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Does anyone find anything 'offensive' about Roy Hodgson's joke that allegedly 'upset' some England footballers or we yet again pandering to those who are always looking for an excuse to be 'offended'??



A bored astronaut, tired of the monkey being given all the tasks by mission control, asks, "When do I get to do something", and was told, "In 15 minutes - feed the monkey".



Or are they just not bright enough to grasp either the joke or the context in which it was said?




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Never watch football - cricket - rugby - boxing - some motor racing - some snooker - some horse racing. After you've been a player and a rider its never so interesting.


There's so much media interference to make a story and I refuse to be a party to it all and I have no interest in what Roy says. I don't know what that qualifies me as?

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Guest pelmetman
capcloser - 2013-10-17 7:16 PM


Try watching ON BENEFITS AND PROUD on telly if you really want to be offended! On a different note here at work we have all had diversity training,turns out that you cant even call someone lazy in case you offend them!


How about idle b*****d, is that allowed? :D.................I'd tell the diversity bloke to get stuffed to ;-)............


Have I got the job? :-D

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I don't and have never got this offended bit, I was recently told its offensive to point your finger if having a discussion that becomes a bit heated, I say B*ollock* to all that PC crap, if someone's offended if I ever point my finger, so that they are not offended I'll make sure it's somewhere they cant see it, but certainly feel it.
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Try working at a factory with 600 plus employees,lucky to get through a day without offending somebody! Obviously i dont work with all of them,but i am the trainer in my department and like all the trainers i had to do a course on how to talk to people without offending them,one guy said that i kept shouting at him but i work in a noisy area where ear defenders are required by law so you have to shout to be heard! I dont get this offended by everything attitude eithet
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