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Amazon don't pay UK taxes, but COLLECT for USA!

Tony Jones

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I wrote a small booklet which is listed in Amazon's "Kindle Store," and got an e-mail from them this week telling me that if I want my book to stay on sale with them I have to fill in an AMERICAN tax form!!!

I wrote back telling them they could remove it from "Amazon.com" and just leave it on "Amazon.co.uk," but apparently they now enforce this rule on all their authors, regardless of location or market.


So they won't sell a book by a UK resident/citizen, on their UK site, to UK clients, without providing information to the US tax authorities!!! Needless to say, I've told them what to do with that idea - other e-book systems/publishers are available.


So if you want to read my "FAQ - the tricky bits of the Christian Faith," you need to get it before they withdraw it in October!

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