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Buying Second Hand Motorhome - October 2014


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In 2 weeks time, I will arrive in UK - hunting for a used motorhome to use in our 2014 tour. Currently in Australia (home) experienced in caravanning, but motorhome is what I have decided for us for 2014.


Criteria is under 15,000 GBP, 20 feet (approx.), 3,500kg max, 2 people, Left Hand Drive, ...... (the rest are wish list ....)


Have been studying forums, ebay, & autotrader for most of this year.


As winter approaches, is the variety of motorhomes for sale reducing???


Any special clues as to where or who I should be contacting prior to arrival (or on arrival) that might help in the search of a motorhome??





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Guest pelmetman
M&B_2014_look_out!! - 2013-10-11 10:05 AM



In 2 weeks time, I will arrive in UK - hunting for a used motorhome to use in our 2014 tour. Currently in Australia (home) experienced in caravanning, but motorhome is what I have decided for us for 2014.


Criteria is under 15,000 GBP, 20 feet (approx.), 3,500kg max, 2 people, Left Hand Drive, ...... (the rest are wish list ....)


Have been studying forums, ebay, & autotrader for most of this year.


As winter approaches, is the variety of motorhomes for sale reducing???


Any special clues as to where or who I should be contacting prior to arrival (or on arrival) that might help in the search of a motorhome??





Welcome to the asylum ;-) ..............autumn is a good time of year to buy, as prices are normally lower compared to spring........I'd suggest keeping an eye on ebay for the best chance of a bargain, although if you want the peace of mind of a warranty then perhaps a dealer :-S.............though I suspect you intend traveling Europe as your looking for a left hooker, so quite how useful a UK warranty will be is a moot point :-|....


Have you done your homework re insurance?..........as that can be problematical for people without a UK address :-S

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Guest JudgeMental

welcome! :-D I'm down in Spain and some kiwis and Australians on this site...pretty old vans as well, seem to be doing the job for them.....just buy carefully and watch out for damp/leaks, and bodge up/cover up jobs..... Yes the run up to Christmas good to buy as long as decent vans on market, as many wait till spring.....just remember buy in haste repent at leisure :D


look on ebay for a "genuine" privately owned van..personally I stay well clear of dealers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Best of luck with your trip.We are in Perth and have just returned from UK. There are some great bargains in Europe, and if you own/register/use the vehicle for a FULL twelve months you might be able to bring the MH home.

Different states have different rules re.LHD. Problems can be overcome,but contact the Dept of Road Safety in Canberra, they ensure that local makers of MHs don't have competition.

New migrants, diplomats and twelve monthers can import. Don't expect the public service to let you off one day, a friend got an exception because he flew home to his dying mother,after the funeral he had to prove he wasn't lying by sending the obit.

But if you follow their strange rules you get some doozys. When you come to register in Aus. you have to fit an aluminium plate{$60} which clearly states "this vehicle does not comply with ADRs", then you can licence. Good luck and be safe. You can contact us through the administrator if you like.

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Check this company out worth a try. Excellent service


Euro Caravans ServicesSpecialist in the export of european caravans to Australia and New Zealand



+44 1825 791816

+44 7756 288835



Bob :-)

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We have friends from Brisbane who bought a secondhand van in the UK in 2000 for £37000. They toured Europe for 6 months a year till a few months ago when they sold it to a dealer for £32000.

With a little research on the net the van purchase was straightforward but obtaining insurance was not. Unless you are a British subject with a provable Uk permanent adress virtually no insurer will offer cover and some even state it is illegal to do so!! A few years ago there was a small list of insurers that would quote but the current list is nearly nonexistent and very expensive. i do not know the actual yearly premium I think was about £1700 and they wanted £400 to extend the policy for a month! That was the last straw and they sold the van.

So carefully check the in surance position before agreeing a purchase. If it helps send me a PM with your email address and I will ask our friends to give you more details.

The other area that causes grief is complying with the Schengen agreement travel limitations.

Good Luck.

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We have friends from Brisbane who bought a secondhand van in the UK in 2000 for £37000. They toured Europe for 6 months a year till a few months ago when they sold it to a dealer for £32000.

With a little research on the net the van purchase was straightforward but obtaining insurance was not. Unless you are a British subject with a provable Uk permanent adress virtually no insurer will offer cover and some even state it is illegal to do so!! A few years ago there was a small list of insurers that would quote but the current list is nearly nonexistent and very expensive. i do not know the actual yearly premium I think was about £1700 and they wanted £400 to extend the policy for a month! That was the last straw and they sold the van.

So carefully check the in surance position before agreeing a purchase. If it helps send me a PM with your email address and I will ask our friends to give you more details.

The other area that causes grief is complying with the Schengen agreement travel limitations.

Good Luck.

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The insurance company that most folk from downunder seem to insure with is - wat for it - Downunder insurance. Haven't any contact details for them, but presume a google search will find them. I have been told they aren't cheap, but those who told me that had all bought the policy, so I assume it isn't prohibitive. As above, look with care, make sure you get a damp check carried out - and that you get the written document showing what was checked, whan, and what the readings were, and do check on insurance before you buy - just in case!
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