look foolish Clive not that long ago but please, give it a rest and try to forget. You'll feel better I promise you! ;-)

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pelmetman - 2013-08-06 3:36 PM


Brian Kirby - 2013-08-06 3:25 PM


Fools, are we not, and old fools at that? :-)



It is fun though, even for us middle aged fools :D.....................I can now see why bear baiting was so popular ;-).................besides all this blood boiling brain activity is good for us, is it not? :-D...........

Sorry, but from my perspective, no, and no. That is why the number of participants has fallen so much. Not fun, just mind-numbingly boring.

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