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banned dogs


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Had Enough - 2013-10-12 11:42 AM


I like dogs, although I don't have one, far too much trouble when motorhoming I'm afraid. I can also understand the affection that many people have for their dogs.


But what I simply cannot grasp, is why anyone would want to buy an ugly and potentially vicious animal such as a Staffordshire Bull Terrier when there are so many breeds that are delightful and far less risk.


Many people are selfish and anti-social and them owning a dog just gives them one more thing to annoy the rest of us with when they allow their animals to defecate anywhere and bark all night.


It shouldn't need saying, but I will anyway to avoid the incoming vitriol - I accept that there are many responsible dog owners who do pick up the mess and who do own sensible dogs that are well controlled. The problem is with the others, of which there are many, which I found to my disgust when I tracked in a lump of dog poo and spent ages trying to rid my 'van's carpets of the filth and the revolting smell that almost made me retch.



I have to strongly disagree about your comment on Staffies. They have been given a bad press by idiots but they are a delightful breed and one that we considered owning.


A few years ago we were at a THS at Weymouth but drove the van into Weymouth for the day and parked at the Harbour. We set off with the 4 Whippets to explore the place and within a few minutes, one of the dogs did the one and only watery poo he has ever done. This was on a crowded pavement as the Town was full of tourists. There was nothing solid to pick up so while my wife stood guard, I dashed back to the van, got a bucket of water and sweeping brush and swilled the pavement clean. I have never been so embarrassed in my life as that day. *-)


You will usually find that the owners who do pick up are more critical of owners who don't than non dog owners.

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My neighbour has two Staffies, one is as daft as a brush and just wants to play all the time and the other is a nasty aggressive and unpredictable dog that nobody, not even it's owner, would trust or even try to play with.


All dogs can be aggressive but some are more prone than others and Staffies do have a reputation for aggression.

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Had Enough - 2013-10-12 12:51 PM


747 - 2013-10-12 12:41 PM


I have to strongly disagree about your comment on Staffies. They have been given a bad press by idiots but they are a delightful breed and one that we considered owning.











And there are many more if you do a quick search.


I noticed a couple of things from your links.


At least 2 of the owners come from the lower end of the food chain and your google links have given me grief with unwanted advertising. So I shall not be opening any more links. They are well named .... goo. *-)

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Guest Had Enough
747 - 2013-10-12 4:03 PM


Had Enough - 2013-10-12 12:51 PM


747 - 2013-10-12 12:41 PM


I have to strongly disagree about your comment on Staffies. They have been given a bad press by idiots but they are a delightful breed and one that we considered owning.











And there are many more if you do a quick search.


I noticed a couple of things from your links.


At least 2 of the owners come from the lower end of the food chain and your google links have given me grief with unwanted advertising. So I shall not be opening any more links. They are well named .... goo. *-)


So your reasoning is that dogs with owners who are of a lower social class will be more violent and aggressive than dogs owned by better off people?


It does seem that chavs, as you may call them, are more likely to have vicious status dogs so perhaps it's inevitable that many reported attacks are by dogs owned by such people.


I'm sorry if you are getting adverts with my Google shortcuts, I wasn't aware of that but all anyone needs to do is go to any search engine and type Staffordshire Bull Terrier + attacks.


I assure you, the results would deter anyone from buying one of these animals.

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Many of the dogs featured in these sort of attacks are not pedigree Staffies. Their parentage is dubious and often involves larger breeds like Rotties, mastiffs etc. This brings uncertainty into the temperament.


An example would be Labradors. A lovely breed but many sheep attacks were by crossbreeds and many were Lab crosses. Nobody can say exactly why but it was a common factor in the past.

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One of the most aggressive dogs I ever came across was a friend's Golden Retriever, so much so that after it bit both him and his wife on separate occasions it had to be put down as unsafe and untrustworthy.


And that was a very expensive pedigree dog, so much for that theory then!


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If you ask anyone who has been involved with dogs foe many years then they will tell you that the best way to ruin a breed is to make it popular. When any Tom, Dick or Harry can breed any bitch with any dog and know the pups will sell, then it is curtains for the breed.


It took me a good 12 months of looking at males before I decided which one to use on my bitch. Make no mistake, my Whippets are killers ..... but only of small furry animals. The difference with my dogs is that their training starts (in play form) at 8 weeks old. The breed was mostly chosen because they are easy to keep and don't need too much exercise. A Staffordshire Bull Terrier was also on the short list but it would not have come from some back street breeder. It would have the breed characteristics of loyalty good nature. We see a number of Staffies on our morning walk and not one of them is any trouble at all.


