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Government 'careful' with statistics.


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pepe63 - 2013-08-30 4:34 PMWell,what ever the number(and what ever country they live in), you can probably guarantee that they all feel justified in claiming it because they've "..paid into it.." *-)

And your point is? Maybe that the benefit should be means tested in which case Rich, UK and Italian residents would be disqualified, or are you arguing that this particular discrimination is OK because 'they' are all WASP's?


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pepe63 - 2013-08-30 3:34 PM


Well,what ever the number(and what ever country they live in), you can probably guarantee that they all feel justified in claiming it because they've "..paid into it.." *-)



I don't really think that anyone can claim that they " paid into " the winter fuel allowance.


We paid into the basic state pension - the WFA was only dreamed up recently ( by Gordon ? )





(.... and, of course, what we " paid in " wasn't kept in a bank account until we were 65 )

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Guest pelmetman
Sue gets her WFA this year :-D.........................It'll keep me nice and warm this January hopefully ;-).............as its almost 3 weeks pitch fee's in Spain :D
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While it's always opposed when an allowance is refused the winter fuel allowance was supposed to be for the pensioners in Britain so they did not have to decide between being warm or buying food not for sitting in a foreign country in a motorhome and not having to decide which to have heat or food. How come you get £250 we only get £200. John B-) :-S
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teflon2 - 2013-08-30 7:52 PMWhile it's always opposed when an allowance is refused the winter fuel allowance was supposed to be for the pensioners in Britain so they did not have to decide between being warm or buying food not for sitting in a foreign country in a motorhome and not having to decide which to have heat or food. How come you get £250 we only get £200. John B-) :-S


Don"t you mean British pensioners? many of us have taken a choice open to all Brits to move elsewhere in Europe, there are pluses and minuses to living in France, but British pensioners have been hit with a double wammy, the exchange rate for their pensions has dropped as the government prints money and now they are cooking the books to remove our right to state pension benefits. Our Grandparents moved on retirement from the Midlands and North to sunny Devon, all we are doing is following in their footsteps.


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