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motorhome dealers


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Hi there everyone, iam thinking of buying a motorhome from Timberland Motorhomes who are based

in Chesterfield.

I seem to remember Timberland went into administration some years ago and for this reason I am nervous of buying.

Anyone had recent dealings with Timberland, good or bad. Thank you.

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Could I ask why you want to buy a Motorhome from a dealer over 70 miles from your home?


Wouldn't it be easier finding a Dealer nearer to home?


I'm thinking mainly about how you access them for any problems the 'new' Motorhome might have, or develop, during the warranty period.


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Timberland got some bad publicity recently on another forum. It came about when a customer ordered a new van from them. A part exchange price was agreed on the old van. During the time the customer was waiting for the new one, he slightly damaged the rear bumper on his van and had a good quality repair done. He informed Timberland who said they no longer want his van in part exchange due to the damage. This old van was not so old and a lot younger than some of the real oldies that appeared on the Timberland forecourt. The whole episode smelled a bit to me.


They will probably be OK to deal with but 2 things to remember. The attitude of some of their staff appears to stink at times and if you are part-exxing, tie them down to a quick deal before they change their mind.

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we had a camper from timberland when they were in lincolnshire,the salesman said he was selling it for a customer,and kept going away to see if he agreed with our offer. rubbish! it was his way of upping the anti.on collecting the camper no one seemed to give a toss,took us three hours to complete,not a good experiance,not even the offer of a coffee.now i would tell them where to shove it!
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As far as I am aware Timberland are a small niche maker of motorhomes. Although they do advertise other makes they are not what I would really describe as a dealer per se. They do not sell their models through other dealers so if you want one, you have to go to the 'factory'.


I am sorry the posters have had bad times with them but I do note they have had good reviews in MMM over the years.


Again, due to the narrow niche they operate in I feel the OP in using the title 'motorhome dealers' is being a shade disingenous and unfair to the big dealers, who have both good and bad opinions raised.


All I can suggest is the OP makes an appointment, look at what is on offer and if he likes them then the decision is his. If he is unhappy with what he sees, then walk away.

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