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BBC radio in France


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We have recently returned from our annual lifesaving 3 weeks in France, and we had a super time. We mooched about, mainly in western and south western France, and the only thing that dissapointed us was our total failure to find any English speaking radio, apart from China Radio. Normally we just fire up the satelite TV to get BBC radio rogrammes, but as we have only recently taken delivery of this van and are reluctant to spend money on a satelite set-up until the situation is more certain, so we thought we would rely on the little shortwave radio that we have had for years, all we could find was China.

Does anyone have any bright ideas on how to get English Radio in South West France, (we are in the process of buying a retirement home there so we need to find out.


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Now that Europe is free of the yoke of communism the Beeb and the licence fee payer,you and I, feel there is no need to broadcast propaganda to Europe, you can however get radio 4 long wave .

Fro Wikipedia:

The BBC's powerful 198 kHz LW, which broadcasts the domestic BBC Radio 4 to Britain during the day (and carries the World Service during the night) can also be heard in nearby parts of Europe, including the Republic of Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium and parts of France, Germany and Scandinavia.

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Guest JudgeMental

Your right Archi its a disgrace, considering what the BBC costs. Every other language station under the sun is available. But like Chris says you can listen to Internet radio if on a decent wifi connection


Wonder if anyone has noticed, the first thing a frenchman does when he arrives on site is....UP! With the sat dish!lol And why down in Portugal the french and germans with their small dishes get perfect reception, whereas the poor brits with large dishes get hardly anything!...all because we allowed Murdoch to get a stranglehold on the sat services........sold our souls to SKY who just do what they want.......



Just saw post above, yes you can sometimes get R4 on long wave and 5 live, but the quality so poor it's nigh on impossible to listen to most of the time......but the Chinese can broadcast a crystal clear English speaking service...BBC? hang your head in shame *-)


In fact even Ireland has a better service!

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