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tom tom


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You're are just plain unlucky!


I'm on my fourth TomTom as it is better (in my view) to replace the whole unit every few years rather than buy new maps, not that roads are changing very fast anywhere right now, and all four are still working with even the maps on the oldest 2005 unit not being so far out of date as to make it inconvenient.


We take the newest as our main satnav unit with the next newest as backup, the third is in one of the cars, and the oldest is on the boat!

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I tried Snooper but sent it back.


Tinny voice, faint screen. Came with pre-loaded POIs that were inaccurate.

and you couldn't add your own without sending it back to the factory each time. Support was poor.


However some like them.


I think Tracker is right. Perhaps a little unlucky. Maybe I was with Snooper.



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We have two TomToms and, after witnessing my pal's attempts to get to ANY destination trouble free, using two different brands of sat nav, I feel very happy with TT.

Loading POIs is easy (once you know how, of course) and it does what it says......etc.

I wouldnt bother with a special 'camper' type edition as A) they are shed loads of cash and B) they rely on using maps where only the catalogued 'narrow' roads are warned of.

Any narrow road that isn't catalogued with a road narrows definition is fair game.

Stick to a fairly basic TT, load up your POIs and away you go.

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2 days ago I bought a new Tom Tom [ VIA 135 M ] and it seems very good, I bought it because my existing Tom Tom does not have maps for Hungary, Poland or Czechoslovakia where we are going shortly , it seemed the best thing to do as I did not want to try and load additional maps to old Tom Tom in case  I messed it up and as I have had  it for about 4 years with no trouble and have added loads of info to it POIs etc I don't want to loose anything on it.The new one has voice control on it ,very camp that and a bigger screen all very nice, so it is going to be interesting this trip with two Woman telling me where to go, well three realy if you count my wife He He.
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