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Northern Italy


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We have planned a 6 week trip using Harwich to Hook of Holland leaving in under two weeks. We are hoping to see some friends either going or coming back near Aachen but after that we planned to travel down eastern France. It occurred to us that it would be possible to go to northern Italy and perhaps Venice in that time scale but we were unsure of the routes we should take. We are happy with tunnels but not keen on steep twisty roads however we would like to keep the cost down as much as possible so we are prepared to not use the motorways unless it meant too much of a diversion. What is the cost of living like in Italy? We had a two month trip earlier this year to Spain and Portugal which was quite inexpensive compared to France but I understand Italy might be more costly. We have ACSI cards and will try and use them as much as possible.


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Guest JudgeMental

We are in lake Garda at e moment and have visited Italy for 8 years. Yes a bit more expensive than France and not as motorhome friendly either but worth the effort as we absoloutly love it! The people, food, general ambience and weather all first class, eating out not expensive and top quality..it's just the culture and quality of the place we like.....


fuel expensive approx 1.65 euro but we use the bikes most of he time once here. Motorways not worth avoiding as excellent and cheap , at least in the north, they deteriorate as you drive south. We travel, dunkurk, Lille, Namur , luxenburgh ( cheap fuel) motorway all theway and no tolls except 2 small ones near strasburgh, before we head for basle..... then choice is via germany/ Austria (toll or non toll) Or Switzerland and vignette.( Fastest)

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Thanks for the detailed reply. What are the roads like through the mountains? My husband really dislikes heights and has been known to virtually stop when he finds himself on roads where there is a great drop off the edge! I am unfortunately on medicine at the moment that prevents me from driving but I visited Lake Garda when I was a student in the early 70's and would love to go back.
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Guest JudgeMental

We are now on beach by lake and reliable 3G for iPad. We stick to motorway and main roads so have never had a problem to be honest.....


Even the free route through Austria over the fern pass fine...you see loads of caravans doing it and it is dead safe and easy with no precipices.

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Eddie is right the Italian lakes are well worth visiting. Our favourite, although a few years since we were there and things change, was lake Maggorie, with the three islands you visit by boat and a great setting. Yes Italy can be expensive but then can all the Alpine regions. Sat sending this in a deck chair outside tourist office in Chamonix in French Alps, where things can also be expensive. Going up main cable car tomorrow, when straight blue sky forecast, which will cost 78euros each, including trip over glacier to Italy (not worry Eddie not getting off!!) But it is worth it as did it gets ago and always wanted to repeat experience. On other hand both deck chair and Wi-Fi and views of mountains are free! Excellent lunch at restaurant however was not.


Staying on car park of cable car, parking de grepon which is an official aire and very busy busy but it is a car park so would not be to everyone's taste. Suits us as right next cable car and town centre (12euros each 24 hours, free water etc).

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Guest JudgeMental

All the lakes lovely to be honest, but Garda takes some beating....the towns all around are stunning. It is the Italian equivalent of Beverly Hills and all the rich Milanese come to party and show off. Have visited them all and the islands..there is only one island on Garda it is privately owned by my mates family :D


We had 12 days in Alsace on way down, France just so motorhome friendly, cheap and easy.....you have to give credit where credit is due...but it is so boring and lacklustre in comparison to Italy and food blooming awful!lol :-D

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Yes Garda has that St Tropez feel to it and Como is also in a nice setting if a little industrialised around Como itself. But for a taste of the real Italy the south takes some beating particularly Sicily, but it is a long drive on roads which deteriorate as you go south as does standard of driving. Called in as part of our winter cruise this year and it did tempt us to give it another go, so who knows. Today was just as good as we hoped as was the weather, going up cable cars on other side of Chamonix valley tomorrow.

Eddie glad you are enjoying your holiday and who are these people that say you can not come to France or Italy in August!!!!

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Guest JudgeMental
Sicily a popular winter destination these days..a bit hot for summer. A nice alternative to Spain I believe. For long winter trips. Just find eating out incredibly good value here and top quality.... we are on a terrace overlooking lake and place is packed, lovely atmosphere, and a 2 course meal for two with wine about 35 euro. Heaven on earth :-D
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Sounds nice meal Eddie and yes great value. We too had an excellent meal on Sunday, sat on sunny terrace, but with view of Mont Blanc, rather than a lake. Have to admit much more expensive, 80 euros for 2 courses, coffee and a good wine, so yes you are right Italy is in some ways better value. But food was really good, local dishes, and service from the three ladies excellent, multi-lingual and with humour. Think as we have both said before so what if costs as long as it is good value. Continue to enjoy Italy, we are on way back to port now, grandchildren to look after, but will be back for another month in the hexagon in September.
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robertandjean - 2013-08-09 3:05 PM


Staying on car park of cable car, parking de grepon which is an official aire and very busy busy but it is a car park so would not be to everyone's taste. Suits us as right next cable car and town centre (12euros each 24 hours, free water etc).


.....I have to say, it wouldn't suit me. Not the least because for less than €5 more per night I could have a place on the campsite at Argentière, complete with showers, the option (at extra cost) of electricity, a bit of space, a beautiful view, AND free travel on buses and trains up and down the valley (which gives scope for some wonderful one-way walks).


I'm not (as I've said before) "anti-aire", but in this particular case (having seen the cable-car car park at its worst), I really do, "just don't get it". ;-)


FWIW, the picture below is this week five years ago.


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Guest JudgeMental

Had a good run up from Italy yesterday. Currently in queen Mary bar in the square In gravelines.....boy France is expensive! Drinks/food about 100% more then Italy....more or less UK prices..weather pretty depressing already! Has rained since we hit France .....


Spain this late September/october than Sri Lanka for Christmas :-D


I will be back to annoy you all posthaste tomorrow! :D

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