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Motorhome Winter Lay-Up Under Cover

Frank McAuley

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I would have thought that running the engine regularly would be a good idea, so having fuel is essential. I doubt it will degrade in the time you are looking at. I used to leave my old Mercedes motorhome parked in a warehouse for 5 months and had no issues, however I did always remove the battery and leave the handbrake off.
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Guest pelmetman
Dave225 - 2013-10-09 7:13 PM


I would have thought that running the engine regularly would be a good idea, so having fuel is essential. I doubt it will degrade in the time you are looking at. I used to leave my old Mercedes motorhome parked in a warehouse for 5 months and had no issues, however I did always remove the battery and leave the handbrake off.


I assume your Merc was old science Dave? ;-)................with none of these electrical gizmo's that go t*ts up without a regular dose of wigglies :-S............


When I left Horace unmoved for best part of a year without moving...........he was not impressed 8-)...........even my Flintstone electrics took a good shaking to get going...............but as my wheels had gone square *-)...........they sorted out my electrics (lol)......


The Rover's electrics definitely doesn't appreciate being left unused :-S........and as it did a 1000 miles last

year.......divided by the bills works out at a pound a mile 8-) ...............It'd be cheaper to get a taxi *-) ......

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Storing a van under a cover is ok, although i don't cover my latest van, It does stop the 'green algae' from forming on the roof, and water running down the 'not very well sealed' bonnet area of the Sevel cabbed vans. apart from that I find it a 'Hassle' having to put it on (not as easy as they would have you believe), and taking it off in the spring. Far better to take the van for a Half hour drive around every month or so, also helps stopping 'sleepy van syndrome' , rusty brake discs, sticking handbrake etc.,

Never had problems with diesel left in the tank over winter.

My cover was a 'Protec', never marked the van at all, but did 'fray' a bit on 'bits that stuck out'.

and needed several repair patches over the 3 years that I used it. They used to give you a piece of spare material, and you need it. Ray

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