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Alan D

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Thanks, I have driven past the Rock several times but never visited, due to disparaging remarks about the place. Is it worth a look ? Would it be feasible to park up Spanish side and walk over? I have seen bus trips from Fuengirola in the past. Anyone been there lately?


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Guest pelmetman
Alan D - 2013-09-20 9:01 AMThanks, I have driven past the Rock several times but never visited, due to disparaging remarks about the place. Is it worth a look ? Would it be feasible to park up Spanish side and walk over? I have seen bus trips from Fuengirola in the past. Anyone been there lately? Alan.

If you have a large outfit then parking up on the Spanish is your best option, and just walking in is the easiest way providing you don't have any mobility issues....
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Most places are worth one look surely? If only to form your own opinion. You can take motorhomes into Gib. not a problem and so long as you stick to the main route you can do a lap quite easily viz;


Queue up.... how long is anybodies guess!


Cross the Airplane runway


Turn left @ the first roundabout (The Sundial)


Follow coast road until Catalan Bay bear right at fork continue along coast via Dudley Ward Tunnel until you reach Europa point,.a large carpark here the most southerly point on the Rock.


When exiting carpark bear left following signs directing back to Town.


Just past the overhead cable car the road bears sharp left and just beyond keep going straight ahead

(don't venture left or right !) Follow the "Queensway" sign it's then a matter of following Queensway

going straight on at a couple of roundabouts Morrisons Supermarket is a left turn off this stretch, if you enter Gib with an empty fuel tank and you may save enough to make the trip worthwhile maybe £10. If you miss Morries then you'll pass another couple of fuel stops as you approach the frontier.


Be prepared to join a queue, again how long for, is anybodies guess, avoid rush hour of course.


If you choose to leave your vehicle outside Gib. then there is an area near the "sports complex swimming baths" 5 minutes walk away which has been designated an unofficial wildcamp site.

Or alternatively the main drag is a Blue Parking Zone Pay and Display with an attendant occasionally keeping an eye on things free Sundays Holidays.. On the west side of the frontier entry is a large area used for carparking, run by la Linea unemployed, safe enough, just bung them a few euros and get a ticket no arguments then.


One caveat, it's a few months since I was last there, so the situation being what it is at the mo., anything could have changed particularly the wildcamp site availibilty





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Guest Peter James
nowtelse2do - 2013-09-20 2:33 PM


simian - 2013-09-20 12:34 PM


Cross the Airplane runway


Turn left @ the first roundabout (The Sundial)



!!!!!!..... 8-) 8-)




Strange, but a fact, the runway traverses the road or the otherway round if you like. They are in the process of tunnelling to create a new road, (presently on hold due to disputes with the Spanish contractor) no it's not going to be the runway going under the road LOL.

One of the !0 most dangerous runways in el Mundo or so the TV progs. would have you believe. But I think I'm correct in saying there's never been a serious incident outside of wartime. It's the cross winds, the freakish Levanter cloud formation and it's relative shortness that make it sphincter tightening at times, until you experience landing at Wellington NZ in a howling southerly that is!!

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Guest pelmetman
As Simian posted Dave the road does indeed cross the runway:)..........and back in 77..78? I was a member of the chain gang lol...........ie I drove a tractor dragging the chains for the snag wire when planes came in off our carriers.......that was when we had aircraft carriers......ie more than none :(
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And things won't improve much if the Spanish contractor gets his way with his preferred option, ie The Road Bridge Over The Runway. I think the Gibraltarians see this as a cunning Spanish plan to make the frontier crossing even more of an issue, I'm almost certain I saw this mentioned in The Mail recently . (lol)

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simian - 2013-09-20 9:40 PM



And things won't improve much if the Spanish contractor gets his way with his preferred option, ie The Road Bridge Over The Runway. I think the Gibraltarians see this as a cunning Spanish plan to make the frontier crossing even more of an issue, I'm almost certain I saw this mentioned in The Mail recently . (lol)



It's getting better :-D


Dave.....get the chains ready......no early retirement for you boyo :D :D



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True, most (British) expats living along the Spanish costa visit Gib just for a shopping day/spree, usually Morrisons for the Brit things unobtainable in Spain, plus a fuel fill-up, a sleeve of fags, and a bottle or 2 of spirits, most of them have probably done the obligatory tourist bit.

A sizeable number are employed in Gib. but choose to live in Spain.

Several thousand Brits and other nationalities reside/work in Gib. permanently.


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