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banned dogs


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A quick Google search brought up a link to the French Embassy's page on banned dogs,,, Link.


And the answer appears to be that a Staffi is banned UNLESS it has a pedigree.





Edit. And a similar Google search on Spain seems to imply that they are banned outright :-(

For example... Link

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Hi Roy


If you have not got a dog, and Hols abroad will be a big part of your life, I would think twice about a dog.

I took your spaniel over there this year, and found it a bit restrictive.

A lot of the Med coast has a complete ban,also many lakes, and I think most National Parks.

As these are the sort of places I like to walk our mutt, it was not great.


It's a bit of a effort to get the dog ready to go, and there is a bit of timing and expense to get back.

We are also stuck with the Tunnel, because the dog is not good left on her own in the van.


Also I believe dogs arn't allowed on the bus in Spain (if you do that sort of thing).France was mostly OK for the bus.


It will not stop us next year, but it would be a lot easier without the dog.


Don't know about Staffies, Sorry






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kelly58 - 2013-10-11 4:53 PM


One thing about taking a dog to France you need not bother to have any crap bags just watch where you are walking as the French do not use them and let their lovely 4 legged friends crap where they like and walk off..


Are you a Dog Owner ? 'cause if you are, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Just because SOME Dog owners don't pick up after them (EVEN if it is a 'National Trait') that does'nt mean YOU or I shouldn't Pick up. There is nothing..Repeat, nothing worse than treading Dog mess into your Van (or house). And People who let their Dogs Foul the Pavement or Pathways or Beaches come to that, Should be fined heavily. And I DO own Dogs, and have done for over 30 years, mainly Labradors, and have 2 now.


Tazdog6007 My advice, get a 'friendly' breed of Dog, a Spaniel, a Labrador or a Retreiver. They are not 'agressive' Dogs and are very 'Biddable' (easy to train). Mine would rather shove it's Bum into a thorny hedge than poo on a pavement. Ray + Wendy n Lucy.

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kelly58 - 2013-10-11 4:53 PM


One thing about taking a dog to France you need not bother to have any crap bags just watch where you are walking as the French do not use them and let their lovely 4 legged friends crap where they like and walk off..

It's nice now that winter is here . pick it up and you have a instant hand warmer.

no need for gloves


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Dont know about now but we took 2 dogs to spain years ago,ally and collie,we pick up after them but the spanish didnt,1 guy asked us why we did! Also at that time around benidorm there was a lot of feral cats and in the mountains where we wild camped packs of dogs that looked very dangerous,we camped near a lake and about 10 dogs circled the van
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A most illuminating response Rayjsj. Kelly58 seems to have hit a nerve!


IMHO dog owners should be the next target now that the antisocial behaviour of smokers has been curtailed. Dog owners appear to show many of the traits previously exhibited by smokers. Individual dog owners will not admit to allowing their dogs to foul public areas, letting their animals bark incessantly or run out of control. Even those owners whose dogs kill or maim children seem to be more concerned with their pets. Dog owners seem to think that they have the right to obstruct footpaths by allowing their dogs' lead to extend across the path. The current craze for extending leads has made the problem of obstruction much worse. A group of dog owners having a chat while their dogs go off on long leads in all directions is a major hazard for someone who is running or walking fast for exercise. A polite request to keep the dogs under control is either ignored or responded to with verbal abuse or even a threat of physical violence.


Here in Torbay dogs are banned from most of the beaches until 1st Oct. There were dozens of dog owners breaching this by-law in September.


P.S. I actually like dogs, it is the owners who need to be dealt with...and please don't says it's only a few bad apples. Individual dog owners should take an objective look at themselves and see how they and their pet(s) interact with the rest of the population.

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These are not actually banned dogs but they must be registered with the Town Hall .Added problem is different Regions have different breeds listed although reading the list should give you some idea what your position would be.





Must agree with previous poster, we have a dog by the way , they can be very tying when travelling leaving them alone in the van ,tied up out side supermarkets, unable to visit certain tourist sites, more and more restrictions to beaches and parks. Having said all this we love ours and woudnt give here up.

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There is nothing 'Anti-social' about dog ownership, indeed the very opposite is true, most of my conversations onsite start with 'the Dogs' either a comment about their behaviour, (well behaved) and they are not left to Bark or disturb other people, or with other Dog owners, chatting about their Dogs. That IS the definition of 'Social' surely ? Friendly interaction. And my Dogs have never 'smoked' in their lives.

