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Bad Smell...


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arjxh56 - 2013-08-12 8:28 PM


AC is always on, even in winter :$



I know that others have suggested investigating the AC and its filter, but in view of the things which you have already tried, like blocking the drains and checking water tanks, I would have a good look at it.


Batteries can smell, especially when gassing badly, but the smell tends to 'catch' the back of the throat as it is quite 'sharp'. If the smell is more like an obnoxious odour, then again I would look at the AC.



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I've had the same sort of smell. Tried all sorts of concoctions in the waste tank, extra amounts of washing up liquid, extra doses of grey tank freshner, but the same french drain whiff would arrive after a few miles. Then on one holiday in France, we ran out of tank freshner, and as we couldn't find anything similar (not surprised) we bought the cheapest supermarket dishwasher fluid. We used that during the following 3 weeks, and found that the smell disappeared. Since then, we've regularly used dishwasher fluid instead of washing up liquid, stopped using tank freshner, saved a fortune, and had almost no smells. If we do get a whiff, we increase the amount of dishwasher fluid, and so far, the whiffs have gone. The sink is incredibly shiny clean, so there are obviously some strong detergents at work, & gloves are useful if you want some skin left! I always rinse the tank after each trip to ensure no nasty detergent is left whilst parked up. Hope this helps.
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If it is the grey water tank, then try JEYES Fluid, it has a very strong smell . If you try it quiet a strong mix, if it is the tank you would know that smell. I use this to flush out our tank, and leave a bit in sometimes and let it slosh around An old fashioned idea (like me) but some of the old ones are often the best, as tried and tested.
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At least with Jeyes the smell if it comes from the waste will be identifiable!

my own preference is a kettle of boiling water and a small tub of bicarbonate of soda every time I empty the tank. Pour the bicarb down the sink outlets follow up with boiling water. (^)

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Delighted you appear to have got to the bottom of your problem. A duff cell/s can give off a lot off gas so thankfully found. Whilst it has cost you a replacement battery think of the money you have saved in these gallons of fluids and pounds of tables which have not been required.


I appear to have resolved my own problem as daughter away for weekend in MH and after 50 miles has reported no smells.


Good results all round.

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