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Guest pelmetman
nowtelse2do - 2013-09-03 7:18 PM


I see you bent the tree:-D



Holding my stomach in didn't work?......... :$.......................

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nowtelse2do - 2013-09-03 6:48 PM


antony1969 - 2013-09-03 6:38 PM


Donna Miller ?


Takes all sort's........weren't you fancying her/him once :D




Yes it's true Dave , Donna and I share an attraction to each other , is it that obvious ?

Unfortunately like all my other thousands of female internet companions she is little more than a photo or sometimes a video depending on how much I pay for the site .

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Did you not get those 'Regular viewer' discount vouchers I sent out?


It's only right that someone who logs on to watch me 'Work' 15 times a day is rewarded accordingly. :D





p.s. Rich, if you want to fantasize that I've got a pair of balls, that's up to you. Each to their own and all that ;-)

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donna miller - 2013-09-03 9:13 PM

Rich, if you want to fantasize that I've got a pair of balls, that's up to you. Each to their own and all that


Interesting thought Donna and not beyond the realms of possibility I guess?


However it was me who first voiced the view that it was not your likeness but maybe that of your close relative Donald but your posting does conjure up an unusual mental image!



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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2013-09-03 7:52 PM


pelmetman - 2013-09-03 7:15 PM


Can't be me ;-)..................my trunk is more shapely :D......


Looking good Dave , what cleared the rest of the beach so quick ??


Dunno Antony :-S..................we was wandering along the beach............ I thought where's me sunglasses......then I remembered they was in Sue's bag..............I turned around and she was lagging behind again..............so I shouted..........."SUE ARE ME"..............and before I said sunglasses........ everyone started running 8-)

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Guest pelmetman
Mel B - 2013-09-07 10:38 PM


nowtelse2do - 2013-09-03 6:23 PM


Who's this little pudding face stirrer? 8-) any idea's?





Now let me think ... who on the forum has 'man boobs'???? *-) :D


Mrs T?.......... :-S

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Mel B - 2013-09-07 10:38 PM


nowtelse2do - 2013-09-03 6:23 PM


Who's this little pudding face stirrer? 8-) any idea's?





Now let me think ... who on the forum has 'man boobs'???? *-) :D


All of us Mel.......except for the ladies, they have women boob's.......much nicer B-) :-D




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