There ARE folk with Dogs who use them as 'Weapons' or badges of 'Violence'. They, I agree need to be legislated against. BUT don't 'Tar us all' with the same brush.

Fact : more than 75% of Motorhomers and Caravanners take their pets on holiday with them, not because they are too tightfisted to put them in kennels. but because they are 'part of the family' and enjoy having them with them. Ray

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I think that you have proved my point. You consider that you are not guilty of any of the points that I made and are clearly virtue personified. Unfortunately, most, if not all, dog owners think the same.


My reference to smokers was in no way a suggestion that dogs smoke, it was a comment that smokers are generally in denial as to the effect their habit has on others who are forced to inhale their smoke. In a similar manner dog owners are in denial, I have yet to meet a dog owner who will accept that their dog(s) are a problem. Where are all the owners of the dogs that foul footpaths and childrens play areas, the owners of dogs that bark continuously setting off a cacophony of dogs barking? The owners of dogs that chase vehicles, cyclist, runners etc. I know where the dog owners who use extending leads are! They are not a figment of my imagination.


My daughter was bitten by a "sweet little" spaniel when she was four. The owners did not even apologise. They simply said that their dogs were "nervous". They knew this but still allowed their dogs to run free and un-muzzled on a crowded beach and to run up to a small child who, quite naturally, tried to pet the dog in question and got bitten for her pains.


The sooner that dog owners stopped being "in denial" and accepted their responsibilities the better. I presume that, as you and your dogs do not cause any of the problems mentioned you will wholeheartedly support any proposals that the government comes up with to regulate dogs more effectively.

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I am not and never intend to be a dog owner , but admire the considerate dog owners who do pick up . We spend and enjoy the majority of our motorhome time in France and the thing that annoys us more than anything is the amount of dog poo on the pavements and parks.The aire at Change is in a lovely location , but spoilt by the majority of local dog walkers letting their dogs run free to mess. Its a shame , but its their country and we are only visiting .
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Both my dogz are insured which includes public liability insurance,cold comfort i know if you have been bitten,as i have.At a well known campsite in north norfolk an elderly chap had both his spaniels of leads and one attacked my dogs half a dozen times,the guy was some distance away and was shouting,i thought he was calling his dogs,no he was calling me some very choice names that i cant repeat here,i said they should be on leads and he got even angrier and seemed to think cos he owned a holiday bome there he had more rights,and he didnt pick up after them,his language was educational to say the least!
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Morning folks,


We worked out the other night that it cost us about £200 to take our dog away with us for about a month. The French are now stating to pick up much more than a few years ago.

Some sites do ban catgory one dogs and category 2. On whole though , France is dog friendly place Spain is not and dogs are not allowed on buses.




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mikejkay - 2013-10-11 10:21 PM


I think that you have proved my point. You consider that you are not guilty of any of the points that I made and are clearly virtue personified. Unfortunately, most, if not all, dog owners think the same.


My reference to smokers was in no way a suggestion that dogs smoke, it was a comment that smokers are generally in denial as to the effect their habit has on others who are forced to inhale their smoke. In a similar manner dog owners are in denial, I have yet to meet a dog owner who will accept that their dog(s) are a problem. Where are all the owners of the dogs that foul footpaths and childrens play areas, the owners of dogs that bark continuously setting off a cacophony of dogs barking? The owners of dogs that chase vehicles, cyclist, runners etc. I know where the dog owners who use extending leads are! They are not a figment of my imagination.


My daughter was bitten by a "sweet little" spaniel when she was four. The owners did not even apologise. They simply said that their dogs were "nervous". They knew this but still allowed their dogs to run free and un-muzzled on a crowded beach and to run up to a small child who, quite naturally, tried to pet the dog in question and got bitten for her pains.


The sooner that dog owners stopped being "in denial" and accepted their responsibilities the better. I presume that, as you and your dogs do not cause any of the problems mentioned you will wholeheartedly support any proposals that the government comes up with to regulate dogs more effectively.