If you are unhappy about dogs then put the blame where it lies, with the breeders and the owners. For years I have been saying the following. "It never works out well when the pet is more intelligent than the owner". ;-)

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The fact remains that regardless of reasons, cause or blame, some breeds of dog were, and in some cases continue to be bred (especially inbred) to be aggressive.


Just as you cannot label all humans dangerous to others because a few are, so you cannot tar all dogs of a breed with the same brush.


Nevertheless the government has to make decisions based on the balance of probability and speaking personally I feel that the risk of offending the owners of a few breeds is a better risk that having some unfortunate person - often a small child - at risk of savaged by an unpredictable or out of control dog of a breed that is well known to have aggressive tendencies in it's genetic makeup.


So you will perhaps forgive me if I support the ban on all breeds of dog originally bred for violence, attack, fighting or defensive aggression.

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tazdog6007 - 2013-10-11 3:20 PMcan anyone tell me what breeds of dog are banned from entering france?spain.my wife wants a staffi and was wondering if this is one.hope not as marital happiness could be at stake! :'( cant find anything on defra website


 No question about it If you have a pure bred Staffordshire bull terrier proven by documentation (from the Kennel Club?) then you can visit France. If the dog only resembles a Staffie then the Dog is considered a cross breed and is banned. see here  Vos Droits .


No point in arguing if the ban is fair or not It's the law and dog owners are responsible for the behaviour of attack and guard dogs which has led to this ban.


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Tracker - 2013-10-12 11:58 AM


We too have a dog and I support plans to have every dog microchipped and registered as a way of proving ownership.

I would also support the return of a dog license with the proceeds going towards the better supply of doggy bags and dog wardens in public places.

Several years ago we were on the promenade at Lyme Regis with Rosie off lead and I found myself bagless with a pile in the middle of the prom. Dot kept guard whilst I hurried back towards the van but I was stopped after a few yards by a dog warden who appeared as if by magic. He said that he had seen what had happened and asked me what my intention was. When I explained to him he smiled, pulled several bags from his pocket and walked back with me. He then politely pointed out a 'dogs on leads' sign to us and wished us a happy holiday. He said that everyone makes mistakes from time to time and he saw his role as helping not persecuting responsible dog owners who get it wrong - as long as they put it right! Now that is what I call a good dog warden. Helpful and non confrontational, but with the authority to take firm action against uncooperative and aggressive dogs and owners.

It's good of you to admit you are an aggressive dog owner, I didn't see you as that type. ;-)
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keninpalamos - 2013-10-13 1:03 PM


Tracker - 2013-10-12 11:58 AM

Now that is what I call a good dog warden. Helpful and non confrontational, but with the authority to take firm action against uncooperative and aggressive dogs and owners.

It's good of you to admit you are an aggressive dog owner, I didn't see you as that type. ;-)




Now if I had said that, what's the betting that there would be howls of protest from someone just waiting for another opportunity to be offended!!


Let me rephrase it!


Now that is what I call a good dog warden. Helpful and non confrontational, but with the authority to take firm action against uncooperative and aggressive dogs and owners and to help and support those who do show responsibility but who simply make a mistake.


Is that better!!

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Tracker - 2013-10-13 1:12 PM


keninpalamos - 2013-10-13 1:03 PM


Tracker - 2013-10-12 11:58 AM

Now that is what I call a good dog warden. Helpful and non confrontational, but with the authority to take firm action against uncooperative and aggressive dogs and owners.

It's good of you to admit you are an aggressive dog owner, I didn't see you as that type. ;-)




Now if I had said that, what's the betting that there would be howls of protest from someone just waiting for another opportunity to be offended!!


Let me rephrase it!


Now that is what I call a good dog warden. Helpful and non confrontational, but with the authority to take firm action against uncooperative and aggressive dogs and owners and to help and support those who do show responsibility but who simply make a mistake.


Is that better!!

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wow! what a response.thanks all .we do have a very old staffi,and have taken him to france and spain for holidays about ten times,with no bother but it seems that france is getting strict on dogs.dont care about spain as i have seen their attitude to animals et al and see it as a third world country when it comes to animals.have to have a serious word with the other half! thanks again all :-D
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Guest 1footinthegrave
peter - 2013-10-11 9:27 PM


Where's OneFoot then?. No doubt he'll be along shortly to give his usual vitriolic view on dogs. :D


I was in France, largely avoiding them, apart from two moronic brits that turned up on an otherwise completely quiet site ( although rare that we stop at any sites because of the fecking things yapping and crapping everywhere ) and that was the end of the peace and quiet for everyone, ;-) if that's my vitriolic view what do I care, a bit like so many dog owners, one of whom expresses her delight at her three dogs cooped up in a small panel van chasing cats when they can, nice lady. (!)


And I just love the name staffi, I can almost see the chav shell suit wearing owners now ;-)

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