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Bad Smell...


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I have a nasty smell lingering that I cannot locate the source of? The smell is kind of like a sewer/waste water/drain kind of smell?

Before you ask, it’s not me personally that smells, nor is it the wife, it’s definitely the motorhome… The smell only appears when driving, not when static. It take a good hour with the windows open to clear it, but it doesn’t come back until we drive again.

The smell drifts around the front of the motorhome, from about halfway (kitchen/bathroom) through to the cab. Its stronger when stood up, but not so much when nearer floor level. It doesn’t really travel to the back of the van? I have walked around smelling everything in the van from plug holes, to batteries, to the back of the fridge, and I cannot find where it was coming from?

To try and eradicate it, I have gone through the usual blocking the sink with a plug, same with the shower and the basin, I have also driven with the waste tank outlet both open and closed, with waste water full and empty, none of this appears to have made any real difference? I have flushed the waste and fresh systems with various cleaners a few times, I have emptied the van of all water, let all tanks and pipes dry out and then driven, it still comes back?!

The only thing I cannot really check too easily whilst driving is the cat’ convertor, but in its favour, the smell isn’t really as eggy as you would expect to get from this, or the batteries for that matter?


Any ideas? Anyone had a similar experience, any tips on deep cleaning the waste pipes etc??


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I do sympathise but am at a loss to suggest anything else for the moment.

I clean our van tank waste pipes with a plunger, but not too violently as it's only thin plastic!

Half a sink full of hotish water and let a wee bit out to prime the pipes then give a good plunge.

The waste tank I flush with bleach - half fill the waste tank with warm water, add a litre or two of bleach, drive around for a few miles to slosh it about and then drain it out somewhere suitable before it has a chance to settle.

No guarantees of course but it helps to eliminate that cause and clean insides never did any van any harm!

Good luck.

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As you say it only happens when driving my guess would be that it's possibly related to the leisure battery which is gassing badly when being charged.

Try pulling the fuse near the leisure battery before your next drive and see if that cures the problem.




Edit Or pull the split charge relay (or fuse) if you know their location as you don't say what MH you have.

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Had exactly the same experience as yourself this weekend. I found that the vent pipe from one of the leisure batteries had come off. In view of your symptoms as only apparent when driving, and therefore charging the batteries to create the gas, this would suggest the same. Have a good look at your batteries and ensure the vent pipe is attached and venting externally. Please feed back what you find.


Take caution as this gas is explosive so no naked lights, cigarettes or sparks in the area of the batteries.

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The van is a Kontiki 649

I did check the battery vents but they were still both in place.. the locker didn't smell either?

I would have also thought that the batteries/vents would be smelly when on hook up and being charged via the smart charger?


To take the batteries out of the equation i will drive to my local battery shop and ask that they 'test' them.. just in case they are dodgy and i am missing something.



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Another item that will only be running when driving is possibly the fridge, could this be the cause of the smell?


Try turning it fully off (or pull the fuse) before driving to see if that eliminates the smell.


I'm clutching at straws here but anything may help.



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Had a similar problem, tried everything, dismantled complete waste water system.

Then while running a wire from engine bay to rear found that the cab felt under carpet was soaking wet from a small windscreen leak, smelled just like you describe.

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Guest pelmetman
Colin Leake - 2013-08-12 3:52 PM


Try driving with the sink and shower plugs in and the waste outlet open.


Beat me to it :D.......

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Tried that and its no different?

Tried all configurations of waste outlet closed / open, with and without water in the tank, plugs in / plugs out on sink, basin and shower tray.... etc..


Yesterday the smell was very strong and i had the waste tank half full of water/fairy liquid mix, outlet closed, plugs in shower tray, basin and sink. It was smelly within the cab after only about 1/4 mile.


I then came home, emptied the tank, left the outlet open, but all the plugs still.. I waited until the smell had gone and then drove 1/4 mile and the smell was back?!

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You need to get to your "battery man" as all the symptoms point to a gassing battery. You have checked the battery vent pipe and connections and it would be worth while checking each cell cap is secured. Whilst the elbow connected to the vent pipe to my battery looked secure it re-entered a fair bit to seat properly.
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I think that Colin Leake & Pelmetman may be right in pointing the finger at your waste water tank -- try emptying the tank completely, then put 1/2 a gallon of warm water into it, plus a couple of dishwasher tablets and drive around for a bit to swish it all up -- make sure that all sink & shower plugs are in, as Colin says, but also close the waste pipe. Empty that lot out and you should have a nice fresh 'van!





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Put some water down each drain to fill the trap and then put the plugs in.


You must have been driving with a window open. Due to the coachbuilt body being wider just behind the cab doors, there is a drop in air pressure and air is sucked out of the van. This lifts smells out of the waste water system.


If you have an AC, keep your windows closed and cool off with the AC.

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I will check for rodents although its not really a dead rodent type smell. (I am used to the smell as my cats bring home gifts!)


In terms of the waste traps, there are none. Its a straight through pipe from the sinks/basin/shower all the way to the waste tank? Or at least thats what it looks like?


Interesting comments about the air pressure, although it doesnt appear to matter if the window is open or not. I very rarely travel with windows open due to hayfever, AC is always on, even in winter :$


Dishwasher tablets... Is that better than using bleach?



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arjxh56 - 2013-08-12 8:28 PM


Dishwasher tablets... Is that better than using bleach?



I don't know!

Are dishwasher tablets designed for use in the very hot water - close to boiling maybe - of a dishwasher whereas bleach works well in cold water?

But I'll bet someone will know!

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arjxh56 - 2013-08-12 8:28 PM

AC is always on,


And there could be your answer!


If the aircon has suffered from an accumulation of condensate (water) then a fungus grows in the matrix and the smell is truly horrendous.


You can buy a can of aircon system sanitizer from most auto parts stores which you spray into the heater air intake to clean the system. Worth a try?


Try driving with heater and aircon all turned fully off. Maybe even set to re-circ to prevent forced air flow.



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Hi arjxh56,


We have had this a couple of times over the last couple of years and eventually traced the problem to the washroom waste outlets. Like you we flushed through and it did not seem to make much difference at first but pouring hot water with a little mild disinfectant down the plug holes eventually shifted it. The traps if any seem to dry out pretty quickly [ shower ] , so if you use site showers you may get the problem. We regularly flush through now and all seems well.

good luck



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I prefer dishwasher tablets over bleach; they release chlorine more slowly and have lots of wetting and chelating agents in them. As long as they're fully dissolved and given some time they're very effective.

Back to the smell, have you had your gas system checked for leaks, the mercaptans in LPG smell very drainy.

Mike P

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A long shot but worth a try. I thought I had rectified my MH smelling problem with the battery vent being loose but this was not the case. After much sniffing it appeared that the smell was coming from the cab area. Put the MH up on blocks and had a good look around underneath. I found a lot of fuel covering gearbox etc and traced this to the fuel filter which does not appear to have been seated properly. Have tightened up an it does not leak any more. Once other half comes home who has better sense of smell than me will take it for another run to see if it is rectified.


Fuel filter is attached to the bulkhead behind the air filter on the nearside of the engine bay on my Fiat. A quick look underneath would indicate if fuel has been leaking so worth a try.

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