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CCC adopts Ryanair pricing model

Brians dad

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I had a email from the Camping and Caravanning club yesterday explaining changes to their prices next year. Basically, they are starting to price their sites in a flexible manner depending on demand, the model started by Ryanair and followed by ferry companies, hotels etc. They even sent a video from the director general to explain. A lot of this was in 'corporate speak', explaining how they can match their prices to demand, and offer lower prices at quiet periods etc, etc. What he did not say was how much prices will go up during busy periods, or at times when they expect it to be busy.


As our practice is often to turn up 'on spec' at a site when we are moving around, or at least to just phone up on the day, I wonder how this is going to affect us. It is well known that if you turn up at Dover for a ferry without a booking, they will absoloutely rook you on the fare, so will I get similarly penalised for just turning up at a campsite? I can't say I am happy about this development, not knowing how much I am going to get charged until I book, and it could cause quite a bit of ill feeling towards the club. As it is a supposedly democratic organisation (more so than the Caravan Club) I wonder how much discussion / thought was put into this big change by the council members, and whether any of them put this issue into their manifestos for the upcoming elections.


Another change being introduced for next year is to their cancellation policy. Up to now you lose your deposit if you cancel within 7 days - fair enough and a good idea. However this is being extended to 60 days in an attempt to fill sites - and sneak in some more money for the club. Again comparing with the Caravan Club, they only ask for 3 days notice of cancellation, and their excellent website easily lets you go back to check if there are any last minute vacancies. The CC claim not to have a serious problem with no shows or late cancellations, so why is the CCC putting in these draconian restrictions?


Up to now, I have always preferred the CCC to the Caravan club because of their more easy going attitude, but they now seem to have joined the growing list of companies whose aim seems to be to make life even more complicated for the poor consumer.


Does anybody else feel depressed by this?

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Brians dad - 2013-10-16 7:35 PM


I had a email from the Camping and Caravanning club yesterday explaining changes to their prices next year. Basically, they are starting to price their sites in a flexible manner depending on demand, the model started by Ryanair and followed by ferry companies, hotels etc. They even sent a video from the director general to explain. A lot of this was in 'corporate speak', explaining how they can match their prices to demand, and offer lower prices at quiet periods etc, etc. What he did not say was how much prices will go up during busy periods, or at times when they expect it to be busy.


As our practice is often to turn up 'on spec' at a site when we are moving around, or at least to just phone up on the day, I wonder how this is going to affect us. It is well known that if you turn up at Dover for a ferry without a booking, they will absoloutely rook you on the fare, so will I get similarly penalised for just turning up at a campsite? I can't say I am happy about this development, not knowing how much I am going to get charged until I book, and it could cause quite a bit of ill feeling towards the club. As it is a supposedly democratic organisation (more so than the Caravan Club) I wonder how much discussion / thought was put into this big change by the council members, and whether any of them put this issue into their manifestos for the upcoming elections.


Another change being introduced for next year is to their cancellation policy. Up to now you lose your deposit if you cancel within 7 days - fair enough and a good idea. However this is being extended to 60 days in an attempt to fill sites - and sneak in some more money for the club. Again comparing with the Caravan Club, they only ask for 3 days notice of cancellation, and their excellent website easily lets you go back to check if there are any last minute vacancies. The CC claim not to have a serious problem with no shows or late cancellations, so why is the CCC putting in these draconian restrictions?


Up to now, I have always preferred the CCC to the Caravan club because of their more easy going attitude, but they now seem to have joined the growing list of companies whose aim seems to be to make life even more complicated for the poor consumer.


Does anybody else feel depressed by this?


Have not read the new clauses but how do they plan to implement a '60 day' rule?? If you book 14 days ahead and cancel after 1 day do you lose the deposit. I thought it was transferrable to a new booking, or has that gone as well.


Does not really suprise me as neither CC or C&CC can really be called Clubs anymore. Treat them both as a business and demand normal customer service is the only answer. Threaten to sue if they do not meet their own conditions in any small detail.. That will get them thinking as they both rely heavily on customer(member, how silly of me) stupidity and apathy to make profits.

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Just leave - you're a motorhomer, you don't NEED these people!

Check out Britstops, the PMH Nightstops, and Highways Agency Truckstops (at least the free ones).


Unless (like a caravanner) you like to use the campsite as a "holiday camp," sitting outside on your pitch and using all the facilities, these provide all you need - somewhere to stay the night, basic services (at some), and you can get on with whatever you want to do in the daytime somewhere else!

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I'm not happy about most of the changes but lets not accept everything that is stated here. The cancellation period has not gone from 7 days to 60 days but has gone to 30 days, bad enough but lets not carry on the scare-mongering. Here is a copy of the changes....




One point worth noting is that the age concession is going to 60 instead of 55 so if you've reached 55 and have not yet got your card stamped, then do it now as they claim once you've got it ,it won't be taken away.

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paulmold - 2013-10-16 8:10 PM


One point worth noting is that the age concession is going to 60 instead of 55 so if you've reached 55 and have not yet got your card stamped, then do it now as they claim once you've got it ,it won't be taken away.


But is that for next year or for all subsequent years, doesn't seem that clear on website

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Can't see a lot wrong with the changes - but haven't studied them much yet.


They are changing the cancellation period to discourage ' pitch blocking ' - good idea. Should be a help to those of us who just turn up on spec.


Age concession going back up to 60 years - and why not - I could never understand why it was about ten years less than state pension age.

