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we really are back this time.


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Hi folks, Yes we have spent a bit of the kids inheritance, sold the caravan and 4 wheel drive kia, and found a nice secondhand Autocruise Starfire , same age as our very first venture into motorhomes 2005 version.


Just returned from Shepton show as our first outing in it, and spent a bit on LED lights, and levelling blocks, had a chat with Brit Stops, so will get the book next season.


Finally been cleared by hospital, so no more appointments in the offing. Wonder if holiday insurance will now be more reasonably priced, although age has increased for both of us . Any suggestions for medical insurances for 76 an 72 year olds welcome.


Future destinations to be decided, but North Wales has been suggested. Personally , I am a bit more adventurous and would be happy to practice my French and limited German.


Tony G3nwl.






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Hi Tony, welcome back.

we are insured with UK inurance, via the Nationwide bank scheme Just renewed ours yesterday £ 140,00 90 day extension in any one trip Ages 76 and 77, with health problems. Europe only, but we do not need world wide now. They will insure up to 79 years old, at the moment, so we are Ok for a couple of more years!! Another very good agent has always been RYA,with Bishop Skinner (don't think you have to be a member)

Hope this helps


PS your bank may have a scheme, as I believe HSBC do

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Well as 69 and 76 we know what its like fitting hols around appointments :-D we have for the last 2 years used the C.C travel insurance, it is straight forward online form to fill in, and about the same as others we have had in the past but don't have to ring a health line as well. Hope you enjoy your motorhome its much less hassle than a caravan.
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