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Billggski - 2013-10-14 11:54 AM


.....................Finally DO NOT use ordinary PTFE tape to seal the joins. This actually creates a porous joint.

Get special high density tape from a plumber's supplier.

Good luck.


You should NOT be using PTFE on the Gaslow joints at all, they are not threaded pipe connections they are 'cone' fittings that and PTFE could actually prevent gas tightness if applied to the threaded portion.



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It is true that they are tightening up on filling gas cylinders in France. There is a massive long thread about it on MHF. I have been challenged a few times now but once they see the side filler they switch on the pump. Most pumps now have a sign on prohibiting filling any cylinders. E Leclerc do seem to be the most difficult but I have never been flatly refused as on a couple of occasions where they said Non Camping Car I just say its Autogas and show them the filler. Never even been questioned in the UK.
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Guest 1footinthegrave

We've just returned from France, with my newly ( self fitted ) Gasit tank. For ease of fitting my fill point is in the cupboard, these are my observations.


Why fit two bottles, my single 21 litre tank proved to be more than sufficient.


No DO NOT use ptfe or gas tape on the threads, as has been said, just check with leak spray ( supplied FOC with my Gasit kit, and the service I received from them was first rate.


Availability of GPL pumps, well I can only speak of my experience of around 6 weeks, but they did not seem so easy to find as I was led to believe, two Leclerc sites listed as stocking GPL had removed the pumps, one SuperU the pump was out of order, and judging by the sign had been so for a long time.


As a point of interest I mentally noted the amount of forecourts that we passed that had GPL pricing, not that many, although all ToTal stations on the Motorways stocked it, albeit at a fair price hike.


I'm bound to say I do wonder if in the longer term availability may become an issue as it is primarily for vehicle propulsion as we all know,and I've never met anyone with a dual fuel vehicle, also given the starship mileage from diesel cars is there any point in one in any event, and also three nearest stockists to us listed do not in fact supply it any longer.


Having said that, would I buy a Gasit or other refillable again, yes in an instant, to have gas a plenty for hot showers etc was fantastic, without fretting will our gas last out and the cost saving on gas in just one trip was considerable.


Problems, none although on one single pump there was a symbol of a bottle with a line through it,although I topped up there in full view of the attendant obviously with my gas locker door open, and at one station the pump would have been a nightmare to access with anything bigger than my PVC.


We did cross over to Spain for a week however, and found no stockists at all there


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