( Possibly the ' 55 ' was something to do with public sector retirement retirees

who seem to have such short careers ? )



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The C&CC  is a money grabbing well organised corporation who think they have the monopoly where they can charge as they please because campers have nowhere else to set up camp  .Our local DA  has over  £24K in the bank , but the DA committee see fit to increase weekend meet fee's every year whilst pleading poverty , so someone from higher office must be asking for more money to increase their coffers.
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colin - 2013-10-16 8:20 PM


paulmold - 2013-10-16 8:10 PM


One point worth noting is that the age concession is going to 60 instead of 55 so if you've reached 55 and have not yet got your card stamped, then do it now as they claim once you've got it ,it won't be taken away.


But is that for next year or for all subsequent years, doesn't seem that clear on website


Extracted from website.....


From 1 January 2014, the age eligibility for members to get Age Concession is returning to 60 years old. However, current members aged 55 to 60 can still claim Age Concession by providing documentation of age and having their membership cards stamped at a Club Site before 21 July 2014 or at the Motorhome & Caravan Show at the NEC Birmingham (15 to 20 October 2013) or the Spring Caravan & Camping Show at the NEC Birmingham (18 to 23 February 2014

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The new documentation shows a price range for each band of site, so I presume it should be possible to work out max or min charges for each site. It also states pretty clearly that existing members of age 55 will continue to benefit from the discounts if they get their cards verified. So what's the lack of clarity? One may not like the policy but it looks clear enough to me, or am I missing something? As for cancellation policy it may make people think seriously about block booking ahead, sometimes it seems with little or no intention of using the site only depending on the weather nearer the time.

Seems like progress to me.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Why on earth should there be age concession prices, I'm 67, but you know what I've more disposable income now than I ever had when caravanning with my children 35 years ago, and of course everyone pays in the end in any event, me I just bugger off over the channel at every opportunity. ;-)


I'm reminded of the thread "lets hear it for the UK" ...............what a load of B*****S that was as well >:-)


Just come back from 6 weeks in France,not a single club to join, not a single phone call needed, not a single booking required, not a single "well the office is closed now" at 6.00 pm on a summer day, or a raised eyebrow that we hadn't booked, when we used to use them on rare occasions, CCC and CC, shove it.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-10-16 8:50 PM


Why on earth should there be age concession prices ................................




Yeah - you're right.


There'll be special rates for children next !!!


( Or do they already do that ? )






p.s. booking sites is not mandatory - I've only booked once or twice in 40 odd years - and that was for meeting up with friends or family.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
Some of these folk who go around in 80k worth of kit and they can't afford the same cost as everyone else, my heart bleeds for them.
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Remember that from 1 January 2014, the Club’s Age Concession eligibility will return to 60 years of age.

However, current members aged 55 to 60 can still claim Age Concession by providing proof of age (such as a driving licence, passport or birth certificate) and having their membership cards stamped at a Club Site before 21 July 2014.


Age_Concession_Beach crop

Members can also get their membership cards stamped at the Motorhome & Caravan Show at the NEC Birmingham (15 to 20 October 2013) or the Spring Caravan & Camping Show at the NEC Birmingham (18 to 23 February 2014).


It is important that each member, and their second member, who wish to get the Age Concession show their stamped card whenever they stay on a Club Site to enable them both to claim the reduced rate.


Here's the full text, now maybe i'm odd (no comments please :D ), but for the last two years I have to get my card stamped, So if this continues I will not be able to get age concession after my present card expires.

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colin - 2013-10-16 9:07 PM


Remember that from 1 January 2014, the Club’s Age Concession eligibility will return to 60 years of age.



Here's the full text, now maybe i'm odd (no comments please :D ), but for the last two years I have to get my card stamped, So if this continues I will not be able to get age concession after my present card expires.



What's this about getting a card stamped for the last two years ??


My " Age concession " is already printed on the card when I get it each year.



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1footinthegrave - 2013-10-16 9:02 PM


Some of these folk who go around in 80k worth of kit and they can't afford the same cost as everyone else, my heart bleeds for them.



But a lot of people in the C&CC use tents which cost a lot less than that.




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malc d - 2013-10-16 9:13 PM


colin - 2013-10-16 9:07 PM


Remember that from 1 January 2014, the Club’s Age Concession eligibility will return to 60 years of age.



Here's the full text, now maybe i'm odd (no comments please :D ), but for the last two years I have to get my card stamped, So if this continues I will not be able to get age concession after my present card expires.



What's this about getting a card stamped for the last two years ??


My " Age concession " is already printed on the card when I get it each year.




Mine hasn't been, I get told it should, but it still doesn't happen.

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....my suspicion is that the wording applies to those people whose cards currently do not carry the "age concession" wording, and will be at least 55 by 21st July 2014.


From my experience, it was always the practice to get the (existing, non-endorsed) card stamped on first use after age 55. The stamping was recorded and notified to head office, and subsequent cards were issued with the concession recorded (printed) on them (at least mine have been).


If you get a card stamped/endorsed before July 2014, I would expect subsequent cards on renewal to be issued with the endorsement.


I may, of course, be wrong. ;-)

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1footinthegrave - 2013-10-16 9:02 PM


Some of these folk who go around in 80k worth of kit and they can't afford the same cost as everyone else, my heart bleeds for them.


Careful ...... you are turning into the character in your Avatar. :D :D

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Guest 1footinthegrave

You may be correct, but I always cringe when I see things like OAP specials,free bus passes, senior citizen railcards, and age concession CCC fees, and trust me I'm far from well healed, but I simply cannot see the justification in age concessions, especially when some less well of than me end up effectively paying for those concessions. :-S


Still my winter fuel payment will get me a tyre, I can afford my fuel bills otherwise I wouldn't be able to afford this lark. ;-) like everyone else on here can getting their CCC concessions.

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