Wise words mate, in 15 years of touring GB, Europe, Asia and Africa other people's dogs are an absolute pain in the backside. Simply because the owners do not have a clue how to behave. The biggest problem is barking and long leads. Plus some dogs are trained to be overly aggressive. I'm afraid I had to kick a German Sheppard dog in the head really hard as it went for me as I walked passed a van parked in Spain on a ridiculously long lead tied to the van. I had no other option. It was either that or at the very least been badly bitten and yes I did feel sorry for the dog afterwards but the owner did shorten the lead not that the dog went for anybody else as far as I know.
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kelly58 - 2013-10-11 10:49 PM


I am not and never intend to be a dog owner , but admire the considerate dog owners who do pick up . We spend and enjoy the majority of our motorhome time in France and the thing that annoys us more than anything is the amount of dog poo on the pavements and parks.The aire at Change is in a lovely location , but spoilt by the majority of local dog walkers letting their dogs run free to mess. Its a shame , but its their country and we are only visiting .


Agreed. Just back from 4 weeks in France - 'the land of dog poo'. Its never 'my dog' that does it. Whose dog is it then? There's so much s*** there must be more than one?

..... and why do owners not notice their dog is barking and wrecking the peace.....?

I am not anti-dog. I'm anti-dog owners who are in denial that their dog is a nuisance......and certainly in France they are the majority, not the minority

Arthur :'(

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I read the "dog attack" comments with interest.


I was also attacked in France this year whilst riding my bike on a bike track.


The bite was just a graze but I did worry about rabies for a couple of weeks!


The dog was off lead and simply out of control, not an unusual situation in France or Spain.


The owner was present and having grabbed the dog then gave it a stern verbal warning, much good that would do!


I wonder how many dog attacks there really are? If every single dog attack was reported how many would there be? A lot more I am sure. I didn't report mine and a expect many others don't either.


A well controlled and sane dog would be no problem in France or Spain, a large and out of control dog would not be popular. In Spain a local once told me that loose dogs were routinely poisoned by local farmers to prevent them forming hunting packs.



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Guest Had Enough

I like dogs, although I don't have one, far too much trouble when motorhoming I'm afraid. I can also understand the affection that many people have for their dogs.


But what I simply cannot grasp, is why anyone would want to buy an ugly and potentially vicious animal such as a Staffordshire Bull Terrier when there are so many breeds that are delightful and far less risk.


Many people are selfish and anti-social and them owning a dog just gives them one more thing to annoy the rest of us with when they allow their animals to defecate anywhere and bark all night.


It shouldn't need saying, but I will anyway to avoid the incoming vitriol - I accept that there are many responsible dog owners who do pick up the mess and who do own sensible dogs that are well controlled. The problem is with the others, of which there are many, which I found to my disgust when I tracked in a lump of dog poo and spent ages trying to rid my 'van's carpets of the filth and the revolting smell that almost made me retch.



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mikejkay - 2013-10-11 10:21 PM


The sooner that dog owners stopped being "in denial" and accepted their responsibilities the better. I presume that, as you and your dogs do not cause any of the problems mentioned you will wholeheartedly support any proposals that the government comes up with to regulate dogs more effectively.



There are enough 'Dog laws' already, what is lacking is enforcement, I agree with a lot of what you say, but of course as I love Dogs (some, much more than I like people) i don't agree with the sentiment. IF the 'Regulations' that you are advocating 'make sense' from ALL points of view, then I would support them, But we come back again to 'Enforcement' , there are hardly enough Policemen to enforce the existing 'laws of the land' without adding more. Your views are not Universal, as I said approx. 75% of all Motorhomers/Caravanners DO take their pets, mostly Dogs, on holiday with them. See it from their point of view, AND not all are thoughtless. Ray


People who don't like Dogs, will obviously never see it from a 'Dog lovers' point of view, So, lets just 'agree to differ' and let us all 'get on with our lives'. But, we are not going to 'Go away'. happy Motorhoming. My last post on this subject.

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We too have a dog and I support plans to have every dog microchipped and registered as a way of proving ownership.

I would also support the return of a dog license with the proceeds going towards the better supply of doggy bags and dog wardens in public places.

Several years ago we were on the promenade at Lyme Regis with Rosie off lead and I found myself bagless with a pile in the middle of the prom. Dot kept guard whilst I hurried back towards the van but I was stopped after a few yards by a dog warden who appeared as if by magic. He said that he had seen what had happened and asked me what my intention was. When I explained to him he smiled, pulled several bags from his pocket and walked back with me. He then politely pointed out a 'dogs on leads' sign to us and wished us a happy holiday. He said that everyone makes mistakes from time to time and he saw his role as helping not persecuting responsible dog owners who get it wrong - as long as they put it right! Now that is what I call a good dog warden. Helpful and non confrontational, but with the authority to take firm action against uncooperative and aggressive dogs and owners.

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